These months of 2009 will be remembered as the time when, brought to a head by the corrupt shambles of President Karzai's bid for re-election, faith in the West's eight-year-long intervention in Afghanistan finally fell apart. The increasingly obvious futility of our military presence, having so far cost 213 British lives and those of more than a thousand soldiers in all, is one thing. But another shocking element, coming to light from various sources, is the extent to which the confederation of insurgent groups we call the Taliban are actually deriving an ever larger part of their income from Western taxpayers, through a maze of criminal rackets. Not only are we in large part paying for the Taliban to kill our troops, our aid programme even supplies most of the explosives used to kill them. A little vignette of this system is the sad story of the Kajaki dam in northern Helmand. A year ago the Ministry of Defence was crowing over the success of British troops in ensuring the safe delivery of a new US turbine to this Russian-built hydro-electric power station. More than 2,000 troops were involved in the operation, and we still guard the plant as it generates its pitifully small amount of electricity (16 megawatts). But the power lines and sub-stations which feed it to several towns are controlled by the Taliban, who then charge money to customers for allowing the juice to reach them. A far larger source of Taliban income, however, are the protection rackets by which they siphon off a significant part of the billions of dollars we and other Western countries pour into Afghanistan to keep troops supplied and to provide new infrastructure, such as schools and roads, under a multiplicity of aid programmes. Much of the thousands of tons of supplies needed each month by our forces, for instance, is trucked up from Pakistan by private firms contracted to the MoD. But the price we pay is inflated by as much as 20 per cent to include protection money paid by contractors to the Taliban to ensure that convoys are not attacked en route. A recent article in Time magazine, "How crime pays for the growing insurgency", explained how the $70 million the Taliban is estimated to make each year from the poppy trade is now only part of the story. It quoted Major-General Michael Flynn, a senior intelligence officer with Nato's International Security Assistance Force, saying there is now "more money going into the pockets of local leaders (of the insurgency) from criminal activities than there is from narcotics". Time reported how in July four US soldiers were killed by an improvised explosive device (IED) near a German-funded road project, after a local businessman had paid the Taliban $15,000 from German taxpayers to ensure that his own roadbuilding equipment was not attacked. In the same month US Marines captured a vast cache of IEDs made from agricultural ammonium nitrate fertiliser in 25 kilogram bags indistinguishable from the thousands of tons of fertiliser supplied to Afghanistan under Western aid programmes. It has long been obvious that many of the roadside bombs used to kill British and other Western troops are made from fertiliser paid for by UK and other Western taxpayers. In its forlorn attempts to justify our presence in Afghanistan, the Government makes much of the fact that opium production has recently declined, while that of wheat has risen. But this is because high wheat prices have made it necessary for local farmers to grow the wheat they need to eat. Our response is to shower them with free wheat seed, with the result that wheat prices will drop, allowing them to switch back to more profitable poppies, while the Taliban continue to levy "taxes" on whatever crop they grow. In retrospect, nothing will seem odder about the West's doomed intervention in Afghanistan than the scores of ways we unwittingly found to subsidise the efforts of so many Afghans to chuck those well-intentioned foreigners out of their country,How we help to arm the Taliban
British and other Western taxpayers are helping to fund the Taliban, writes Christopher Booker.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
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Britannia Radio