The TPA in Washington DC
West Midlands, Sandwell Council hit mother and baby with £75 fine for feeding ducks
Better Government, John Major's Committee evidence
EU, Small wonders
EU, In Dublin's fair city
Economics 101, We're already paying for carbon and we're paying too much
Campaign, Surrey Campaign Diary September/October 2009
Non-Job of the Week, Head of Communications for an NHS Primary Care Trust
Friday, 13 November 2009
TaxPayers' Alliance Bulletin - 13th November 2009
We're delighted to report that the TPA's new book, Ten Years On, which we emailed you about earlier in the week is proving a great hit. As we announced when launching it, we intended to distribute 5,000 free copies of the book, but we've had over 22,000 orders already which is a fantastic response. As a result of this great reception we've been able to extend the offer, and demand shows no sign of tailing off as yet.
This is a clear sign that we have really struck a nerve, and that there is a strong appetite amongst the public for a clear, positive vision of a new relationship with the EU in which we control our own affairs. Remember, if you haven't ordered a free copy yet, or if your friends, family or colleagues would like one, orders can be placed here.
The website now also features regular extracts from the book, and a series of interviews from people with views on the EU across the whole political spectrum. The videos include Dr Lee Rotherham, author of Ten Years On, leading anti-EU campaigner Daniel Hannan MEP, Lorraine Mullally from think tank Open Europe, and Richard Laming from the pro-EU European Movement amongst others. We've got more videos and extracts still to come, so do check the site regularly.
Join the Biker protest, 7th December
Keen campaigners and TPA supporters, the No to the Bike Parking Tax campaign are holding their next protests against Westminster City Council's new parking charges on Monday 7th December and all TPA supporters are invited! They are taking a two pronged approach, with a protest at 8am outside Westminster City Hall and a mass rally starting at Park Lane in the evening from 6pm. Their previous protests have been an amazing sight to behold, often with thousands of bikes processing through Central London, and they are also very welcoming to anyone - biker, scooter rider or simply ordinary taxpayer - who is concerned by the growing number of stealth taxes being introduced by councils across the country. You can find full details of the protest, videos and pictures of previous events and information on the issues at their site here.
The TPA's groundbreaking research into the unfair and excessive burden of revenue raising green taxes has started to attract international attention. Last week, TPA Research Director Matthew Sinclair was invited to give a briefing in Washington DC on the huge costs of the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme to British businesses and consumers. Matt's research for the TPA on the topic is of course highly relevant to British taxpayers, but it is also of growing importance in the USA where they are considering introducing a similar scheme. This is a testament to the great quality and high profile of the TPA's research output, and as well as being very flattering is another sign of our growing influence on these topics which makes it even harder for our own domestic politicians to ignore. You canwatch a video of Matt's presentation here.
Bobbies on the....bikes?
Yesterday, the TPA was quoted prominently in The Sun's coverage of one of the barmiest stories of recent months - a 93 page advice document by the Association of Chief Police Officers instructing officers on how to ride a bike! Amazingly, the policy document gave advice on formation riding, how to turn corners and even the "rear scan" manoeuvre, which is also known as looking over your shoulder. Needless to say, the story has gained a lot of attention around the world, but perhaps it was most closely read by the Association of Chief Police Officers themselves whose conference was being addressed the very same day by Mark Wallace, the TPA's Campaign Director! Happily there was no outbreak of affray, breach of the peace or need to read the Riot Act, and presumably any Chief Police Officer who travelled to the conference on a bicycle did so in full compliance with each one of their own 93 pages of advice.
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