More Evidence Revealing the Intentional Collusion to Create a Swine Flu Pandemic
The Vitalis News article offers more evidence that Novartis Pharmaceuticals of Basel, Switzerland conspired with corrupt 'scientists' at the U.S. Army Institute of Pathology in Ft. Detrick, Maryland -- the same place the deadly anthrax was obtained from right after the attacks of 9/11 -- to create a weaponized strain of influenza by reverse engineering the deadly strain that was intentionally unleashed on unsuspecting populations in March and April to intentionally create demand for the deadly vaccine being produced by Novartis. Ft. Detrick is home to thousands of deadly pathogens.
Monday, 3 August 2009
Bill Lindner
July 30, 2009
A recent report from Vitalis News offers yet more evidence showing that Novartis Pharmaceutical, in collusion with several government entities including the U.S., conspired to commit mass murder and worldwide genocide for no other reason than to turn big profits -- the billions of dollars being received by worldwide government contracts.
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Britannia Radio