Monday, August 03, 2009
China Confidential
Nuclear Deterrence Policy Urgently Needed
Having given Iran time to develop nuclear weapons, it behooves the Obama administration to abandon appeasement--before it is too late. Instead of crawling to the fascist foe, the President of the United States should enunciate a meaningful deterrence policy, in contrast with the nonsensical "nuclear umbrella" touted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
A meaningful deterrence policy would make clear that if Iran acquires atomic arms, it will be held accountable for any and all atomic attacks of any kind--from dirty bombs to warheads--on the United States, its armed forces, and its allies.
In other words, the President should make it perfectly clear that Iran would immediately be ... obliterated ... if any sort of nuclear device is detonated anywhere on earth not to America's liking. There would be no investigations, no committees, no fact-finding commissions, no hesitation or second-guessing ... only instant, all-out atomic destruction of the Islamist menace.
The policy should also apply to Iran's nuclear-armed ally, North Korea.Sunday, August 02, 2009
Mainland New Issues Hot in Hong Kong
As China Confidential has repeatedly warned, U.S. appeasement of missile-mad, Islamist Iran is making war inevitable--on Iran's terms.
The Islamist regime is ready to make its first nuclear warheads. Click here for the report.
The Obama administration, which gave Iran time to achieve its nuclear arms aims, is scrambling for an alternative to preemptive military action. Click here for the story.
Obama's engagement (appeasement) policy is an utter disaster. The President has put Israel in mortal danger; and it is only a matter of months before Iran can strike the United States. Not for nothing has the turbaned tyranny test-fired ballistic missiles from cargo ships.Chinese Hackers Hit Aussie Film Festival Site
Plague Strikes Town in Northwestern China
US Counting on 'Clunkers' to Revive Economy?
More change you can believe in?
Click here for the story. Imagine if FDR's New Deal had been based on helping dispossessed, oppressed Okies to acquire better jalopies.
Having thus far failed to produce new jobs, create new industries, restore the nation's hollowed-out manufacturing base, the Obama administration apparently is now betting on ... used car trade-ins and rebates ... to revive the U.S. economy.
How pathetic ... and perfidious.Venezuela Still Supporting Columbian Rebels
Yet another setback for the Obama administration's policy of engaging enemies.
Venezuela is still supporting the FARC.
Click here for the story.Liberal Columnist Urges Obama to End Rumors by Releasing Original, Long-Form Birth Certificate
Andrew Sullivan believes President Obama was born in the United States. But Sullivan, an ex-Republican, nevertheless wants Obama to release his original, long-form birth certificate.
Reminding readers that journalist are not in the business of trusting government officials, Sullivan writes:It is not my job as a journalist or yours as a citizen to take public officials on trust. They are not to be trusted, whoever they are. It is our job to demand all the evidence we want or need. I know the electronic record is legit. I have no doubt that Obama has every constitutional right to be president. I think the Birthers are nuts. But there is no reason on earth that the original cannot be retrieved and shown. Jon Klein and CNN were wrong, and I retract my apology of yesterday.
Obama promised total transparency. Where is it? Or will it arrive at the moment when he tackles the deficit, and withdraws from Iraq?
An adoring mainstream media--Chris Matthews comes to mind--has branded "birthers" as racists. But the pundits ignore the fact that Obama has effectively fueled rumors of foreign birth and dual (U.S. and Indonesian) citizenship by refusing to release a whole host of records (as the President himself might put it), including but not limited to the following: his baptism records; his kindergarten and elementary school records; his Occidental College records; his Columbia University records; his Columbia thesis; his Harvard Law School records; his Harvard Law Review articles; his passport; his medical records; and his files from his years as an Illinois state senator.
Similarly, the same mainstream media outlets that made mention of Obama's Muslim middle name, Hussein, a politically incorrect sin during the 2008 Presidential campaign ... only to celebrate his Muslim heritage in connection with his outreach to "the Muslim world" following his election and inauguration ... refuse to acknowledge that he was born a Muslim in accord with Islamic religious law, which traces religion through one's father ... and studied and practiced Islam as a child in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, where his Indonesian stepfather (who may or may not have formally adopted him) registered him to attend school as a Muslim citizen of Indonesia.
Ridiculing and deriding questions about Obama's origins and upbringing only adds to the air of mystery. Fact is, the President's "story" is atypical, to say the least. Full disclosure of all relevant documents would end the controversy for once and all and allow him to focus without distraction on reviving the economy, putting people back to work, dealing with nuclear-armed North Korea, and preventing its Islamist ally, Iran, from also acquiring atomic arms.Obama 'Outreaching' to Groups with Nazi Roots
Incredible as it may seem, America's first African-American President is reaching out to an array of organizations with known Nazi roots and genocidal aims. The groups are Islamist, of course; and they include Sunni Hamas and Shiite Hezbollah, proxies of Islamist Iran.
Like Al Qaeda, which, in contrast with the Taliban that harbored it, is still regarded by the United States as beyond the pale of diplomatic engagement (code for appeasement), the ideological origins of the Islamist groups, regardless of their theological differences, can all be traced to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood--a pan-Islamic, revolutionary movement that worked with Nazi Germany before and during World War II. Muslim Brotherhood representatives are actually being courted by the Obama administration, as shown by the U.S. State Department's invitation to Brotherhood leaders to attend the President's recent address to "the Muslim world" from Cairo University (interpreted as a threat by Egypt's secular political leadership).
The U.S. policy is a throwback to the Eisenhower administration, when Washington covertly backed the Brotherhood against Egypt's Soviet-leaning, pan-Arab president and Third World icon, Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Another antecedent: the catastrophic Carter administration's complicity in the Islamist overthrow of Iran's pro-American, modernizing monarch, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Still another: Carter's secret intervention in Afghanistan on the side of jihadist warlords prior to--and in order to help bring about--a Soviet invasion of the country, a clandestine war that was expanded by the Reagan administration into the largest-ever U.S. operation of its kind.
Hidden History
Long suppressed intelligence files document America's decades-old dance with the Islamist devil and awareness of the Nazi-Islamist connection.
The sordid story starts in 1920, with the founding of the Brotherhood. Hasam Al-Banna who founded the group, was a devout admirer of Adolph Hitler. His letters to the Nazi leader were so supportive that when Hitler came to power in the 1930s he ordered Nazi intelligence make contact with al-Banna to explore the possibility of active cooperation.
The Fuhrer's outreach paid off. Al-Banna established an espionage network for Nazi Germany throughout the Arab world. He associated the Brotherhood with the Nazi party and the Third Reich. Arabs and Germans found common ground on rabid hatred of Jews, authoritarianism, and a desire to defeat the British and drive them from the region.
The political and military alliance blossomed into formal state visits, de facto ambassadors, and overt and covert joint ventures. The Muslim Brotherhood adapted Nazi anti-Semitism, providing Arabic translations of Hitler's Mein Kampf and other Nazi anti-Semitic works, including Der Sturmer hate-cartoons, adapted to portray Jews as demonic enemies of Allah rather than the German volk.
Nazi Funding
The Nazis invested heavily in the Brotherhood--with impressive results. In 1936, the group only had about 800 members, By 1938, its membership had grown to almost 200,000, with 50 branches in Egypt alone. The Brotherhood established mosques, schools, sport clubs, factories and a welfare service network. By the end of the 1930s, the Brotherhood boasted more than a half-million active members, representing more than 2,000 branches across the Arab world. In British mandatory Palestine alone there were eight Brotherhood branches.
With Hitler's support, the Brotherhood developed a network of underground cells, stole weapons, trained fighters, formed secret assassination squads, founded sleeper cells of subversive supporters in the ranks of the army and police, and waited for the order to go public with terrorism, assassinations, and suicide missions.
When World War II broke out, Al-Banna promised Hitler that when Gen. Rommel’s Nazi tank division arrived in Cairo and Alexandria, the Brotherhood would guarantee that all the British troops would be slaughtered.
Al-Banna was by no means the Brotherhood's most active Nazi sympathizer. That distinction goes to Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and one-time President of the supreme Muslim Council of Palestine.
True Believer in Genocide
The Grand Mufti was a true believer in a genocidal war against the Jews. He acted as a bridge for importing Nazi ideology into the Middle East and creating a fascist foundation for the Palestinian national movement that is evident even today. He used his position to preach virulent anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist, and anti-British propaganda.
The Mufti was directly involved in the organization of the 1929 riots in Palestine that destroyed the ancient Jewish community of Hbron. The riots resulted in the massacre of hundreds of Jewish civilians and an end to the Jewish presence in Hebron until the town's liberation by Israeli soldiers in the defensive Six-Day War of June, 1967.
The 1936 Arab revolt against the British was partially funded by Nazi Adolf Eichmann--a deal made by the Mufti, who, with Eichmann's approval, ordered armed Arab militias to massacre Jewish citizens.
When British authorities finally quelled the rebellion in 1939, the Mufti fled to neighboring Iraq and helped to orchestrate a 1941 jihadist insurrection. Again, the British put down the rebellion. The Mufti fled to Nazi Germany, where he met and plotted with Hitler and his henchmen to create a pro-Nazi, pan-Arab government across the entire Middle East.
Based in Berlin
He was well rewarded for his efforts. The Nazis provided the Mufti with luxurious accommodations in Berlin and a monthly stipend in excess of $10,000. In return, he regularly appeared on German radio in order to denounce the Jews as the "most fierce enemies of Muslims," and implored an adoption of the Nazi "final solution" by Arabs.
After the Nazi defeat at El Alamein in 1942, the Mufti broadcast radio messages on Radio Berlin calling for continued Arabic resistance to Allied forces. In time, he came to be known as the "Fuhrer's Mufti" and the "Arab Fuhrer."
In March 1944, the Mufti broadcast a call for a jihad to "kill the Jews wherever you find them."
"This pleases God, history, and religion," he said.
On numerous occasions, the Mufti intervened in the fate of European Jews, most notably blocking Adolph Eichmann's deal with the Red Cross to exchange Jewish children for German POWs.
The Mufti personally recruited Bosnia Muslims for the German Waffen SS, including the Skanderberg Division from Albania and Hanjer Division from Bosnia. The Hanjer (Saber) Division of the Waffen SS was responsible for the murder of over 90 percent of the Yugoslavian Jewish population.
SS leader Heinrich Himmler was so pleased with the Mufti's Muslim Nazis that he established the Dresden-based Mullah Military School for their continued recruitment and training.
After the war, the Mufti fled to Switzerland, was detained and put under house arrest in France, but escaped and was given asylum in Egypt, where he established a terrorist apparatus that was responsible for the assassination of Jordanian King Abdullah in 1951. He was also responsible for bringing Otto Skorzeny, the Nazi commando once labeled by the OSS as "the most dangerous man in Europe," into the employ of the Nasser government.
Encouraged the Holocaust
The British declined to have the Mufti arrested and tried as a war criminal out of fear of antagonizing a hero of Arab and Muslim extremism. He died in Beirut, Lebanon in 1974.
Testimony presented at the Nuremberg trials accused the Mufti of not only having knowledge about the Holocaust but of also actively encouraging the initiation of extermination programs against European Jews.
Eichmann's deputy Dieter Wisliceny (who was subsequently executed) testified at his 1946 war crimes trial: "The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of this plan... He was one of Eichmann’s best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures. I heard him say, accompanied by Eichmann, he had visited incognito the gas chambers of Auschwitz."
The Mufti remains a revered figure throughout "the Muslim World."
Islamist Holocuast denial--from Iran to Saudi Arabia--is in part an attempt to whitewash the Mufti's role in the genocide.Dan Brown's New Novel is the Talk of Washington
A new political thriller, set in Washington, DC, is the talk of the capital. The book is certain to boost DC tourism--the city's monuments are crucial to the story line--while spurring interest in hoary conspiracy theories that suddenly seem to fit the zeitgeist.
Dan Brown’s new novel, the eagerly awaited follow-up to his #1 international phenomenon, The Da Vinci Code, which was the bestselling hardcover adult novel of all time with 81 million copies in print worldwide, will be published in the U.S. and Canada by Doubleday on September 15, 2009.
The Lost Symbol will have a first printing of 5 million copies, and it will once again feature Dan Brown’s unforgettable protagonist, Robert Langdon.
Brown’s longtime editor, Jason Kaufman, vice president and executive editor at Doubleday says, "Nothing ever is as it first appears in a Dan Brown novel. This book’s narrative takes place in a twelve-hour period, and from the first page, Dan’s readers will feel the thrill of discovery as they follow Robert Langdon through a masterful and unexpected new landscape. The Lost Symbol is full of surprises."
“This novel has been a strange and wonderful journey,” says Brown. “Weaving five years of research into the story’s 12-hour timeframe was an exhilarating challenge. Robert Langdon’s life clearly moves a lot faster than mine.”Iranian Fascists Accuse Opposition of 'Treason'
Monday, 3 August 2009
Chinese IPO fever is back. Click here for the story.
Read about it here. The cyber-terrorists are based in China.
Two dead from pneumonic plague. Click here for the story.
The openly fascist wing of the Iranian regime is accusing the opposition of "treason" and conspiring to bring about a "velvet revolution." Click here for the new developments, which illustrate the irreparable rift within the ranks of Iran's political elite.
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Britannia Radio