Friday, 16 October 2009

October 16, 2009

World Federation, Friends and Money

“Command, legislate, judge and tax,” and it will be responsible, too. A State that can legislate for, judge and tax everybody will not be responsible to anyone but itself, a lesson taught by tyrannies ancient and modern. But twentieth century chefs of the grand omelet often claimed that world federation would promote free thought and liberalism.[2] This does not square with experience; nor does it fit a posited “necessity of collective world control to eliminate warfare,” that is, “world police activities for consolidating world socialism.” Much less does free thought engender an “admitted necessity for collective control of the economic and biological life of mankind.........

by Eugene Narrett, Ph.D

Christian Music? Not So Much

Have you ever attended a worship service or a Christian conference where words and phrases in a song are repeated over and over, like a mantra, and noticed that some of the people around you get so caught up in the rhythm of the music that they seem to be in a trance? Trouble is, they very well might be! Just so you’ll know, nowhere in the Bible are believers taught to go into an altered state of consciousness in order to experience God on a deeper level! And by the way, studies show that listening to a constant rhythm or a repetitious drum beat for an extended period of time has an effect on brain activity and can induce a trance-state........

by Marsha West


There are many radical leftist and scientific groups that want to re-invent seeds, the earth, genetically alter plants and animals, fire God and transform humans into a new creature of power, influence and perfection. Who needs God they say, we can live forever soon or for hundreds of years, be integrated with software and advanced technology while controlling the world......

by Dr. Laurie Roth, Ph.D