Thursday, 27 August 2009

In the Sep/Oct Issue:

Brzezinski on NATO, Climate Countdown, and More

Dear Reader,

Zbigniew Brzezinski is the kind of elder statesman whose wisdom through experience is so valuable. In his first major article for Foreign Affairs in nearly a decade, Brzezinski takes a wide angle lens to the role of NATO, which was so vital during the years when he advised the Carter, Reagan, and Bush administrations. 

When NATO celebrated its 60th anniversary in April, some critics dismissed the organization as a Cold War relic. 

But Brzezinski begs to differ. 

In the Sep/Oct 2009 issue of Foreign Affairs, he argues that NATO could once again play a crucial role in global politics, and he sets out a new agenda which would make the alliance a hub of regional cooperative-security undertakings.

To read this article and the rest of the Sep/Oct issue, subscribe today for one year of Foreign Affairs at only $19.95, a savings of 67% off the cover price.

Is the global response to climate change too little, too late? Four experts weigh in on the topic.

Speaking directly to the negotiators at the Copenhagen conference this December, CFR Fellow Michael A. Levi recommends that more success will be found pursuing incremental steps and bolstering existing policies rather than making sweeping changes. 

Another strategy outside of international cooperation is a market-oriented solution like the cap-and-trade system, which Joel Kurtzman argues offers the best hope for reducing pollution and encouraging the development of green technology. 

And Jessica Seddon Wallack and Veerabhadran Ramanathan shed light on the dangers of "black carbon" – and how easily and cheaply it can be controlled.

The scope of the economic crisis has left some people to believe that its damage to U.S. hegemony is irreversible. 

However, Josef Joffe argues that economic and military strength will ensure the U.S. remains a global superpower. 

In addition, Barry Eichengreen declares the dominance of the dollar in international currency reserves, despite competition from the pound, the euro, and the renminbi.

Also in this issue are articles on the fluctuating cost of oil, postwar reconstruction in Bosnia, and book reviews on recent releases on international relations.

As a subscriber, you will also get exclusive access to all the content at This includes more than 50 years of online archives, special Web-only features like Reading Lists and Roundtables, and participation in our online author and reader discussions.

So subscribe today for only $19.95 and save 67% off the cover price. Your annual subscription includes six issues – that's more than 1,000 pages – delivered to your home or office, exclusive Web content, and more.

James F. Hoge Jr.
Editor, Foreign Affairs

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