Obama has a BIG PROBLEM. His problem is so large it is scaring the poop out of all liberals and socialist scallywags in Washington! They are running about sticking their heads in the sand like a flock of wild ostriches.
Believe me, everyday Barrack wakes up thinking about his BIG PROBLEM as it weights heavy on his conscience. The Senate and the House of Representatives recognize Obama's BIG PROBLEM and flee like frightened children when he begins to address it.
Plus, legislation is dead-on-arrival if Obama's BIG PROBLEM is attached to it. The National Health-Care swindle is crippled and limping to a grinding halt because of Obama's BIG PROBLEM. The gun grabbers are having trouble dissolving the Second Amendment gun rights, once again, because Obama's BIG PROBLEM is getting in the way.
As it turns out, the change is not going well, even though the Democrats have the majority in the House, Senate, and run the Whitehouse, but once again, it is Obama's BIG PROBLEM getting in the way of the National Socialistic agenda.
Can you imagine how Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the other Washington Socialists must feel every time they turn on the TV or listen to a radio show, and, there it is again, Obama's BIG PROBLEM comes blaring out of the speakers and slaps them in the face!
A word of caution, the Republicans are steering clear of Obama's BIG PROBLEM, but fear the day it attaches to them.
Frankly, by now, you are probably asking, what is Obama's BIG PROBLEM?
* Is it the fact he refused to show his birth certificate knowing it will damn him, exposing him as a fraud and possibly dissolving his Presidency?
* Is it his Chicago political gangster past that haunts him?
* Is it the fact he studied Communism, becoming a student of Marxism?
* Is it his Advisors and Ministers who are democratic socialists being exposed for their shenanigans?
* Is it his admitted drug use in College, which shadows him and wakes him into a cold sweat night after night?
Okay, to tell you the truth.....YOU ARE OBAMA'S BIG PROBLEM!
That's right. It is YOU! You are Obama's BIG PROBLEM. At first, there were a few brave souls who spoke out saying: He is unfit for command! He is a National Socialist not qualified to be President.
What's more, then FaxDC got onboard and exposed the office of the President for all its' lies and deceit. The FaxDC Army did not stop there. Millions upon millions of faxes began to flow from the FaxDC Army, blistering Senators and scalding Members of the House of Representatives.
With that said, things got worst for him! FaxDC and other Patriot groups began sending postcards to his doorstep. Letters to the Whitehouse and more and more faxes began to flow down Pennsylvania Avenue in torrid rivers into every Senators office, into every Member of the House fax machines! Fax machines began to meltdown! The smell of plastic filled the air!
More important, radio shows began to speak openly about the Washington debacle of the Obama administration. It was then, the Acorn Story broke, and who do you think went directly to the Acorn office in San Bernardino California to verify the rumors?
Yes, you are right, Minuteman Steve! Your own personal FaxDC troublemaker!
As it turns out, Minuteman Steve - President of FaxDC shows up on their doorstep asking questions. If that wasn't bad enough, Minuteman Steve was called by the liberal nincompoops a "Son of a Bitch" because he exposed the Communist leaders of the unfree world who were running Washington. Many began to speak out, Patriots like the President of the Tea Party - Dale Robertson, who, teaming up with other groups in a coalition Marched on Washington, 2 million strong. Since then the movement now numbers well over 6 million strong, many of them members of the FaxDC Army!
And remember, all the while FaxDC is still sending blistering, hot, searing, powerful faxes directly into the belly of the beast.
Say it with me, all together: WOW!
Astonishing, isn't it? No doubt, the phones were ringing off the hook in the secret hiding places of America's politically diseased. Wouldn't you have liked to have been a fly on the wall? Can you imagine how the conversations' must have gone?
"Mr. Obama. You have a BIG PROBLEM, and it is the American people. They don't want your Obama Reich anymore. Your National Health-Care Scam will be an uphill battle, you won't be able to grab guns, you can't close down Conservative Talk Show hosts and bowing to all those Arab Sheiks really pissed miffed-off a lot of God Loving U.S. Citizens!"
.....and the dither goes on.
All together, "Holy Cow! What the %*#X! How did the American people get organized? Who awakened the sleeping giant? What is next, they actually want to run their own government?
At this point, it was then the FaxDC Army deployed another blizzard of torrid steaming faxes directly into the gasping faces of the Washington Nazicrats!
Get this, the change Mr. Obama was dreaming of has turned into a nightmare of epic proposition. Millions of Tea Party members are marching in the streets, the Minuteman ranks are swelling, and, the 912 Patriot groups are recruiting like never before. Conservative Talk Show Hosts are having a bumper year and it is not even 2010 yet! WOW!
But that's just part of the story, the Health-Care Bill from Hell is faltering. The Nazicrats, trying to save face, have bellowed a small challenge threatening to shut down seasoned veteran Senator Joe Lieberman's free speech. The political geniuses inside the Greenbelt know very well that a freshman Senator, formerly and possibly still a practicing comedian, will not inflict much, if any, damage to the likes of Joe Lieberman.
Get this, the Congressional hooligans and the liberal progressive's screams are being heard all the way across the Washington's reflection pool as they berate the Blue Dog Democrats for looking, smelling and talking like someone who gives a damn about what is right when it comes to the governments control over the little guy.
Here's the real truth, the left feels scalded and screeches like turpentine-cats because someone who sang in their choir has turned into a soloist, no longer singing the praises of socialism but something which sounds like a free thinking individual looking out for the welfare of the American people. These brave souls are a handful of Democrats, Republicans and an Independent.
I'm not kidding, no doubt, the enraged left-wingers will find a means to punish all those who stand in the pathway of their expanded Nazicrat agenda.
In any case, the Obama administration cabal is trying to strong-arm Congress into submission. Much of Washington has turned their backs on the cries of the U.S. Citizens. The Obama Reich's lust filled agenda is exposed to the public like never before.
Here's the scary part, the word around the Greenbelt is: "Grab the health-care industry, and then Washington will control over one-sixth of our entire U.S. economy! Do it and do it now, at any cost."
I'm telling you, the few remaining Conservative Congressmen are hanging on for all their lives. Daily they are being pummeled by the liberal Nazicrats. Many of our friends on Capitol Hill have become targets for the Socialist Political Extermination Squad. Not just wanting Conservatives to lose the next election, but to extinguish the political hopes of good men and women who pledge allegiance to the Red, White and Blue.
My fellow Patriots, we are in a fight for our lives like never before. America is on its last legs. What will happen to our beloved nation if the Obama Reich wins! We now, more than ever, must pull together and fight the Obama Reich, and win back America.
In fact, We The People are Obama's Big Problem, and I say, let us make it bigger than ever. However, how do we do such a thing? We The People must fill the Halls of Congress with Faxes, Postcards, Letters and our Voices.
It is time that every God Loving Citizen unites and says: YOU'RE FIRED to all the sidewinders, scallywags, and nincompoop-Nazicrats in Washington.
This is why FaxDC created the "Send A Pink Slip To Congress Fax."
Get this, you can now send a Pink Slip to all 100 Senators and all 435 Members of the House of Representatives. Not only that, but FaxDC will send a letter directly to Mr. Obama, right to the Whitehouse for you!
Remember, those who are on the side of the U.S. Constitution will see the Pink Slip as an encouragement, knowing that We The People are on the job. The bloated ego-centric-Nazicrats will view the Pink Slip as yet another open door for them to be un-elected.
Attention: Have you had enough of the Obama Reich? National Socialism SUCKS! The Nazicrats are ruining our beloved nation with their tainted socialistic agenda of the greater good for the greatest number philosophy.
Do it now! Fire the Bastards! Send them a Pink Slip they will not forget!
Go to: www.faxdc.com/pinkslip.htm and send the pink slip directly to Washington now!
Read Our stuff at: www.FaxDC.com
Remember: Do it today, tomorrow maybe too late, don't let us lose America.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio