Sunday, August 30, 2009
china confidential
US Test May Prove 'Green Coal' Feasibility
Click on the video below to learn about America's largest-ever test burn of torrefied wood--as reported here. posted by Confidential Reporter @ 12:25 PM links to this post China's Energy Situation at a Glance
China is the world's most populous country and the second largest energy consumer behind the United States. Rising oil demand and imports have made China a significant factor in world oil markets.
China is the world’s second-largest consumer of oil behind the United States, and the third-largest net importer of oil after the U.S. and Japan.
China’s largest oil fields are mature and production has peaked, leading companies to focus on developing largely untapped reserves in the western interior provinces and offshore fields.
Although natural gas use is increasing in China, it only comprised 3 percent of the country’s total energy consumption in 2006.
China is the largest producer and consumer of coal in the world, and many of China’s large coal reserves have yet to be developed.
China’s electricity generation continues to be dominated by fossil fuel sources, particularly coal. The Chinese government has made the expansion of natural gas-fired power plants a priority.
China commissioned the Three Gorges Dam hydroelectric facility, the largest hydroelectric project in the world, in 2009.
Source: EIAPalestinian Cleric: Jews Have No Tie to Jerusalem
China Confidential has learned that the Islamist leader is considered a "moderate" by the Obama administration. A White House visit could even be in the works.
A diehard fanatic, the cleric once said: "Islam is escalating and cannot be resisted. I pray that Allah may tear apart America just as the Soviet Union was torn apart."
Click below to watch a video of him accusing Israel of exporting AIDS and drug addiction to Palestinian society.Opinion: CIA Being Downgraded, Diminished
Important Obama Official Admires Hugo Chavez
Japan's Opposition Wins Historic Election Victory
The opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) has apparently won a landslide victory in nationwide parliamentary elections, as reported here.
If official results end up reflecting the exit polls, more than half a century of almost unbroken rule by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) will come to an end.
Television networks predict the DPJ will take anywhere from 300 to 321 seats in the 480-seat lower house. The DPJ currently holds 112 seats.
Opinion polls before the elections indicated concerns about the battered economy and rapidly aging population had turned many voters away from the ruling LDP, headed by Prime Minister Taro Aso.
The DPJ already controls the upper house with the support of smaller parties. A win in the lower house puts DPJ leader Yukio Hatoyama on track to be the country's next prime minister.
The LDP has controlled Japan's parliament almost without interruption since 1955.
Will Move Closer to China
Hatoyama has made it clear that under his left of center party, Japan's foreign policy will seek more autonomy from the United States and closer economic cooperation with neighboring China.
The DPJ has also promised to overhaul Japanese politics, redirecting resources away from corporations and toward families in the form of child care support and free education.
Sunday, 30 August 2009
An old technology called torrefaction, or torrefication, may be the Next Big Thing in green energy. A kind of roasting process, torrrefaction can make wood chips and other forms of renewable biomass suitable for blending and co-firing with coal in power plants.
The number two cleric of the Palestinian Arabs--a wannabe turbaned tyrant--claims Jerusalem was never a Jewish city, says Jews have no right to be there, as reported here.
Click here for a must-read opinion article.
The chief diversity officer of the US FCC admires Venezuela's dictator, describes his revolution as "incredible." Click below to watch the video.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 10:09 AM links to this post
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Britannia Radio