Maryland Governor Calls Getting Seasonal Flu Shots a 'Patriotic Duty' 'Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) on Wednesday said it was residents' "patriotic duty" to get seasonal flu shots in coming weeks to make it easier for health officials to determine if outbreaks are related to H1N1, or swine flu.' Rothschilds to Advise on Irish Banking Rejig 'The Irish government has appointed investment bank Rothschild to advise on the restructuring of the country's banking sector, a source close to the firm said on Tuesday. "We will advise the Department of Finance on how to shape the banking system going forward, including the establishment of the National Asset Management Agency and any possible consolidation in the sector," the source said.' Sentenced to Death on the NHS 'Patients with terminal illnesses are being made to die prematurely under an NHS scheme to help end their lives, leading doctors have warned.' Massachusetts Senate Passes Draconian Flu Pandemic Bill 'S. 2028 will be used as a template for legislation in other states. The bill imposes a virtual police state and martial law on Massachusetts at the behest of the governor in the event of a flu pandemic this autumn. It gives the state health commissioner, law enforcement, and medical personnel wide authority to mobilize forces, vaccinate the population, enter private property with no warrants, and even quarantine people against their will in violation of the Constitution. The bill allows the state to enter property without a search warrant and destroy the property without a court order. It would force in-state health care providers to assist in the performance of vaccination.' Circumcision for All; Free Choice for None 'I was shocked, surprised, and flabbergasted to hear it. I’m sure that you'll never believe it, either. The federal government is – get this, readers – butting into your most personal and private business. OK, you’ve caught me in a rare moment of sarcasm. Maybe I wasn't really that surprised. After all, government bureaucrats attempt to control what types of substances you put into your body, what kind of work you do with your body, and even how you can legally dispose of your body after death; it makes perfect sense that they would also scramble for power over what parts of your body should remain attached. Yes, that’s right. The CDC is now considering a campaign for universal circumcision in the US.'
Thursday, 3 September 2009
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Britannia Radio