Sunday, 13 September 2009

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.


The toxic by-products of eco-politics

The ban on the sale of 100 watt and frosted bulbs may save tons of CO2 each year, but it is a drop in the ocean when it comes to saving the planet, writes Christopher Booker.

12 Sep 2009

How we help to arm the Taliban

Getty British Marines How we hwlp to arm the Taliban

British and other Western taxpayers are helping to fund the Taliban, writesChristopher Booker

12 Sep 2009

New 'hockey stick' graph on climate change under fire

The US National Academy of Sciences claims 'hockey stick' graph on climate change is flawed, writes Christopher Booker.

12 Sep 2009

US dishonours its promise to Iranian refugees

Why are world leaders ignoring the fate of exiles belonging to the People’s Mujahideen of Iran, asks Christopher Booker.

05 Sep 2009

Defra confirms its bulb 'ban' is not legal

Low-energy light bulbs are widely detested and their energy savings and benefits vastly overstated, says Christopher Booker.

05 Sep 2009

Arctic ice proves to be slippery stuff

The extent of the sea-ice is now half a million square kilometres more than it was this time last year, says Christopher Booker.

05 Sep 2009

The City shrinks without Lord Turner's help

Before Lord Turner moves to close down the City altogether, he might note that the Government and Brussels are making a pretty good job of it without his help, says Christopher Booker.

29 Aug 2009

Defra lacks power to ban our bulbs

How are shops supposed to decide whether a customer intends a 100W bulb for use in a 'household', wondersChristopher Booker.

29 Aug 2009

Deportations under EU warrants likely to treble

Fair Trials International keeps an ever-growing dossier of cases where the deportation system seems to make a mockery of all our traditional ideas of justice, says Christopher Booker.

22 Aug 2009

'Secret agenda to score adoptions'

A judge has condemned the "disgraceful" conduct of social workers over an adoption case, saysChristopher Booker.

22 Aug 2009

EU directives will close down most of Britain's aluminium industry

More than 1,000 British jobs will be lost to Brussels regulations, writesChristopher Booker.

15 Aug 2009

Train travellers are bombarded with announcements because of the EU

Tory MP David Willetts last week for protesting at the incessant barrage of announcements to which passengers are now subjected. But there's little the Government can do about it, says Christopher Booker.

15 Aug 2009

Yes, minister: for 'food security' we will need farmers

Hilary Benn has produced a dismal little pamphlet which shows how little he understands of the problems which could destroy our farmers, saysChristopher Booker.

15 Aug 2009


MoD man sues ministry for making him tell lies

How long will the MoD continue to put its press officers at risk of post-traumatic stress disorder in order to cover up defend the morally indefensible, asks Christopher Booker.

08 Aug 2009

British law no longer protects us

Andrew Symeou, with his sister Sophie (left) and mother Helen, outside Westminster Magistrates Court last year

Andrew Symeou was deported to Greece, where he was not allowed bail because he is not domiciled there, saysChristopher Booker.

08 Aug 2009

The news from Iraq: all quiet on the northern front

Last week Iraqi government forces stormed a refugee camp, bulldozing buildings, shooting and beating the inhabitants with nailed clubs and axes, leaving at least 12 dead and 400 injured, saysChristopher Booker.

01 Aug 2009

Weather records are a state secret

Sir John Houghton, former head of the Met Office, edited the first three IPCC reports between 1990 and 2001

The IPCC's computer models have proved just as wrong in predicting global temperatures as the Met Office has been in forecasting those mild winters and heatwave summers, says Christopher Booker.

01 Aug 2009

Secret vote keeps EU whistleblower from office

Marta Andreasen's real crime was that she had found the EU's accounting system so chaotic and open to fraud that she put forward proposals for it to be completely reformed, says Christopher Booker.

25 Jul 2009

Global cooling hits Al Gore's home

Al Gore

Nashville, the home of leading global warming prophet Al Gore, has enjoyed the coolest July 21 on record, observesChristopher Booker.

25 Jul 2009

'Evil destruction' of a happy family

A system involving social workers, police and courts took a child away from loving parents for no apparent reason, writes Christopher Booker.

18 Jul 2009

How can wind turbines generate so much lunacy?

To meet our peak demand of 56 gigawatts of electricity would require 112,000 turbines covering 11,000 square miles, or an eighth of Britain's entire land area, says Christopher Booker.

18 Jul 2009

Soldiers die, but the women's Ferris wheel turns on

Why are we investing in bizarre projects to promote equality in Afghanistam while our soldiers are dying, wonders Christopher Booker.

11 Jul 2009

The sun and the oceans do not lie


Even a compromised agreement to reduce emissions could devastate the economy - and all for a theory shot full of holes, saysChristopher Booker.

11 Jul 2009

Latest troop deaths were preventable

Lieutenant Colonel Rupert Thorneloe

It is shocking that the MoD did not ensure that British soldiers were properly protected from roadside bombs, saysChristopher Booker.

04 Jul 2009

Is the state guilty of child kidnap?

Social workers are still too keen to split up families, says Christopher Booker.

04 Jul 2009