Will Congress Give America "ObamaCare" For Christmas? Understanding the Global-warming Jihadists Ladies: How to Catch YOUR Tiger Fight Back-God’s Way
Reid is expected to file a motion for cloture very soon, possibly this weekend. If the 60 votes needed to close debate are there and the Senate votes Monday or Tuesday, a vote on the bill itself could come Wednesday or Thursday and need only 51 votes for.........
by NWV News
Here is the lowdown in a nutshell: Governments have used billions of dollars of our money to fund fraudulent science, which, in turn, is used to justify policy that would steal untold billions more from us through taxation and the handicapping of the private sector. This will, of course, stifle the creation of wealth, but it will also be a transfer of it. But this would not be so much from the rich to the poor; it would be from the poor and middle class to the rich and well-connected........
by Selwyn Duke
Since Thanksgiving, news of the Tiger Woods infidelity scandal has continued to shock us. The mistress count of this once-squeaky-clean superstar increments daily. The last tally was 14, but I gave up after he was linked to Jessica Simpson. Tiger’s behavior is reprehensible; his sponsors — and wife — were right to leave him......
by Marc Rudov
God cannot even hear a person if he or she is not humble. Too often, while advocating the right reasons, the right causes, we forget to stay humble before the Lord and allow Him to direct our path. Am I suggesting that humility corresponds to inactivity when action is called for? Not at all. What I am saying is that in order to fight effectively.........
by Selena Owens
Saturday, 19 December 2009
December 19, 2009
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Britannia Radio