Friday 25 December 2009

NWV wishes a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a happy New Year to all our loyal readers and supporters. Thank you.

We Must Care More and Do More
The fight we are engaged in, involving the radical liberal agenda, and core conservative values, is necessary in order for people to choose which side they are on. As Conservatives, it’s time out for living in our world, while allowing the passage of insidious legislation, coupled with the outlandish textbooks permeating our cities and schools.......
by Selena Owens

A Christmas Message from Lloyd Marcus
Mrs. Bush's three hundred or so guests enjoyed Christmas music played by a young soldier on a grand piano. I asked the pianist if she knew "The Christmas Song" and could I sing it? Amazingly this courageous trusting young pianist invited me to sing as she accompanied me. Judging from the applause, we were a hit. Wow, my first unofficial performance at the White House........
by Lloyd Marcus

Democrats pass ObamaCare horror on Christmas Eve
People will die prematurely. People will be controlled. People will lose their freedoms and the best health care system in the world will become a fossilized museum exhibit......
by Laurie Roth, Ph.D

Patriots issue the final warning: Listen Washington!
To our ultimate shame and utmost agony, we are now a mere shadow of that symbolized greatness. We have become a pathetic caricature of the strong, independent and “righteous” embodiment of liberty, freedom and justice for every citizen. No longer are there patriotic and moving renditions of our national anthem. Sousa marches are heard once or twice a year at service academy graduations or on Memorial Day. Veterans.......
by Former Kansas State Trooper, Greg Evensen, Ret.