The Arctic Sea: Just one of an armada within the global proliferation of nuclear technology “I can’t say anything about the roots of this story and I don’t plan to dig further… I need to think about my own skin too. Understand that as you will.” –Mikhail Voitenko, editor of the Russian maritime Bulletin Sovfrakht., speaking about the “hijacking” of the Arctic Sea By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director, & Sean Osborne, Military Affairs Specialist 24 August 2009: While it might seem like an unusual morphing of the movies Inside Man and The Hunt for Red October, the account of the cargo ship Arctic Sea is far stranger than either fictional account. Based on information developed through our extensive investigation, we can authoritatively state, without hyperbole, that the mysteries surrounding the MV Arctic Sea are as deep as the Atlantic waters where it navigated and its “alleged” secret cargo as potentially dangerous to an unsuspecting, distracted populace as the coastal rip tides produced by a late summer hurricane. The Arctic Sea: What REALLY happened? Three full hours with your host, Doug Hagmann from 6-9 PM ET. 13 August 2009: Douglas J. Hagmann, director of the Northeast Intelligence Network will be on Coast to Coast AM with George Noorytonight for the first hour (1:00-2:00 AM ET, 10:00-11:00 PT), discussing various security issues from airline restrictions to bin Laden. Do you know what is being taught at your local mosque? 7 August 2009: The first of a series of investigative reports published by the Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press this week will be the topic tonight on the nationnally syndicated Roth Show today at 6:00 PM ET, 3:00 PM PT. We will be bringing listenersexclusive information - not contained in the article or available anywhere else during today’s special, three-hour broadcast. This is a program you cannot afford to miss. We will be taking your calls toll free at 1-877-999-ROTH (7684). Tune in to an IRN-USA Radio station near you, or click here to listen online. The Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press are in possession of extremely sensitive investigative documents, including a stunning written admission by a nationally known talk show host stating that he was threatened with his career - or worse - should he talk about the issue of Barack Hussein Obama’s birth records. Where is Osama bin Laden? Europe will fall first, then the US…NORTHEAST INTELLIGENCE NETWORK
0SEPTEMBER 04, 2009
Is Russia setting the stage for a nuclear apocolypse? [Part II]
1AUGUST 24, 2009
Is Russia setting the stage for a nuclear apocalypse?
0AUGUST 18, 2009
Ship & crew reportedly recovered but questions remain
0AUGUST 14, 2009
Tonight on The Roth Show
Listen online - your calls toll-free at 1-877-999-76840AUGUST 13, 2009
Hagmann on Coast to Coast AM Tonight - first hour
0AUGUST 11, 2009
A glimpse into the Islamic mindset
0AUGUST 07, 2009
Investigative Disclosure
0AUGUST 04, 2009
Threats, media manipulation on Obama eligibility - We have proof
0AUGUST 04, 2009
al Qaeda “ultimatum”
0JULY 25, 2009
Islamic takeover through open door policy