Monday, August 17, 2009
China Confidential
Sign of Defeat: Afghans Debate Talking with Taliban

It's America's fault. Instead of declaring war on Afghanistan after 9/11--and annihilating the Taliban and Al Qaeda--the Bush administration took too long to do too little, relying on notoriously unreliable Afghan warlords for most of the fighting. The duplicitous, Afghan garbage allowed America's worst enemies to escape into neighboring Pakistan--which practically created the Taliban and for many years cooperated closely with Al Qaeda.
Cargo Ship Found, Crew Safe, but Mystery Remains
Only Solution to Piracy Problem is a Military One

Arnaud de Borchgrave's essay on piracy is must reading. An excerpt:
The only real solution to end piracy is a military one, a lesson that was learned in the 18th and 19th centuries but evidently forgotten in the 21st. America's NATO allies have sent their best troops to Afghanistan, where most of them are only allowed to fire in self-defense. The very idea of attacking pirates on the high seas sends European parliaments into conniption fits.
Click here to read the article.
Click here for information about an upcoming international conference on piracy and ship security.
Conference, shmomference. UPI's editor at large got it right in the above-referenced piece: there is only a military solution.