Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Celente Predicted Terror In 2009

More To Come In 2010

By Gerald Celente
Kingston, NY, 29 December 2009 - For months, on radio, TV and in alerts to Trends Journal® subscribers, Gerald Celente, Director of The Trends Research Institute, forecast that terrorist attacks were imminent, and that in 2010 they would intensify within US borders and abroad.
In an on-air 13 November interview with the Governor of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, Celente said "we are looking for terror strikes to become very probable in 2010." Singling out the barely reported Saudi/Yemen hostilities and citing the US-instigated massive attacks by the Pakistani military in the Swat Valley and South Wazirstan, Celente warned that the stage had been set for another round of terrorist activity.
"The years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq have intensified anti-American and anti-NATO hatred," said Celente, "creating legions bent on seeking revenge. And now with America aggressively spreading its War on Terror into Pakistan, we see a strong possibility of the animosity metastasizing into far-flung strikes, potentially of 9/11 magnitude." 
The Christmas Day attempt to blow an airliner out of the sky and onto the streets of Detroit is an omen of what to expect in 2010, predicted Celente. However, Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, making the talk show rounds, saw it differently. "We have no indication that it is part of anything larger," she said.
"Whether the issue is terror or the economy; whether it's the head of Homeland Security or the Federal Reserve, it's the same old story, with the same old people who didn't see it coming telling us what to expect next," observed Celente.
"Terrorism has evolved. Big-time terror is becoming more self-radicalizing. They don't need an organized movement such as Al Qaeda or a leader like bin Laden to wreak havoc. A whole generation of Muslims  enraged by US occupations, Predator drone strikes on their sovereign nations, ongoing civilian deaths, and belligerent US foreign policy initiatives  is preparing to do unto others as others have been doing unto them.
Celente said the Nigerian-born terrorist who tried to bring down Northwest Flight 253, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, demonstrates the scope, capabilities and global reach of the terror spectrum: the lone-wolf, the professionally trained but unaffiliated, and the organized terror groups and cells. Thus, even if the explosives and training came from Yemen-based al Quaeda, the inspiration to suicide-bomb the airplane could have been self-initiated rather than an instance of an obedient soldier following orders.
The outrage is not confined to any specific demographic, stereotype or profile. It ranges from the well-educated and well-off, Abdulmutallab, son of a banker who lived in a three-million dollar London apartment, to the poor and oppressed.  
As Celente forecast in the Top Trends of 2010 issue of the Trends Journal®, "There's a high probability of wild card terror-strikes with the potential to cripple the global economy."
Oil spikes, market crashes and financial panic will ensue should an attack of 9/11 scale hit the US or any major oil producer. "The cross-border fighting between Saudi Arabia and the Yemeni Houthi rebels is precisely the type of conflict that could destabilize world oil markets. Should the fighting intensify, the Saudi's risk an attack upon their oil facilities, which could curtail supplies, drive prices higher and seriously damage the already imperiled world economy," said Celente.
Yemen, which suffered through civil war 15 years ago, is again being torn apart by religious and ethnic tensions in both North and South. With 50 percent of the population under age 15 "We're looking at an incredibly unstable situation over the long term," says Celente. "Anti-Americanism is the one unifying sentiment. At a rare public rally in South Yemen, Al Qaeda militants told the crowd 'there is no problem between us and you. The problem is between us and America and its lackeys.'"
Celente cautions that economic turmoil and disruptions to the US infrastructure and daily life due to terrorist acts are a strong immediate probability, not a distant possibility. "Before terror strikes, our advice is to prepare for the worst. What if banks close and ATMs crash? Will you have cash on hand to make it through a crisis? What if a nuclear power plant is attacked and you live within range of fallout? What if a WMD, dirty bomb or biochemical weapon is detonated in your city? Do you have escape plans and escape routes? If anything less than the worst happens it's always possible to pull back. For the unprepared there is no fallback position and few options," concluded Celente.
To schedule an interview with Gerald Celente, or to read more about the trend "Terror 2010" from The Trends Research Institute's new Trends Journal©, please contact:
Bibi Farber, Media Relations, 845.331.3500 Ext. 1 (
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