Thursday, 27 August 2009

Do you get Fox?  If you missed any of these Glenn Beck segments....
 thanks skipper

 MUST LISTEN - FW: Glenn Beck Says "Diversity Czar" at the FCC May be Path to Silencing Dissent in America / Rush Limbaugh Tells Glenn Beck Obama Will Fail in Silencing Dissent in America

If you want to understand what is really happening to curb our freedoms. . . take the few minutes to listen to these segments of Glenn Beck. . .  links below.


Beck also warns of the “event” – which I have spoken about – a “Reichstag Fire” incident which will give justification for President Obama to envoke his “hero” Abraham Lincoln and proclaim to the US “I must, as Lincoln did, suspend habeas corpus” and envoke “emergency powers.” It will be a QUICK slippy descent into authoritarian rule after that. Be aware, and SPEAK UP – especially to your members of Congress. Restore “checks and balances” – remember 2010 is just around the corner!



This week all five Glenn Beck Shows in full "The New Republic , Americas Future".
They will be live on the site about
7PM nightly.  They will stay on the site until the 9/12 March.



Glenn Beck Says "Diversity Czar" at the FCC May be Path to Silencing Dissent in America - Video 8/26/09


Here is video of Glenn Beck today in his opening segment saying Freedom of Speech is under attack in America today. He focuses in the second half of the video on the new "Diversity Czar" at the FCC. Beck believes that is how the Left intends to silence dissent to their agenda in America.



Rush Limbaugh Tells Glenn Beck Obama Will Fail in Silencing Dissent in America - Video 8/26/09

Part 1

Part 2

Here is video of Glenn Beck talking to Rush Limbaugh today,where Rush said the whole Obama Administration is as "radical" and "far left" as any the country has every seen.

Rush Limbaugh talked about Obama's new "Diversity Czar" at the FCC and the intent they have to silence dissent in
America. He believes Obama will seek to use this avenue to shut down Talk Radio, although he does not believe their attempt will work.



Glenn Beck Calls Obama's Plan to Turn 9/11 into a "National Day of Service" the "Rape of a Sacred Memory" - Audio 8/26/09


Here is audio of Glenn Beck on the radio today saying President Obama's plan to turn September 11 into a "National Day of Service" is the "rape of a sacred memory." Beck was talking about Obama's plan which is detailed in
an American Spectator article which says Democrats hate 9/11 patriotic observances because they believe it favors the Republican Party. Therefore, an attempt is underway to shift the emphasis of September 11 away from patriotic fervor and replace it with a "National Day of Service."