This is Lindsey Williams new dvd set called Tragedy Hope, and Reality. This is the complete set in one continuous file. This video is not copyrighted and Lindsey Williams encourages everyone to share this information with your friends, family and the public. Download and burn to CD or convert to DVD and get this info out to as many people as possible Hard times are coming to America; are you prepared?
Keywords: Lindsey Williams; Tragedy Hope Reality; Stan Johnson; The Prophecy Club; Economic Collapse; USA; NWO; Elite Bankers; Fall of The Republic
Downloads: 395
• Within 2 years you will not recognize America.
• They (NWO elite) have altered their timeline
• After two years you will be so poor you will not be able to rebel
• Inflation will escalate over a period of 2 years by designed plan
• Scheduled of events in chronological order
o Inflation will escalate over the next 2 years,
o Oil will remain about same until the planned war in Iran and other areas in Middle East,
o Gold and silver are all you can rely on as far as money,
o by 2012 the dollar will be dead,
o War is planned after 2 years (where it will start and spread is already chosen-Iran region will be beginning over Iran and Israel then spread throughout the world,
o When planned war in 2 years comes, gas at the pump will go to $7, $8 and/or $10 dollars a gallon almost overnight
• The elite have altered their timeline because we gave them 2.5 trillion dollars the last 2 months of the Bush administration. They created an artificial crisis and a created solution (Hegelian Dialectic) just before the end of the Bush administration to get Congress to give them the funds to them (they used economic terrorism where they created the problem and the solution)
• Within 2 years nearly everyone will be working for the government (auto, banks, healthcare, etc. all under government control). Obama is now CEO of General Motors, Chrysler, (and will be head of all the banks and health care system as well). Obama said every company that has been bailed out by the U.S. Gov is going to be required to cut top salaries by 90% (Alex interjected that these are really mid level managers, the billionaire shareholders won’t be touched-this is simply setting the precedent for wage control for all of us). The banks will be whittled down to 9 major banks, all bailed out and under full government control.
• The ex-CEO kept using the term “the Devil’s Messiah”
• They are working through the pastors and churches of America along with Homeland Security
• Buzzwords (phrases), exact statements used by the ex-CEO elitist
o War brought the country out of the depression,
o Turmoil in the middle east 2 years from now,
o Iran’s external enemy Israel,
o Crude oil will stay $70 to $50 (a barrel) until the next crisis in the Middle East (which they already have planned out),
o Within 2 years nearly everyone will be working for the government
• Exec went into how the elite (Satan’s elite) have enlisted the churches and pastors in America in general, used the expression “Devil’s Messiah” and how they have gotten the churches and pastors to fall in line since 1965.
• Jones references Charlotte Iserbyt’s father who was Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, etc, and how he accepted Jesus and then confessed to her with tears that the world government was run by Satanists and how he wished he had the health to go to other members he was involved with to try and persuade them that this path was not the way to go (Satan’s NWO path). Charlotte Iserbyt was the whistle blower who wrote the expose on the NWO's plan to use the education system to dumb down America, she wrote the book “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” available online free.
• Mentioned how Homeland Security has requested of the pastors hand out forms to their congregation to get personal information from their congregations about the people’s salary, number of people in the house, the number of computers in their homes, etc, and to make this information available to them (Homeland Security) upon request. Lindsey saw recently a brochure being passed out at a church. Clergy response team secret documents-revealed first by Pastor Butch Pauff -tell flock to turn in guns, go to camps, Romans 13, telling the congregation “it’s of the Lord to go to the camps”, to follow whomever the president is. Dripping Springs big Baptist Church passed out memo instructing people not to speak about political topics at the church even if you are having dinner with them.
• The elite plan on narrowing all banks down to just 9 which they control fully
• Regarding God, the elite contact said the elite had to take away America’s God,
o got rid of the McGuffy Reader, which was the first textbook of the American schools to teach people to read the Bible,
o Said they had to remove the God of America before they could ever conquer the republic.
o Original Webster Dictionary written for the purpose for maintaining the language of the Scriptures
o The “Devil’s Messiah” he was referring to was the system used to get rid of all things righteous
o Caused human beings to believe they were nothing but revolutionized animals so they would act like animals
o 1964 and 1965 saw the beginning subversions of America’s churches via 501C3 organizational status, required it as of 1967, some refused, including Lindsey where he was a pastor in Hollywood Florida
o “Separation of Church and State” is not in the Constitution-it was made up by the elite to get God out of areas.
o Mentioned quote of (10-20-09) patriot Major General Smedley Butler whom Eisenhower called a man among men: “War is a racket, it always has been, it is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious, it is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars while the losses in lives. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.” This quote is what Lindsey thought of upon hearing from his contact regarding war being planned after 2 years (from October 2009) to break out in the Middle East, likely Iran first.
o Major General Smedley Butler was a two time Congressional Medal of Honor winner who took over various nations throughout the world for the globalists) who was approached by the globalists in the mid 1930’s and asked him to lead a coupe of the United States and link up with Hitler with Butler leading an army of 500,000 soldiers to take over the United States. General Butler tried to warn America of the plan of the elite to make America a Nazi style nation in the McCormack-Dickstein Committee where he blew the whistle.
o The mass media and talk show hosts (like Alex Jones etc) will be the last touched-because they need their own propaganda media, if they shut Alex and other talk show hosts down, they would highlight what Alex and others have been saying, they just ignore it, until the next war crisis-planned, then they will take down the opposition talks shows-it will be the end, in 2 years or less they plan on the full takeover to be complete by the time they start the planned war in Iran and other areas of the globe.
• Lindsey said the only thing that will turn this around will be divine intervention
• The elite do have a code of ethics, not the same as ours, they are not atheists, but they do not serve our God/Christ. They must let you know what they are going to do before they do it. Just 2 weeks before Katrina hit New Orleans, they came out, with the movie Oil Storm and everything that happened in New Orleans was in the movie, Hollywood is their mouthpiece and perversion. Watch war movies coming out from Hollywood over the next two years to see what they are preparing.
• There will be a big increase in the stock market, it is a trap (falsely inflated) to set the next collapse.
• Gold and silver will escalate rapidly due to dollar collapse and devaluation, Gold and silver is all you can rely on as far as money. This (gold) is what the elite rely on.
• This elite ex-CEO of one of the top oil companies said that they will foreshadow everything they will do through the Hollywood movies coming out (over the next two years).
• They admit to 9Trillion dollars in debt (over 24 Trillion now but not officially admitted by the Government), the debt is not important, the important part is the interest on the national debt and that someone must buy the interest on the national debt (it is bought by the treasury of the United States issues T-Bills and Securities/Treasury Bonds) When nations no longer use American dollars for crude oil, they will no longer buy treasury reserve (T-Bills and securities). The Fed’s policy of Monetizing the Debt will collapse the dollar as soon as the nations back out of T-Bills. This is what the Argentina, Zimbabwe, and what the Weimar Republic in Germany did in the 1930s.
• CRUDE OIL-The elite will not allow any of the massive oil reserves in Alaska to come to the United States refineries. They may open the reserves North of Russia if crude oil continues to go up to bring the price back down (currently around $80 a barrel in Oct of 2009).
• Everything that happened to Iceland will come to the United States
• TWO 2 last big things they are going to do just before the final push is GUN CONTROL and then shutting down the talk show hosts such as Alex Jones- the media (Jones said that Hitler did this last too because this is the canary in the coal mine that alerts people to the tyranny, so they leave it alone until the end).
• Alex Jones mentioned that the elite will get close to 100 million out of jobs and point these newly poor people against the middle class as a weapon against the middle class being portrayed as “the rich” while the ultra rich elite loot everybody and run pay cuts on the middle class, upper middle class, and novae riche, the elite will sic the poor and disenfranchised against anyone with money except the ultra rich. Alex mentioned that the elite want a Soviet purge in America, with a tiny elite and the rest of us slaves, with bureaucrats moving into our homes (Alex mentioned stories every couple of days he’s read with environmental cops moving into peoples’ homes they have stolen.) He also mentioned to SWAT teams and police that the elite have a bad job for them, and when they are all wiped out, the elite will march out the I4 foreign troops as outlined in FEMA documents NLE09
• Alex Jones mentions how Department of Homeland Security document in the MIAC report which stated that all veterans, conservatives, gun owners, libertarians, (and they also listed Ron Paul supporters) were their number one enemies.
• On the Friday Oct 23rd show with Bob Chapman (economist of the International Forecaster), Chapman outlines how in phase 2 gold will likely go up in price to between $2500 to $3000 per ounce, and in phase 3 it should go up to between $6700 to $7100 per ounce (Bob Chapman said economist John Williams-wonderful economist). Chapman said official inflation is at $6700 per ounce based on 1980’s $850 per once high.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
What is interesting apart from the claim that in 2 years the US will be poor in 2 years and that out of that a major war is going to be pushed at the end of this one. Bu tshe interesting thing is that John Loeffler on Steelonsteel said some of this stuff already.
The other thing is that GOD is sovereign, and he can do, what he chooses.
2009 DVD Lindsey Williams Tragedy Hope Reality The Prophecy Club - Lindsey Williams, Stan Johnson, The Prophecy Club
« on: October 27, 2009, 04:35:41 PM
Former executive (CEO) who is over 85 years old confessed to Lindsey Williams the following in October 2009: This is a summary of the radio interview Lindsey Williams gave on the Alex Jones radio show on October 19th, October 20th and October 23rd 2009 (available and on i-Tunes as a downloadable Podcast).
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Britannia Radio