Italy's Foreign Minister Says Post-Lisbon EU Needs a European Army 'Italy is to push for the creation of a European Army after the "new Europe" takes shape at this week's crucial EU summit following the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty.' What the Inventor of the Flu Shot NOW Thinks of the Vaccine... 'President Obama and his top health officials are engaging in a major public relations effort to divert attention away from whether its swine flu vaccine is effective and safe by focusing attention on whether there is enough of it to go around. And the media is cooperating fully. Increasing numbers of scientists and doctors are issuing harsh criticisms of the government’s plan to vaccinate virtually the entire U.S. population with a poorly tested vaccine that is not only ineffective against swine flu, but could cripple and even kill many more people than it helps. The CDC’s public relations campaign has been running “scare” ads that portray swine flu as a full-blown “pandemic” responsible for snuffing out countless lives. But scientists and health officials throughout the world have called the governments claims unjustified and deliberately misleading' 'Road Trains' Get Ready to Roll 'Road trains that link vehicles together using wireless sensors could soon be on European roads. An EU-financed research project is looking at inexpensive ways of getting vehicles to travel in a 'platoon' on Europe's motorways. Each road train could include up to eight separate vehicles - cars, buses and trucks will be mixed in each one. The EU hopes to cut fuel consumption, journey times and congestion by linking vehicles together. Early work on the idea suggests that fuel consumption could be cut by 20% among those cars and trucks travelling behind the lead vehicle.' A Tale of Two Stories: The European BioWar Outbreak and the Censoring of it by the Mainstream News Media 'The biggest story on the Planet today is the outbreak of a very serious Advanced Biological War virus in Europe. The second biggest story on the Planet is the suppression of this story for almost two weeks by the corporate owned mainstream news media.' The Industry of Guilt and the Way Beyond 'These viral plagues that are being loosed on humanity are not accidental. They are being time released in locations around the world by the same forces that have manipulated the financial system and performed all of the false flags and started the horrendous and unnecessary conflicts around the globe. Are they part of some temporal organization that’s been around for centuries? I hear all kinds of things about that. Are they members of a particular race or religion? I hear all kinds of things about that too. To understand ‘who’ and ‘what’, you must study the nature of the human mind. You have to study consciousness and how it operates according to impulse and motive.' Government Is This Public's Enemy! 'The Government of the United States has been Public Enemy number one, since September 11, 2001. It's the one fact that has eluded far too many people that call themselves Americans, for far too long. This blood-stained truth is also that most-important-piece of the global puzzle that seems to have escaped too many that still believe they are actually political activists.' Big Pharma Cheers Health Reform - Raise Prices $10 Billion 'Even as drug makers promise to support Washington’s health care overhaul by shaving $8 billion a year off the nation’s drug costs after the legislation takes effect, the industry has been raising its prices at the fastest rate in years.' Favourite to Be EU President Backs European National Anthem 'The new front-runner to be the first EU President is committed to a European national anthem and the replacement of a range of nationalistic symbols.' March to ID Cards Costing the Public Quarter of a Million Pounds a Day 'The roll out of the controversial identity cards has already cost the public millions of pounds and the bill is growing, figures show. The daily cost to the taxpayer for the expansion of the biometric documents is now six times the size it was just three years ago. Half the population must have ID card to pay for scheme, claim Tories Last month it emerged some 28 million people would have to sign up for an ID card in order to cover the cost of the scheme. The Identity and Passport Service spent a £42 million on developing both the ID cards and biometric passport programmes in the six months since March this year.'
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
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Britannia Radio