Friday 13 November 2009

Research, Events and Webcast

The Bruges Group spearheads the intellectual battle against the notion of "ever–closer Union" in Europe and, above all, against British involvement in a single European state.

‘Renegotiation’ is a slogan not a policy
The Cameron approach does further damage to Britain’s ‘broken politics’

Bruges Group Annual Conference
Saturday, 21st November 2009 - REMINDER

The City Under Threat & Britain and the EU: The Crunch
Watch the highlights of the last meeting online

The Cameron approach does further damage to Britain’s ‘broken politics’

David Cameron’s decision to renege on his “cast-iron” guarantee to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty has evidently disappointed a great many people, but will have surprised relatively few.

While the Cameron 
volte face probably means that the European problem has been temporarily defused, his decision to backtrack will have a number of undesirable consequences: it will add to the public’s profound cynicism about politics – a subject which the Tory leader has repeatedly promised to address – and it will make the task of “renegotiation” considerably harder, perhaps even impossible, to achieve.

A referendum on the Lisbon Treaty would not have had the effect of exempting Britain from the treaty provisions but it would have served to strengthened the hands of the British negotiators in seeking to return powers from Brussels to Westminster; a referendum on specific proposals to renegotiate the terms of British membership would have a similar effect. Both courses of action would provide a stronger mandate made for renegotiation than a commitment made in a general election manifesto. In rejecting a referendum, Mr Cameron is perpetuating a style of politics which effectively disenfranchises the British people on EU and related issues; this will have effect of increasing the deep mood of public cynicism with politics generally. Until he, or some other political leader, can find away to reengage the electorate in the decisions over Britain’s political future and shapes policy accordingly, British politics will remain “broken.”

Click here to read the full research online

The Future of the EU...
Can it Survive?

Saturday, 21st November 2009

With the EU’s drive for power over our democracy and everyday life continuing unabated the Bruges Group holds this conference to oppose the surrendering of our freedoms to Brussels

ADMISSION: £20 payable on the door or in advance
Including lunch, coffee, wine, orange juice, mineral water, tea and cheese and biscuits



Peter Davies, the Mayor of Doncaster, is dedicated to slashing costs and ditching political correctness. He is the first English Democrat to be elected to a key council position. His youngest son, Philip, is the Conservative MP for Shipley. Peter Davies is a member of the Campaign for an Independent Britain and will talk on; The European Union and British politics.

Christopher Booker is a columnist for The Sunday Telegraph. He is the author of the Bruges Group paper Britain and Europe: The Culture of Deceit. And also co-wrote Scared To Death: From BSE To Global Warming, Why Scares Are Costing Us The Earth.

Richard Conquest is an economist, hedge fund consultant and author whose research focuses on economic history, market developments and crises. Richard has also authored a number of publications on Eastern Europe and Russia. He has also served as the Chief Economist for a number of City institutions.

Professor Kenneth Minogue is a frequent commentator for radio and television on European issues, he was Chairman of the Bruges Group 1991-1993; he remains a member of the Group’s Academic Advisory Council. Professor Minogue will discuss, The implications of the vote on the Lisbon Treaty and what this means for Britain and Europe.

Bruno Waterfield has been Brussels correspondent for The Daily Telegraph since December 2006. He has been reporting on the EU and European affairs since 2000, first from Westminster and then from January 2003 he has been based in Brussels. He is also a regular contributor to

John Mills is the Secretary of the Labour Euro-Safeguards Campaign and the Labour Economic Policy Group. He is also the Chairman of one of the fastest growing companies in the UK, JML, which has extensive trading relations with much of the world. John Mills is the author of Europe’s Economic Dilemma.

Ian Milne is the author of an analysis of the net economic costs and benefits for the UK of EU membership, titled; A Cost Too Far?. Ian Milne has had a forty-year career in industry and merchant banking in the UK, France and Belgium. He is the author of the Bruges Group publication; Lost Illusions: British Foreign Policy. Ian Milne will discuss, Who Needs the Single Market?

Gerard Batten MEP is an expert on the costs of EU membership. He is a member of the European Parliament’s Security & Defence Committee, and is the UKIP spokesman on defence. Gerard Batten will be discussing the issue of immigration.

Dr Lee Rotherham is an adviser to the Bruges Group. After working for the Westminster Group of Eight rebels, he became adviser to three successive Shadow Foreign Secretaries. Lee Rotherham has also served with the armed forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He has been a Conservative Parliamentary candidate in the 2001 and 2005 elections. He has widely written on European issues. He is the author of EMU Understood and All At Sea; and co-authored theBluffers Guide to the EU. Lee will talk on, Ten Years On — Britain without the European Union.

The Great Hall, King's College London, The Strand, London WC2R 2LS

Registration and Coffee: 10.30am
Morning Session: 11am – 1pm

Lunch: 1pm – 2pm
Afternoon Session: 2pm – 4pm

Refreshments: 4pm - 4.15pm
Evening Session: 4.15pm – 6.15pm

Watch the highlights of the last meeting online

The City Under Threat & Britain and the EU: The Crunch

Economist Professor Tim Congdon warns of the dangers posed by the EU’s unwarranted interference in the City of London. Daniel Hannan MEP discussed the Lisbon Treaty and the continuing assault on our democracy and our freedom. He also talked about the coming crunch between Britain and Europe.

Click here to listen online to Professor Tim Congdon
Click here to listen online to Daniel Hannan MEP

Click here to watch the highlights of the meeting online


Honorary President: The Rt Hon. the Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven, LG, OM, FRS
Vice-President: The Rt Hon. the Lord Lamont of Lerwick, Co-Chairmen: Dr Brian Hindley 
& Barry Legg
Director: Robert Oulds MA, Head of Research: Dr Helen Szamuely
Washington D.C. Representative: John O'Sullivan, CBE
Founder Chairman: Lord Harris of High Cross, Former Chairmen: Dr Martin Holmes 
& Professor Kenneth Minogue


For further information contact:

Robert Oulds
The Bruges Group
227 Linen Hall, 162-168 Regent Street, London W1B 5TB

Tel: +44(0) 20 7287 4414
Mobile: 07740 029787