Wednesday, September 02, 2009
china confidential
Iran Claims Second Obama Letter
Gold Gains, Dollar Drops
Obama Ordered New US Ambassador to China to Focus on Energy and Manmade Climate Change
Coming Soon to DVD: Inside the Revolution
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 8:58 PM links to this post
Giant Oil Discovery in Gulf of Mexico
More proof--here--that the world is running into oil. It's the wrong kind of oil, of course, meaning, more expensive to extract and, in the cast of heavy crude, more expensive to refine, too. Point is, peak oil is baloney. The energy behemoths (and OPEC) know this, pay lip service to green energy (and global warming) for purely political and public relations reasons.
Thursday, 3 September 2009
The outlook is bright. Read all about it here.
Forget North Korea, Iran, balance of trade, China's opaque military buildup, and human rights. It's all about climate change, according to Obama. Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio