Wednesday 14 October 2009

Blair is a War Criminal, Bereaved Parents Tell Inquiry

'Tony Blair should be charged with war crimes for ordering British troops to invade Iraq, families of servicemen killed in the conflict told the official inquiry into the campaign yesterday. The former senior civil servant heading the inquiry and his panel were confronted by an angry group after inviting bereaved relatives to give their views. They were unanimous in condemning the war as illegal.'


David Icke on Alex Jones TV: 'Last Days of The NWO'

See parts two to six here...

Secrets of The Shining

'It should be understood from the beginning that The Shining is Stanley Kubrick's most personal film (outside of, possibly, Eyes Wide Shut). Before we are done here it will be easy to see that Kubrick was only using Stephen King's novel as a launching pad (excuse the pun) to be able to tell a completely different story under the guise of making a film based on a best-selling novel. He did this for a very important reason - mainly to save his life.'


UK Government Tries to Demonise Home Schooling

'Children educated at home are twice as likely to be known by social services and four times more likely as young adults to be out of work, education or training than those who go to school, MPs have been told.

MPs on the cross-party select committee for children, schools and families asked the head of a government inquiry into home education and the schools minister to defend calls for tougher rules on parents who teach their children at home.


Australia: Ban TV For Under-Twos

'The guidelines warn that exposure to television at such an early age can delay language development, affect the ability of a child to concentrate and lead to obesity. The recommendations also suggest that children aged two to five should watch no more than one hour of television a day.'


French Pedophile Leadership

'People in power commonly surround themselves with those who share their ideals and protect their own secrets. French President Nicolas Sarkozy knew of Mitterrand’s child sexual abuse habits when he appointed the criminal to his "rainbow cabinet." The Independent Online reports Sarkozy had read The Bad Life and called Mitterrand’s “sex tourism book 'courageous.’”

Polanski posed for French magazines with young girls and in his book, Mitterrand said he sought “young boys for sex. Despite their public personas as child sex predators Polanski and Mitterrand were lionized by the French elite.'

Read more...below



By Dr. Judith Reisman
October 12, 2009

"All these rituals of the market for youths, the slave market excited me enormously ... the abundance of very attractive and immediately available young boys put me in a state of desire."

French Minister of Culture and Communication (2009), Frédéric Mitterrand’s bestselling autobiography, The Bad Life(2005)

On September 1, 2009 The Art Newspaper announced. “French cultural groups,” were elated. [1] Why? “Frédéric Mitterrand—TV showman, film producer, writer, gay activist and nephew of the last socialist president” was named France’s new Minister for Culture and Communication.

September 27 escaped fugitive Roman Polanski was arrested by Swiss police for possible extradition to the United States for his 1977 rape of a 13-year-old girl. He has been denied bail. The Swiss fear he might, well, flee. Mitterrand said he was "dumbfounded" by the arrest of his friend, adding, he "regrets that a new ordeal is being inflicted on someone who has already experienced so many of them."

On October 7, Mitterrand himself was identified as a homosexual pedophile (a pederast). Minister Mitterrand, had openly boasted of victimizing destitute, young boys in Bangkok. The Culture Minister says he knew, "the sordid details" of the sex trade. While touring Thailand he "got into the habit of paying for boys…..the market for youths, the slave market excited me enormously ... the abundance of very attractive and immediately available young boys put me in a state of desire."

People in power commonly surround themselves with those who share their ideals and protect their own secrets. French President Nicolas Sarkozy knew of Mitterrand’s child sexual abuse habits when he appointed the criminal to his "rainbow cabinet." The Independent Online reports Sarkozy had read The Bad Life and called Mitterrand’s “sex tourism book 'courageous.’”

Polanski posed for French magazines with young girls and in his book, Mitterrand said he sought “young boys” for sex. Despite their public personas as child sex predators Polanski and Mitterrand were lionized by the French elite.

After his vocal defense of Polanski, some of the French opposition party demanded Mitterrand’s resignation. One political opponent quoted from the Minister’s autobiography in a TV debate. Even a Socialist party spokesman said it was “shocking” that the Culture Minister was a child sex tourist.


Sarkozy has not called for the arrest of his “courageous” pederast Minister who now says by “young boys” in Asia, he really meant men his age.

Certainly Mitterrand is not the only powerful European government leader who brags about child molesting. Note Daniel Marc Cohn-Bendit, co-president of European Greens–European Free Alliance, [2] of the European Parliament of the European Union. [3]

In 1975, Bendit, a German socialist popular in France, wrote inLe Grand Bazar, "On several occasions certain kids would” show sexual interest in him, detailing his sexual responses. Later, accused of child abuse he said, “what I wrote is unacceptable nowadays.”

The You Tube currently screens an excerpt from a French TV literary show on channel “Antenne 2 (now France 2), April 23, 1982. [4]

Here Cohn-says he and his Green comrades had “very few orgies, lots of drugs, soft drugs, we support those, these little hashish cakes, their fantastic. In fact I ate one tonight! Fantastic!….I work with kids….little kids, Gee, the things they do with me [shaking his hand provocatively and laughing] ….aged 16 months to 2 years…”

He then details his child sexual molestation of children to his fellow French artistes, how we “cuddle….touched….kid’s sexuality….a 5 year old little girl….its eroticomaniac.”

His stoned French TV revelations caused nary a ripple. Naturally, the Greens tried to legalize “eroticomaniac” sex with children in the 1980s. [5]

Meanwhile, British artistes at Tate Modern were just forced to remove a naked photo of a 10-year-old Brooke Sheilds from its pornography “museum” exhibit.

Historically, our ancestors fled the “old world” to create a sexually restrained and thus incredibly productive “Puritan” new world, bound by biblical, Judeo Christian moral imperatives.

Mitterrand, Polansky, Bendit, the Tate Modern and their elitist sheep followers tell us, “you’ve come a long way, baby.” Now, the wisest move surly would be if We The People went backward instead of forward.


1. Positive reactions to new French minister for culture.Frédéric Mitterrand's plans for France revealed.
2. The Greens - Europeran Free Alliance
3. Statutes of the Parliamentary Group. 'The Greens/European Free Alliance in the European Parliament'
4. Daniel Cohn-Bendit
5. Biography: Daniel Cohn-Bendit

© 2009 Judith Reisman - All Rights Reserved

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Dr. Judith Reisman, The Institute for Media Education, has written frequently on Alfred Kinsey. She is the author ofKinsey: Crimes and Consequences, The Red Queen and the Grand Scheme and the soon to be released Kinsey’s Attic: How One Man’s Sexual Pathology Changed the World.n.



Three Decades Of Global Cooling

'Al Gore wasn't there to throw out the first snowball, er, baseball, so he might not have noticed that Saturday's playoff game between the Colorado Rockies and the Philadelphia Phillies was snowed out — in early October. The field should have been snow-free just as the North Pole was to be ice-free this year.

It seems that ice at both poles hasn't been paying attention to the computer models. The National Snow and Ice Data Center released its summary of summer sea-ice conditions in the Arctic last week and reported a substantial expansion of "second-year ice" — ice thick enough to have persisted through two summers of seasonal melting.'