Tuesday, August 25, 2009
china confidential
11 Dead in China Coal Mine Blast
Norway Honoring Memory of Nazi Author
Increasingly anti-Semitic Norway, which is steadily being overrun by Islamists and Muslim gangs, is celebrating the life of a leading, pro-Nazi Norwegian author. Click here for the story.Egyptian Christian Convert Lives in Constant Danger
Monday, August 24, 2009
North Korea Angling for Obama Summit
North Korea wants to sit down with the U.S. envoy, as reportedhere.
China Confidential analysts say that would only be the first step, as far as Pyongyang is concerned. The Stalinist/Kimist regime's real goal is a meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama.Iran Reformer Publishes Prison Rape Account
The testimony is shocking and credible; and the reformist politician vows to publish more accounts. Click here for the story.
China Confidential sources in the Middle East say the Iranian regime is preparing a major crackdown on dissent that could include mass murder of opposition figures.Putin Visits Chechnya Amid Rising Islamist Terror
Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has made an unannounced visit to Chechnya amid concerns over mounting Islamist terrorism in the region.
Russian news agencies, quoting a government statement, said Putin held talks with Chechnya's leader Ramzan Kadyrov.
They reportedly discussed local social discontent, unemployment and possible investment projects.
Last Friday, a double suicide bombing killed four police in the Chechen capital of Grozny.
Earlier this month in neighbouring Ingushetia, 20 people were killed in a bomb attack on the police headquarters.
There have been rising attacks on security forces in predominantly-Muslim regions of Russia's Caucasus, where the pro-Moscow local authorities are battling Islamist insurgents.Senegal Muslims Persecute Gay Teens
Two Senegalese teenagers will stand trial this coming week for allegedly committing homosexual acts. It is the latest in a string of cases targeting gay men and now young boys in Senegal.
Newspapers in Dakar are preoccupied with the onset of the Muslim holiday Ramadan and the final matches of the season for Senegal's most popular sport, traditional wrestling. They have yet to comment on the story of two young men from the religious town of Darou Mousty in northern Senegal. The two 17-year-old boys will stand trial this week for "homosexual acts" in a juvenile court in the region's capital, Louga.
Three other young men from Darou Mousty were arrested with the teenagers in June, but were tried in an adult court in August. Two of the men received five-year sentences and a third, who is younger, was sent to jail for two years. In Senegal, homosexuality is punishable by a maximum of 5 years in jail and fines of up to $3,000.
Siré Ba is a lawyer representing two of the men, including one of the 17-year-olds. He says the men were in a private house when a neighbor walked in. Ba says the young men were not caught in the act of having sex, but rather were involved in what he calls 'questionable' activities.
Anti-Gay Law
Senegalese law requires that people of the same sex be caught in-the-act in order to be convicted. But Ba says the judge's decision in sentencing the men was subjective.
Since February 2008 when a local paper published photos of a gay marriage ceremony, gay men in Senegal have lived in constant fear of harassment, abuse and imprisonment. Some have fled the country and others have been forced to move to different towns or neighborhoods to avoid discrimination and assault.
In December 2008, nine men were arrested in the home of a prominent gay activist and sentenced to eight years in prison for 'unnatural acts' and 'conspiracy'. Senegal's court of appeals overturned the ruling in April 2009.
But violent public backlash provoked by conservative religious leaders has many gay men now fearing for their safety. In May, the grave of Madièye Diallo was repeatedly dug up and dumped outside of the Muslim cemetery where he was buried. Diallo was a gay man whose sexual orientation was well known.
Cary Alan Johnson is executive director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. He says, "We are standing in solidarity with human rights movements in Senegal and with the LGBT community in Senegal which is calling for Senegal to adhere to its commitments--commitments to its own constitution and to the African charter on human rights and its commitment to the UN human rights treaties. All of which say, in one way or another, that discrimination is wrong. Mistreating people simply because of their sexual orientation and gender identity is wrong."
Johnson hopes Senegal's commitment to human rights, to diversity and to the rule of law will prevail in the case of the young men from Darou Mousty.Pakistan Christians in Constant Danger
In Pakistan, months of violence at the hands of Taliban militants has left Christians on edge, humanitarian aid workers fearing for their safety and the Pashtun culture heavily damaged.
Observers say the stage was set for the violence when Pakistan's former dictator Zia ul-Haq, a militant Sunni, forced the "Islamization" of the country, aggressively pushing an intolerant form of Islam in the 1980s.
Years later, the country's citizens are witnessing a violent uptick in the effort as minorities are targeted as infidels and imams call for their killings.
Continue here.China Even Beating US in Solar Power
No wonder the Chinese regard the U.S. as a dying (but still dangerous) hegemon.Saudis Financing Taliban Takeover of Pakistan
Saudi Arabia is behind the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and nuclear-armed Pakistan, according to this expert.Analyst Says West Lacks Will to Resist Islamism
Muslim Immigration Menaces Europe
Illegal immigration is handy because illegal immigrants do the jobs no one else wants to, keeping down inflation and labour costs, so allowing Europeans to work 30 hours a week and retire at 55.
The problem is that soon these new immigrants tire of doing the dirty work and new recruits are needed to keep an ever larger number of retirees and other state dependants in villas.
It is a gigantic Ponzi scheme - play today, pay tomorrow - and Europe is starting to pay now, financially and socially. The integration of Pakistanis, Algerians, Moroccans and Turks into England, France, Holland and Germany has been made a lot harder by the rapid and widespread decline of Christianity.
Read the entire essay here.Schoolgirls in Terrorist-Run Hamastan (AKA Gaza Strip) Now Forced to Wear Barbaric Muslim Garb
US Media Obsessed with Alleged CIA Abuse of Captured Qaeda Killers While Ignoring Islamist Atrocities, Including Child Rape and Murder
Click here for the story about alleged abuse of captured Al Qaeda terrorists, includingthreats of rape and child murder. Liberal (Islamist-leaning) mainstream media outlets are certain to have a field day with all this.
In the meantime, the same outlets continue to ignore actual atrocities that are part of daily life in Islamist Iran and other Muslim-majority countries, including systematic torture and rape of male and female prisoners of all ages, behadings, stonings, lashings, and amputations for running afoul of barbaric Islamic law, and so-called honor killings of women. That a woman in a Muslim-majority country risks being stoned to death for reporting her rape to the police--on the grounds that she had sex with a man other than her husband--is hardly worth reporting, according to the sick standards of today's news organizations. Besides, executives and editors reason, Muslim fanatics are dangerous--no need to needlessly offend them and risk retribution.
The liberal media won't be satisfied until the CIA is dismantled.
IBD editorializes:If you look closely, you can see insidious attempts to weaken Americans' post-9/11 resolve to win against Islamist terrorism, no matter what it cost or how long it took.
Pentagon staff members were informed a mere two months after President Obama's inauguration, for instance, that we were no longer engaged in a "global war on terror"; what America was now waging was an "overseas contingency operation."
Then in April, as the American Spectator's Matthew Vadum pointed out Monday, the president signed a law re-jiggering 9/11 into a "National Day of Service" that will demean the Pearl Harbor Day of the 21st century "into a celebration of ethanol, carbon emission controls, and radical community organizing."
This conditioning us out of the war-on-terror mentality seems to be bipartisan. Former Bush administration Homeland Security Secretary and Republican Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, in a forthcoming book, claims that former Attorney General John Ashcroft and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld pressured him to raise the national terror threat level preceding the 2004 elections.
It's hard enough to swallow that Ridge, a Bronze Star recipient and Vietnam vet with a well-cultivated reputation for toughness, would clam up for five years about a concerted attempt to manipulate him. But it becomes impossible to accept considering Ridge's interview with Pittsburgh's KDKA-TV just a year ago.
In that setting, Ridge affirmed there was "never even a hint" of "pressure to raise the alert level for some reason that had nothing to do with the actual threats out there." If Ridge ever runs for president, as some expect, the tape of that damning interview is certain to come back to haunt him.
If Ridge would have us believe that protecting the homeland is as much about politics as preserving life, current Attorney General Eric Holder apparently wants us to believe it's about criminality.
Continue here.US Senator Wants Major Market Review by SEC
Jonathan Spencer's article is riveting. He reports on a world of dark pools, flashes, and high-frequency trading, where money is minted in milliseconds, and access is key. Unfortunately, the world he describes is beyond the comprehension of most investors; even sophisticated observers of the markets find the new structures and strategies mystifying. The bedrock principle of a level playing field is apparently a thing of the past.
What any of this has to do with capital formation for businesses seeking to grow, expand, and employ American workers is also not clear. Something stinks; and the Obama administration, for all its talk about change and reform, seems to be in bed with the same folks who almost brought the country to its knees under the previous administration.Iran Expanding Show Trial
US Military Confirms China Confidential Analysis of Afghan Nightmare: Not Enough Troops to Win War
Click here for the news, which confirms what China Confidential has been reporting for over a year. Absent more troops and destruction of the cross-border bases of the Taliban, the Islamist enemy will win the war.CIA Employees Likely to be Prosecuted
Click here for the breaking news.More than 200 to Face Trial for Xinjiang Riots
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Is India a Better Bet than China?
Shocking but True: Muslim Men are Allowed to Rape Their Wives in Afghanistan ... and Great Britain
'Stoning' Film Based on True Story
Will the picture be screened in Obama's Islamist-leaning White House?On Obama's Appeasement of Radical Islam
By Lee Jay Walker
The Muslim holy month of Ramadan is set to begin and already President Obama of America is in “manipulation mode” in order to draw America closer to the so-called Muslim world. However, it is clear that Obama’s words are based on Islamic propaganda, however, like so often, coming from the words of a non-Muslim liberal.
Therefore, is it good to have a world leader who speaks on the behalf of another religion and at the same time, repackages it out of all proportion?
In the world of Obama he states that the rituals of Ramadan “remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.” Therefore, what “justice” and “tolerance” is Obama talking about?
After all, Mohammed himself did not believe in the dignity of all human beings, on the contrary, Jews and Pagans were killed and enslaved, and within a short time all faiths would be banned from the lands of Mecca and Medina. The multi-religious nature of Arabia would be shattered and destroyed by both Mohammed and the early Muslim leaders who would then eradicate Christianity from Arabia.
If Muslims want to follow Mohammed and to uphold traditions like the superiority of Muslims in Islamic Sharia codified law; then this is on their conscience. However, unlike Islamic Sharia law which deems non-Muslims to be inferior, or indeed subhuman if you do not belong to the people of the book; modern Western law believes in the equality of law for all citizens, irrespective of race, religion, or gender.
In recent weeks we have seen the usual Islamic tolerance of non-Muslims by radical Sunni Islamists. This applies to burning Christians alive in Pakistan, beheading Christian converts from Islam in Somalia, killing innocent Shia Muslims in Iraq, killing Buddhists in Southern Thailand, beheading Christian pastors in Nigeria, persecuting Coptic Christians in Egypt, and so forth....
Click here to continue reading.Somali Savages Reject Ramadan Ceasefire
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
China has the world's deadliest coal mines. The latest accident has claimed 11 lives. Read about it here.
An Egyptian man and his daughter live like fugitives, on the run and in constant danger, since they converted to Christianity. Click here for their story.
Pray for Pakistan's beleaguered Christians....
China is rising on every front compared to the United States, which no longer seems capable of accomplishing anything of importance. Click here for the solar story.
A respected analyst says the West is doomed to be defeated by rising, radical Islam. Clickhere for his must-read essay.
Headscarves and long dresses must be worn--or else. Click here for the story.
Islamist Iran is expanding its mass show trial of political prisoners. Click here.
The war against the intelligence agency is intensifying, as China Confidential analystspredicted. In a reversal of the Bush administration's decision on the matter, the U.S. Justice Department is recommending reopening nearly a dozen prisoner abuse cases.
Click here to learn why many money managers believe democratic India is a better bet than Communist China.
British soldiers are fighting for this? Click here for the sickening story, another in a steady stream of dispatches about the realities of life in the so-called Muslim world.
The execution ... by stoning ... of an Iranian woman is the subject of a new film. Read the review here.
Somali Islamists have rejected a government call for a Ramadan ceasefire. The pirate-backing, Al Qaeda-associated scum say the Muslim holy month will be a time of "triumph." Click here for the report.
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Britannia Radio