Small Chinese Company Tells Goldman To Take A Hike, Refuses To Pay $80 Million In Derivative Losses Kill The Bloggers Marc Gallagher Ron Paul appeared on Larry King Live on CNN this evening along with Ben Stein and Sheila Jackson Lee to discuss the recent thwarted terrorist attack. After Paul gives his now famous view that they “attack us because we are over there” Ben Stein calls Paul antisemitic which solicits a demand for an apology by Paul. Paul characterizes it as a “vicious attack”. Stein’s reaction is quite reminiscent of Rudy Giuliani’s reaction during that first debate back in 2007. The two continue arguing over one another for nearly the rest of the entire segment. King ends by saying they will all be back for tomorrow evening’s show.
The Decade Of Tyranny
During the first nine years of the new millennium we have been witness to a rapid erosion of freedom. Our basic liberties have been systematically denigrated and diluted by a vast expansion of coordinated global tyranny.
A small Chinese power generator, Shenzhen Nanshan Power, is blatantly refusing to honor contracts with Goldman Subsidiary J. Aron for $80 million in derivative losses.
• Biggs, Faber Predict Dollar Rally as S&P 500 Surges
Another mainstream media story, this time from the New York Times, pushing the new reality where news consumers will supposedly have to soon start paying digital cash to read stories, columns and watch news video online.Ben Stein calls Ron Paul antisemitic on Larry King
Liberty Maven
Tuesday, Dec 29th, 2009
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
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Britannia Radio