Saturday, 28 November 2009

Israel Air Force chief indicates no total security against multi-directional missiles

DEBKAfile Special Analysis

November 28, 2009, 3:15 PM (GMT+02:00)

IAF commander Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan

IAF commander Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan

Israeli Air Force chief Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan told a Tel Aviv University audience Friday, Nov. 27: "The time for hard decisions is fast approaching," adding "The scope of security threats to Israel is very complex and we must prepare for all exigencies."

DEBKAfile's military experts translate the "hard decisions," as the tough choice of priorities facing government and military decision-makers between safeguarding Israel's military resources and its population in a potential war.

Iran threatens to end cooperation with the IAEA, quit NPT

DEBKAfile Special Report

November 27, 2009, 9:11 PM (GMT+02:00)

IAEA chief admits failure

IAEA chief admits failure

Tehran may well break off cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency-IAEA and withdraw from the Non-Proliferation Treaty after the IAEA's 35-nation board of governors Friday, Nov. 27 approved a resolution voicing serious concern about its failure to comply with international obligations and referring the issue to the UN Security Council.

The White House commented that time is running out for Iran. A US official spoke of a "package of consequences" if Iran's non-compliance continues.

One year after the Mumbai attack, the tentacles of terror are spreading

DEBKAfile Special Report

November 25, 2009, 12:14 PM (GMT+02:00)

Beit Chabad where Laskhar-e-Taiba spy David Headley slept and plotted the murder of six Jews

Beit Chabad where Laskhar-e-Taiba spy David Headley slept and plotted the murder of six Jews

Thursday, Nov. 26, marks the first anniversary of the Islamic terrorist siege of the Indian city of Mumbai, in which 170 people were shot and blown up and more than 300 wounded by ten killers of the Pakistan-based al Qaeda offshoot, Lashkar-re-Taibe.

Wednesday, Nov. 25, in Washington, prime minister Manmohan Singh paid homage to the Mumbai victims and vowed not to rest until the perpetrators are brought to justice.

A newly-completed Torah scroll has been dedicated to the six victims at the Chabad center and will be placed in the new building.

Second bomb explodes at Russian train crash site after 39 killed by first

DEBKAfile Special Report

November 28, 2009, 9:14 PM (GMT+02:00)

Nevsky Express for VIP commuters

Nevsky Express for VIP commuters

The second bomb which exploded Saturday, Nov. 28, at the site of the Nevsky Express which was derailed Friday between Moscow and St. Petersburg crash site injured no one. It was less powerful than the first, which left 39 dead and 90 injured Friday near the town of Bologove. The Russian authorities confirmed a bomb of app. 7 kilos of the equivalent of TNT threw the train off the tracks when it was travelling at 200 mph. Elements of an explosive device were found at the scene where rescue teams are still digging for missing passengers.