Sunday, 30 August 2009

Event, Abortion, Bioethics, Education, End of Life, Family, Islam, Religious Liberties, Sexual Orientation, Social


You are warmly invited to a supporter-organised gospel music concert

The Heritage Hotel, Macklin Street, Derby, DE1 1LF.
Friday 18th September 2009 (from 7pm). Tickets £20. Proceeds to be donated to CCFON.

For tickets (please send cheque payable to CCFON Ltd) please write to:
9 Celandine Close, Oakwood, Derby, DE21 2DN.


NCRegister: Abstinence Education = Fewer Abortions

Associated Press: US Judge: SD doctors must say abortion ends life

Alliance Defense Fund: Federal court: Abortion ends human life, but not all humans are persons

CNA: Gynecologists in Spain plan to choose jail before performing an abortion.


BBC News: Cancer hope over stem cell drug

Wellcome Trust: Discovery reveals more about stem cells' immortality

BBC News: A step closer to 'synthetic life'

BBC News: Genetic advance raises IVF hopes

Science Daily: Switching On The Power Of Stem Cells

Daily Telegraph: US doctor offers British couples chance to choose sex of child

Science Daily: Retina Cells Created From Skin-derived Stem Cells

Daily Mail: Is it time to stop taking the Pill? A new book asks whether the tide of risks has gone too far

Catholic News Agency: Morning-after pill is abortifacient, say experts in Nicaragua


CNS News: U.N. Agency Calls for Teaching Children 5-to-8 Years of Age about Masturbation

 Alliance Defense Fund: European Committee for Social Rights upholds pro-abstinence sex education program

End of Life

Daily Mail: Purge of nurses promised after report reveals shocking cruelty suffered by 1m NHS patients

 BBC News: Basic care 'lacking' in hospitals 

Daily Mail: Doctor who gave lethal doses of painkillers to 12 elderly patients faces being struck off

 Catholic News Agency: Controversy surrounds ‘guilt inducing’ Veterans Affairs booklet on end-of-life issues


Daily Mail: Nurse sacked and accused of abuse... for smacking her son at home

Daily Mail: Committed no crime? You could still lose your job


Parents Smacking Children Debate. BBC prime time show's biased report for 'nearly child abuse' stance


BBC One Show,

25 Aug 09 (5m 32s)


Daily Mail: An overdraft? That'll be £200 at Lloyds TSB (but only £15 if you're a Muslim)

 Times Online Blog: The marital rights of the British Muslim wife 

Premier: Christian leaders accused of not doing enough to prevent Christian persecution

Anglican Mainstream: Government fails Muslim women over marriage rights

Religious Liberties

Daily Telegraph: Christian primary school receptionist sues over religious discrimination

Scotsman: Equality may come at a cost for both public and private sectors

ACLJ: ECLJ to United Nations: Urge Pakistani Government to Prosecute Acts of Violence Against Christians

Christian Today: Orissa: Thousands still homeless one year on

Sexual Orientation

BBC: US Lutherans split over gay clergy

Times: NHS pays £1.5m for sex-change surgeries

Daily Telegraph: Tory logo goes rainbow for gay conference event

Anglican Mainstream: Jackie Bruchi: The Bible As Hate Speech

Irish Catholic: Bishop warns against homosexual 'marriage' move. 21st August 2009


Daily Telegraph: 'Legal high' party drugs to be banned

BBC: Loophole over DVD age rating law

BBC News: How Sunday trading changed the UK

Andrea Minichiello Williams

Christian Concern for our Nation