Saturday, September 05, 2009
china confidential
Obama Green Jobs Czar Believes Bush Behind 9/11
Teenage Muslim American Convert to Christianity Fears Fanatic Parents and Their Jihadist Mosque
There is growing concern for the safety of a teenage, Muslim American convert to Christianity, Rifqa Bary. The 17-year-old fled her family in Ohio out of fear that, in accordance with barbaric Islamic law, her family would kill her as punishment for leaving the Islamic faith.
Her family's mosque, the Noor Islamic Cultural Center, has been associated with jihadist ideology since its inception.
Bary fled to Florida, where her attorneys are trying to prevent state authorities from sending her back to her family.Friday, September 04, 2009
Anti-US Bolivia Could Control Electric Car Industry
Bolivia has about 50 percent of the world’s lithium deposits and now plans to produce its own batteries by 2016.
Lithium-ion batteries are essential for both full electric vehicles, such as the upcoming 2012 Nissan Leaf, and plug-ins, such as the 2011 Chevrolet Volt.
Bolivia, Cuba, and Venezuela are considered the most anti-American countries in Latin America. Hatred of the United States and capitalism is a kind of religion in these countries, as the lecturer in the video below explains. China Confidential analysts add that there are several Islamist organizations and centers in Bolivia; and Hezbollah terrorists and agents said to be present in the country. Iran Cleric: Time to Export Revolution
An important, Iranian Islamo-Nazi says it is time for his country's leaders to set aside their differences and export revolution. Click here for the story.
The turbaned terrorist's remarks reflect an awareness among the atomic ayatollahs and missile-mad mullahs that iran is on the brink of becoming a nuclear power ... thanks, in part, to the Obama administration's appeasement policy.
As China Confidential predicted, the election of President Barack Obama guaranteed that Tehran would have time to achieve its atomic aims.Islamist-leaning AP Ignores Appeal from US Defense Chief Not to Publish Picture of Dying Marine
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has sharply criticized the US news agency the Associated Press (AP) for distributing a photograph of a mortally wounded Marine in Afghanistan.
Gates, in a letter Thursday to AP president Thomas Curley, described as "appalling" the news agency's decision to distribute the graphic picture of Lance Corporal Joshua Bernard to its clients.
Gates noted that the decision to transmit the photo was made "over the objection of Lance Corporal Bernard's grieving father" and he asked the AP "in the strongest of terms to reconsider."
"Why your organization would purposefully defy the family's wishes knowing full well that it will lead to yet more anguish is beyond me," the Pentagon chief wrote.
"Your lack of compassion and common sense in choosing to put this image of their maimed and stricken child on the front page of multiple American newspapers is appalling," Gates said.
"The issue here is not law, policy or constitutional right -- but judgment and common decency."
Continue here.
AP is ruled by an Islamist-leaning clique. The once-great news service is bent on demoralizing the American people and discrediting the war against Islamism.At Least 5 Dead in New Xinjiang Protests
At least five people died in protests this week in China’s restive province of Xinjiang.
Tens of thousands of Han Chinese took to the streets of the capiptal Urumqi and other towns, demanding more protection from ethnic Uighur gangs. The Han say the authorities were slow to react to Uighur protests in July when nearly 200 people, mostly Han Chinese, died.
It is not known if the latest victims are Han or Uighur. Tensions are threatening to boil over in a region far from Beijing.
The Han also report being attacked with syringes--a serious concern as Xinjiang has China’s highest rate of HIV.
The government has also banned all unlicensed marches and demonstrations.Iran Accuses US of Forging Nuke Documents
Appeasement fans the flames of aggression. Click here. Iran has accused the United States of using forged documents to make a case against the turbaned tyranny's nuclear program.
History has shown that appeasement of a rising power pursing an imperialist foreign policy not only fails to prevent war; appeasement makes war inevitable--on the aggressor's terms.
China Confidential analysts predict that Iran will continue to stall and play with words in order to play for time to cross the nuclear threshold. It intends to mass-produce nuclear bombs and warheads for use against Israel and the U.S.
Not for nothing have Iran and North Korea developed and tested launching systems for firing ballistic missiles from cargo ships.Iraq War Destroyed Christian Community, Installed Sunni-Suppressing Shiite Satellite of Islamist Iran
Yet another horror story--here--from the hell-hole called Iraq.
The unnecessary invasion of Iraq--a contained secular enemy with no weapons of mass destruction and no meaningful Islamist or Al Qaeda connections--was meant to launch a domino-like, democratic transformation of the Middle East. Instead, the unnecessary invasion and conquest of Iraq installed a Shiite satellite of nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran ... and paved the way for the election of an Islamist-leaning appeaser, Barack Obama, as President of the United States.
The strategic blunder discredited the entire war on Islamism, or radical Islam--stupidly misnamed the War on Terror, as if a tactic could be an enemy--demoralized the American people, and drained the U.S. financially, to the point, perhaps, of contributing significantly to the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.BP Admits 'Concern' in Libyan Prisoner Deal
It's all about oil.
Saturday, 5 September 2009
An important Obama official signed a "truth" statement that accused the Bush administration of deliberately allowing Al Qaeda to attack the United States on 9/11. Clickhere.
One of Latin America's most intensely anti-American countries is poised to control future battery supply for electric vehicles.
AFP reports:
The energy behemoth admits it expressed concern about the slow progress of a Libyan prisoner release deal but denies specific role in freeing the Pan Am bomber. Click here.
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