Saturday, November 28, 2009
Mainstream Media Tolerance of Islamist Terror and Worship of Obama Proves Journalism is Dead in US

Amid reports that CNN and MSNBC are mobilizing to exploit the coming civilian court trial in New York City of enemy combatant war criminals captured abroad in order to show sympathy for "the Muslim world" and boost the image of America's first Muslim-born President--who is committed to a policy of appeasing and attempting to align with Islamism--it is increasingly clear that American journalism as we knew it is dead.
The press, as it used to be called, no longer sees its role as one of reporting and analyzing the news. Rather, the mainstream media outlets that shape public opinion on behalf of Obama are dedicated tomanaging the news.
Ahmadinejad Laughing All the Way to Armageddon

Obama's moment of truth is fast approaching as war in the Middle East looms. The appeaser-in-chief has allowed the maniac-in-chief to make a fool out of the United States and its allies. Israel must act; but its cities are likely to be rocketed. Click here for the analysis.
Will Israel go nuclear to prevent a second Holocaust?
Obama's perfidious appeasement of and attempts to align with nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran and Islamism in general have made war inevitable--on Iranian/Islamist terms.
Russian Train Bombed; Muslim Terrorists Suspected
Radical Obama Backers Push Forced Political and Racial 'Re-Education' of US University Teachers
Iran Talks at Dead End; Tehran Defiant
There is no diplomatic solution to the problem of Islamonazi Iran.