WORLD FEDERATION, FRIENDS AND MONEY Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D “Kerr defined ‘world federation’ as a state which will command the allegiance of mankind, will be able to legislate for, judge and tax everybody, and which will be responsible to everybody…” [1] “Command, legislate, judge and tax,” and it will be responsible, too. A State that can legislate for, judge and tax everybody will not be responsible to anyone but itself, a lesson taught by tyrannies ancient and modern. But twentieth century chefs of the grand omelet often claimed that world federation would promote free thought and liberalism.[2] This does not square with experience; nor does it fit a posited “necessity of collective world control to eliminate warfare,” that is, “world police activities for consolidating world socialism.” Much less does free thought engender an “admitted necessity for collective control of the economic and biological life of mankind.[3] One may rejoin, “Admitted” by whom, but if one has the force one can square a circle in the same way an egg can be made to stand on its end, by smashing it. As for “necessity” and those who pontificate about crises, Milton warned in Paradise Lost that it was a satanic “tyrant’s plea” to “excuse devilish deeds”; but reading is out-of-date and in the modern State, oligarchs decree and their jesters promote “necessities” for which their subjects must pay in order to be saved, governing by contrived crisis. As Kerr wrote, it will legislate, judge and tax everybody, a god of this world, that is, a tyrant. “World” is an abstraction composed of real people, nations and cliques that through materials, finance and media exercise control that touches the physical aspects of everyone’s life as Wells’ words on managing biological and economic life indicate. We have noted the ex-ray scanners at airports, seen the plastinated corpses of Von Hagens and experienced the resulting invasion and degradation of humane life that increases with the eco-preaching that humanity is the problem. Attitudes and behavior will be changed and controlled, as Molnar and many others have warned in satire or earnest study.[4] The world, Nature, becomes an object of worship and humankind slaves of the goddess who, as in ancient days, takes many forms to receive the adulation of a group mind from which soul is effaced. The work of world federation, Kerr averred, “closely following the blueprint of [Lionel] Curtis in Civitas Dei, can be achieved only gradually as federal-minded nations unite and slowly extend their regional association” as the Common Market has done in becoming the European Union. Then, “the greatest of continents” as Churchill called it, can become “a political unit embracing the whole world. “Then and only then,” Kerr wrote, “will war end.”[5] As with the word “is,” the new age of ‘peace’ probably depends on what you think the meaning of the word “war” is… The “federation of nations into a single world commonwealth” is the goal of the Round Table who has demonstrated that the sun will never set on the British Empire, call it by what name you choose, just as, more recently, Tony Blair has indicated the catholicity of the Empire’s affiliations: that’s former British PM Tony Blair, “special envoy” of “the Quartet” in whose global barbershop the carriers of the original Scriptures get scalped, for the sake of mercy and peace, of course the qualities Kerr averred would sustain the world federation. How apt that this is done ostensibly on behalf of the non-people created by Hadrian, “most Greek of all the Emperors” and intimate friend of the deified Antinous; done for that non-nation whose name cannot be invoked without lying. Orwell understood the essence of world federation, world peace, global governance, et al: “the past was erased, the erasure was forgotten; the lie became truth” a process in which “war is peace” and “freedom is slavery.” It’s the story of the West and what goes around comes around: virtual theodicy becomes virtual reality, plausible or implausible fictions and collective personae. They swear it’s all about the enfranchisement of mind: by such logic post obit wins a Nobel Prize and love will rule the planets… Global warming and the new ice age gaze at each other from media mirrors as the air fills with images of deceit, a communist program built on ancient yearnings for communion. Kerr wrote that a middle ground between a world federation too strong (tyranny) or too weak (Holy Roman Empire) “could only be achieved if Christianity could provide humankind with a common loyalty. Only such an entity, never mind the ideological imperialism or leveling involved could save humankind from “the demonic consequences of national sovereignty.”[6] Add two cups of highly touted, if adulterated, love and mercy, stir vigorously and presto-chango – a universal church. Thus “Kerr encouraged the Christian churches to build the Kingdom of God on earth” via “an ecumenical church of Christ,” to express “the practical love and wisdom of God.” [7] This globalized spirit of love, administered by an ecumenical world federation was a favorite cause of the King of Sweden who, with ecclesial friends, helped sponsor the Federal Council of Churches and American C of C in “the World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches, and the British Conference on Christian Politics and Citizenship.” The Scandinavians, like their British cousins have been enamored of world peace prizes and organizations and are fond of communists and anarchists (elite-supported revolutionaries) who advance their agenda. Perhaps it is appropriate that A.B. Svenska Kullagerfarbriken or SKF played a major role in supplying both sides throughout WW II and that Sweden’s Enskilda Bank was a main changer of doubloons between Axis and Allied powers. This material, from the essential study of Erdmann notes that “Hugo von Rosen, the cousin of Field Marshal Hermann Goering, and William L. Batt, vice-chairman of the United States War Production Board were directors of SKF in America throughout the war.” Global business and mutual assistance got practical training and momentum during that War. SKF was “an international armament production company… ‘concerned only to make profits, trade on both sides of the fence during wartime, and act as a front for German interests.’” Nazi affiliates from Latin America, SKF in Philadelphia and the English fleet blockading the North Sea all assisted these non-partisan global efforts. The fourth article of the Atlantic Charter also is interesting in this regard. [8] Let no one use the Holy Roman Empire as an example of political weakness or lack of vigorous associates. Erdmann discusses at length the efforts of John Foster Dulles to spur the churches in the drive toward what William Paton called “World Community” in which the “reality of a unified church” would provide a template “for secular designs of international brotherhood” so economic and biological life could be controlled, etc. “The foundations of a world community had thus already been laid by the ecumenical movement” whose nature was modeled first by the extensive syncretism of Rome. In the zealous drive toward this “supranational entity,” founders of the Council for Foreign Relations as well as its parent, the RIIA played major roles. It shared and subcontracted to the Churches ways to “create an international mindset,” a task fervently pursued by the mass media for many decades and underway since the late Roman imperium. What better place to host conferences to promote such ends than Lambeth and there, in the shadow of the cathedral hammer out “the Ethical Presuppositions of World Order.” [9] “It is not necessary to believe the decree is true; it suffices to accept that it is necessary” and thus “lying is a universal principle.” [10] Via many “Oxford Conferences” by the 1930s, the Federal Council of Churches led the thrust toward world government and one can see a vast and dazzling coalition of the willing keen to do the work of god, dispensing awards to destroyers of states and useful do-nothings who care greatly about the “world” and “the people.” Such moral-political crusades may reflect a need of the West to repair the ‘separation of church and state’ notion it inherited from Greek philosophy in the era of Hellenic decline. In any case, by the 1930s Erdmann demonstrates that Kerr, Dulles and their associates had made the FCC “the leading force within the ecumenical movement in the Western world” and their conferences and associations have expanded since. By 1935, “a confederation of Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian and Presbyterian churches” convinced that ecclesial “unity” was the dominant need of the times was promoting a “revised version of the Social Creed of 1908.” This agenda called for “transforming American society into Christian collectivism by applying the principles of socialism” thus “setting up the kingdom of God on earth according to an ecumenical ideal” that would soon help prepare for the United Nations organization in which the leaders of the free world expressed great interest. [11] For this blended moral-political agenda the slaughter of the Jews gave double service: it proved an old saw of the mercy cult and also provided a rationale, after most of the Jews had been murdered, for punishing future “crimes against humanity,” however the most moral powers might wish to define them. The final point of the Atlantic Charter was part of this cultural crusade and reflected the passion of Curtis, Kerr, and Wells et al as noted above: “all of the nations of the world, for realistic as well as spiritual reasons must come to the abandonment of the use of force,” at least sovereign nations must for the “police activities” and “control” may only be exercised by the “world collective” in its communitarian zeal. Thus, to quote Orwell again, “war is peace” and the ministrations of a global Nanny State become the model of mercy. But ostensibly, “a unified church would represent a collectivist Protestantism.” And mission work intensifies in East Asia and other loci of globalism and Obama-worship. As if to fulfill the dream of Wells, albeit with holy tinge, “the Commission on Church and Social Service demanded a redistribution of wealth in the United States” and “government action in regulating and managing finance, credit and industry” so that the new kingdom of god “could benefit the global population.” By 1934 the Federal Council began sending tens of thousands of ministers to dozens of cities and College campuses to preach the social gospel and followed up with “the Christian Missions Program” in 1940-1. Thus did Dulles, future Secretary of State, a shaper of American-German business at Versailles direct the ecumenical movement into “a dominant force spear-heading the transformation of Western society,”[12] and thus we ascended to the “Civil Rights” and ‘environmental’ movements and their affiliates right on down to Reverend Wright and his distinguished parishioners and associates, fervent adherents of world leadership. The distinctive moral force this movement lent the allied powers emerged in the decision by the Allied powers to apply law with mercy: for every hundred thousand Jewish civilians murdered during WW II approximately one of their murderers was executed; the rest were pardoned to rebuild and rule Europe. But “the crusade for American involvement in an international organization…to inspire all peoples to build a new world society” while Americans do the heavy-lifting in forging and dominating “a new world order” was shared by diversely ecumenical types from the FCC to Chatham House and Lord Churchill as noted previously. The story of “the new religion of universalism” [13] and its five-handed Quartet continues to unfold in economic understandings, tax, law, and the channeling of wealth and labor into the administrative centers of the new world commonwealth in which, despite its name, more people are impoverished as the mania for unification continues. Dionysus wears his smiling mask; minstrels sing “Come Together” and sinking Americans strain to haul the load. Previous essays have discussed the logic of this regression and collapse. Is it impossible to spit the bit? Footnotes: 1. Martin Erdmann, Building the Kingdom of God on Earth: the Churches Contribution to Marshal Public Support for World Order & Peace, 1919-45 (Oregon 2005), 111, 136 quoting Philip Kerr (Lord Lothian) from his paper, ‘the Demonic Influence of National Sovereignty’ in J. Oldham, Church, Community & State, Vol. 7, The Universal Church and the World of Nations (London 1938), 20. © 2009 Eugene Narrett - All Rights Reserved Eugene Narrett received his BA, MA and PhD from Columbia University in NYC. His writings on American politics and culture and on the Middle East and geopolitics have been widely published. These include four books, the most recent being WW III: the War on the Jews and the Rise of the World Security State (2007) which examines the historical roots and purposes of the war on terror as a late stage in the undoing of the West. His previous book, Israel and the Endtimes (2006) lays the basis for these questions. Dr. Narrett has appeared on scores of radio programs, both major networks like WABC, Radio America, Eagle Forum Radio and Westwood Communications, as well as regional and local stations. He has been honored for his essays on art and literature and on behalf of the pro-life movement. Since receiving his doctorate in 1978, Dr. Narrett has been teaching literature and art and creating interdisciplinary courses in the Humanities. He lectures on a variety of topics relating to western civilization, geopolitics and the multi-faceted war on the family that is a striking feature of the postmodern west. See his web site, for information on booking a lecture and for contact information. Website:
October 16, 2009
2. Wells asserted repeatedly that “a liberal collectivized world” would greatly advance the “enfranchisement of mind” as “a uniform socialism within a Federal [Atlantic State] limits is incorporated, state by state, into world socialism.” He claimed a correlation between “highly collectivized” states like Germany and “a completely liberal socialist regime.” The New World Order (1940; re-print Filiquarian 2007) 51, 71, 73, 113 inter alia.
3. Wells op. cit. 25, 133-7
4. King and Schneider, The First Global Revolution (1991), “the threat of global warming” replaces communism and blends with the “war on terror” as “the new enemy to unite us.” For a critical anecdote see Thomas Molnar’s study of social engineering, The Decline of the Intellectual (World 1960; 1994 new intro)
5. Erdmann quoting Kerr op. cit. 111, note page 136; Churchill quote from speech to Council of Europe in Strasbourg, August 17, 1949
6. Erdmann 111; the religion of Rome climaxes in New Age mysteries and varied forms of communism.
7. ibid. 111-12
8. Erdmann 100, 94-5 and notes quotes Charles Higham,Trading with the Enemy. The item in the AC (August 14, 1941) reads, “Fourth, they will endeavor, with due respect for their existing obligations, to further the enjoyment by all States, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials of the world which are needed for their economic prosperity” (emphasis added).
9. Erdman 104-112 passim
10. Franz Kafka, The Trial (Shocken 1925), chapter 9, “in the Cathedral”
11. Erdmann 305-6
12. ibid. 306-08
13. ibid. 311, 95
Friday, 16 October 2009
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