Sunday, 20 December 2009


"... I'm Dreaming of a Black Christmas..."

During the Christmas holiday period, I am writing another special feature about the
Royal Bavarian Illuminati for FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE - I try and be as accurate as possible in my research - and am quite disappointed at the bad quality of many of the (mostly) American researchers and authors who tackle European history - ie: the history of the NEW WORLD ORDER.

Many of these authors mean well, but they don't understand that the Royal Elite of Europe are the EPICENTRE of all

 military and corporate and political control on the planet - they have been for more than a thousand years - and are now quite smugly protected by the ridiculous mistakes some NWO authors Conspiracy-Theorist Bloggers have made in identifying everybody from Bill Gates to Grey Aliens as being the true manipulators of a global conspiracy - for example, 

Jim Marrs is a good writer - I just finished his new book called the FOURTH REICH - BUT - Jim sadly never even mentions the Schleisweg-Holsteins, nor does he even mention the Saschen-Coburg und Gotha clan who financed and patronized not only Adam Weishaupt, but also the National Socialists! Jim does not mention that more than 200 Bavarian princes actually joined the NAZI party. They even FINANCED the Nazis and gave Hilmmler ( who was the god-son of Prince Heinrich of Bavaria ). These family names do not even appear in the index of Fritz Springmeier's book BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI.

If you have a book called the 'Fourth Reich' then I think this is fundamentally important information to have in Chapter One!

Who are the Saschen-Coburg und Gothas? They are better known as the British Royal Family. German to the core. And most certainly in charge of political policies in Whitehall and the White House. Richer beyond the most fervent imaginations of any avaristic mega-shopper - Bill Gates' Microsoft millions pale into comparison when set alongside the global territories and even entire nations and oil reserves now under the control of the Royals.

Of course, many people have also been thrown a massive curve-ball and completely misinterpreted the reptilian iconography in ritual magic and have poisoned the Well of Truth by making ridiculous claims in order to cement book-deals with US publishers....

I am visiting many important power places, cathedrals and palaces in Europe and firmly and properly placing the Royal-Political Elite into a historical context - the Vatican too - without being sucked in to 'reptilian disinformatio'n or writing articles which start with the ridiculous assumption that the US President has some kind of political power - he does not - 

he is a highly paid servant who is there to serve a role - pretending that 'democracy' actually exists - the truth is, we live in

 a 'democratic dictatorship' - a dictatorship which cleverly dictates the subjects which 'Truth Movements' and NWO researchers brag about - when in reality the holocaust of freedom and the amalgamation of ancient nations goes on, uninterrupted, whilst millions of people engage in email 'flame wars' about whether the Queen can shapeshift into a 

9 foot tall reptilian or not... The News agenda is being faithfully followed and discussed on radio and TV shows which 

should be concerning themselves with the ROOT of the evil corporate elite and the Medical Mafia - not merely following 

the cues in the newsfeeds.

These mysterious claims about reptilian shapeshifting (made by people using fake names), the true Satanic inspiration behind global poverty, ecological destruction - otherwise known as the "New World Order" - and the true identity of the AntiChrist are all explored in my articles:

ps. Whilst you all enjoy Christmas, the Royal Political Elite shall be having their annual series of rituals designed to 

glorify and eulogize the evil spiritual powers which are described in ancient texts (which you see featured in my films about the Illuminati ). From the 18th of December onwards, in vaults and catacombs... in crypts, cathedrals, churches and Masonic Temples worldwide, a great number of negative kliphothic evil spirits will be invoked by members of the royal-political elite - for example between the 18th - 22nd December, black magicians working for the royal elite will celebrate the Winter Solstice (date varies) with rituals involving fire, orgies, mass selfish-sado-sexual depravity; oral, anal, vaginal abuses of animals and children - leading to the 24th of December - Christmas Eve - where stately homes, palaces and outdoor torchlit ceremonies will be hosted to re-enact the medieval "Demon Revels Da Meur" - these rituals reach a grand climax, usually with a male infant sacrifice - in which the infant has been tortured for a long period beforehand.

I will be writing extensively about these subjects and traveling to all the sites which host these macabre ancient rituals.

It's much more dangerous than the Teddy Bear's Picnic!

And you'll be able to read my research as it happens in 


Merry Christmas.

Wish me luck.
