In case youi missed it: Was Lockerbie suspect working for US?: Former Labour MP Tam Dalyell and Edinburgh law professor Robert Black urged the Scottish and UK governments to answer reports there is evidence Abu Nidal was a US agent. Insurers admit 50,000 employees lobbying Congress to claim profits fair: A spokesman for America’s Health Insurance Plans, the industry’s trade group, admitted in an article published Monday that as many as 50,000 industry employees are involved in an effort to fight back against aggressive healthcare reform. US May See 150-200 More Bank Failures: Bove: A prominent banking analyst said Sunday that 150 to 200 more U.S. banks will fail in the current banking crisis, and the industry's payments to keep the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp afloat could eat up 25 percent of pretax income in 2010. Double-dip recession likely: Roubini: Nouriel Roubini, the New York University professor who predicted the financial crisis, said the chance of a double-dip recession is
increasing because of risks related to ending global monetary and fiscal stimulus
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
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Britannia Radio