By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
Richard Cummings in THE PIED PIPER described the activities of Allard Lowenstein (who worked with the CIA) in Africa, Spain and Portugal. One of the important points he made was that while outwardly the U.S. government was opposing Marxists in Africa, behind the scenes the CIA actually was befriending (funding) them in order "gradually" to control them or at least cause them not to be so radical. What this actually revealed was the dialectic at work, and South Africa has played an important part in this.
In 1891, gold and diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes in South Africa formed his secret Society of the Elect "to take the government of the whole world." Part of Rhodes' plan involved selecting Rhodes scholars (e.g., Bill Clinton), and among the members of the Rhodes Trust was the famous author Rudyard Kipling who had swastikas on his early books. Here is reproduced a 1902 letter (note the suggestive words) from Kipling in Capetown, South Africa, to noted author H. G. Wells, who was one of the early Fabian Socialists, with whom Rhodes' people networked. The Fabians wanted "gradually" to move Britain toward Socialism.
At the same time Rhodes was developing his plan, William Whitney of the secret society Skull & Bones developed a plan financially to contribute to both major political parties, Democrat and Republican, and then have them alternate power so the public thought it had a choice when it really didn't. This would be in line with the "hope" of Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University, Prof. Carroll Quigley, who authored TRAGEDY AND HOPE (1966) using "secret records" regarding Rhodes' plan.
Rhodes' people and members of Skull & Bones, all originally well-off financially, have networked with Marxists/Socialists "gradually" moving the world toward Socialism dialectically playing political liberals against political conservatives who alternate power. This is why there is a 1911 political cartoon by Robert Minor in the ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH showing men of wealth (e.g., John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, etc.) welcoming Karl Marx (with a book titled "Socialism" under his arm) to Wall Street.
Not long after this cartoon appeared, Marxist theoretician Antonio Gramsci began promoting his plan "gradually" to capture the cultures of countries rather than taking them over by violent revolutions. This idea of transforming whole cultures fit with Jan Christiaan Smuts' concept of holism. Smuts (along with Sir Abe Bailey, Sir Patrick Duncan, Basil K. Long, Richard Feetham and Sir James Rose-Innes) belonged to Rhodes' Association of Helpers in South Africa. Note here the reproduced letter from Smuts to H. G. Wells stating "The next step is to move the political big wigs forward." In his book, HOLISM AND EVOLUTION, Smuts described "the foundations of a new order of the universe." He drafted many clauses of the League of Nations, and was one of the drafters of the preamble for the United Nations Charter.
Shortly after Smuts' book was published in 1926, H. G. Wells in 1928 wrote THE OPEN CONSPIRACY: BLUE PRINTS FOR A WORLD REVOLUTION. In Wells' EXPERIMENT IN AUTOBIOGRAPHY (1934), he described the goal of the "Open Conspiracy" as "an adequately implemented Liberal Socialism, which will ultimately supply teaching, coercive and directive public services to the whole world, is the immediate task before all rational people....Plans for political synthesis seem to grow bolder and more extensive....The New Plan in America to the New Plan in Russia and how are both related to the ultimate World-State? There must be a common faith and law for mankind....Only after a huge cultural struggle can we hope to see the world-state coming into being."
The ultimate goal of the power elite is a synthesis of Western Capitalism and Eastern Communism into a World Socialist Government. Powerful financiers had funded the Soviets and in the 1930s funded Hitler's Germany. In 1936, power elite representative John J. McCloy (Council on Foreign Relations chairman 1953-1970) would sit in Hitler's box at the Olympics and in late July 1961 take a friendly swim with Communist leader Nikita Khrushchev in the Black Sea.
Just as the Soviets had been funded by the power elite, the Communist Chinese were brought to power by them as well. Actions taken by U.S. General George Marshall after the Second World War helped the Communist Chinese defeat the Nationalist Chinese forces of Chiang Kai-shek, whom the U.S. was supposed to be supporting.
The Communist victories in the Soviet Union and China were important to the power elite. According to a 1952 map by the World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government, when the World Government would come into existence, Mongolian (Chinese) forces would be patrolling from Southern California (where the Communist Chinese COSCO has a major presence in the port of Long Beach) into Mexico (where there is a major Chinese presence as well).
And in 1953, Ford Foundation president H. Rowan Gaither informed Congressional Reece Committee research director Norman Dodd that they were under directives from the White House to "make every effort to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union." This is the synthesis desired by the power elite.
The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was portrayed as a great victory for President Kennedy against the Soviets, but it was a sham. The plan was that Soviet missiles in Cuba would be easily detected by the U.S., and the Soviets would agree to withdraw their missiles from Cuba in exchange for the U.S. withdrawing its missiles from Turkey and agreeing not to invade Cuba, which could then be used as a revolutionary training base for Latin America and Africa (e.g., Cuban troops went to Angola). In that same year, CFR member Lincoln Bloomfield prepared Study Memorandum No.7 for Secretary of State Dean Rusk (Rhodes scholar) in which Bloomfield described how a "world government" could come about, and then stated: "(But) if the Communist dynamic was greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government." Again, we see how the dialectical synthesis is designed to work.
Another aspect of this process was revealed in James Simon Kunen's THE STRAWBERRY STATEMENT (1968) regarding Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) convention: " from Business International Roundtables...tried to buy up a few radicals. Those men are the world's industrialists and they convene to decide how our lives are going to go. They're the left wing of the ruling class. They offered to finance our demonstrations in Chicago. We were also offered ESSO (Rockefeller) money. They want us to make a lot of radical commotion so they can look more in the center as they move more to the left." This "move more to the left" by the power elite was important to open the door to trade and other relations with Communist China, as David Rockefeller praised Chairman Mao's "accomplishments" in an article in the August 10, 1973, NEW YORK TIMES.
The power elite had to bring Communist China into the "community of nations" if their strategy of bringing about a World Socialist Government through linking regional economic arrangements was to work. The Far Eastern economic region would be linked to the Middle East, to Europe, to the Americas, and to Africa. Noncompliant people like Slobodan Milosevic in Yugoslavia and the Taleban in Afghanistan were stumbling blocks to fulfilling this plan, and therefore had to be removed.
In H.G. Wells' EXPERIMENT IN AUTOBIOGRAPHY, he revealed that "The Open Conspiracy has to achieve itself in many ways, but the main battle before it is an educational battle." In the early 1980s at the U.S. Department of Education (DOE), I was assigned to brief a delegation from South Africa about DOE's programs and activities. It was about this same time (1984) U.S. Secretary of Education Terrel Bell and Utah State Superintendent Leland Burningham were exchanging letters about a plan to get Outcome-Based Education (OBE) in all schools. The "Father of OBE" is William Spady, and his ultimate "Transformational" OBE is designed to change students' values. On November 16, 1998, Spady arrived in South Africa to participate in two major educational conferences in Pretoria and Port Elizabeth.
The instability in Southern Africa, Israel, Palestine, Iraq and elsewhere is all part of the dialectical process through which the power elite plans to bring about a New World Order World Socialist Government. This New World Order will also have a spiritual component as represented in the Earth Charter. Its authors, Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong (it was actually written by Steven Rockefeller), have both indicated the Earth Charter is like a new Ten Commandments, and it was presented to the U.N. not coincidentally at a conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. It will be a "common faith" just as H.G. Wells said in 1934. And this date (1934) is the same year John Dewey ("Father of Progressive Education" who wrote "We are in for some kind of socialism") authored A COMMON FAITH, in which he proposed "the surrender of the conception of the basic division to which supernatural Christianity is committed."
Dennis Laurence Cuddy |
Dennis Laurence Cuddy Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education. Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch |
Dennis Laurence Cuddy's Articles |
01/08/10: Looking Backwards: Part One
By Dennis Laurence Cuddy
By Dennis Laurence Cuddy
By Dennis Laurence Cuddy
By Dennis Laurence Cuddy
By Dennis Laurence Cuddy
By Dennis Laurence Cuddy
By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
In Part 1 of this series on the Dialectic, I referred to Cecil Rhodes' plan "to take the government of the whole world." In typical Dialectical fashion, Rhodes' mentor, John Ruskin (who has a swastika on his grave), said both "I am a Tory (conservative) of the old school" and "I am myself a Communist of the old school---reddest of the red." Rhodes' people networked Dialectically with both Skull and Bones (mostly conservative) members and Fabian Socialists (liberals).
When I was young, I was in touch with a number of world notables, and during my senior year in high school (1963-64), I was assigned to portray the famous historian Arnold Toynbee. He was an important member of Cecil Rhodes' Association of Helpers "to take the government of the whole world" (see reproduced letter from Toynbee). From 1964 to 1968, I attended N.C. State University where Allard Lowenstein was teaching, and I remember seeing and hearing him on occasion.
In Part 1 of my series on the Dialectic, I mentioned that Lowenstein had worked in Africa, Spain and Portugal for the CIA, which had been involved in university recruitment for some time. Lowenstein had received his B.A. degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1949, and when I was attending graduate school there, one of my professors had been a CIA covert agent who encouraged me to go to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, and another professor had been a Rhodes scholar in charge of the State Department's Middle East desk.
The ultimate goal of Cecil Rhodes and the power elite was Dialectically to synthesize Western Capitalism and Eastern Communism into a World Socialist Government. When Lowenstein was a student at UNC in the late 1940s, he was a member of a group called the Dialectic Senate. At this same time, the CIA was forming the National Student Association (NSA), of which Lowenstein became president in 1950.
In Part 1 of this series, I mentioned that in 1953, Ford Foundation president H. Rowan Gaither revealed that they were under directives from the White House to so alter life in the U.S. as to make possible a "comfortable merger" with the Soviet Union. Lowenstein would later work for the Ford Foundation (as well as the CIA). He also was in contact with quite a few Rhodes scholars, one of whom was Rick Stearns who was Bill Clinton's traveling companion at Oxford University as well as international vice-president of the NSA in the mid-1960s.
In the previous Part of this series, I emphasized the importance of South Africa in the Dialectic, and in this Part 2, I shall look at Spain. Lowenstein and the CIA would present themselves as anti-Communists who also opposed the right wing leadership in countries like South Africa and Spain (Francisco Franco). Note the Dialectic---Lowenstein and the CIA would support the Socialists as the alternative to the far left and far right political extremes. For years, Lowenstein had supported and networked with U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas. It is worth remembering here that during his 1948 presidential campaign, Thomas predicted: "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
Lowenstein began making trips to Spain (for at least 2 decades) in 1958. And Richard Cummings in THE PIED PIPER (1984) indicated that Lowenstein "knew every Spanish opposition (to Franco) group and its leadership inside and out." In the early 1960s, he met with the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol). And in 1964, a young Javier Solana while in college joined the PSOE.
The next year, Solana received a Fulbright scholarship to begin a doctoral program in the U.S. The Fulbright scholarships were named for Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton's political mentor, U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas. In mid-April 1964, Lowenstein was invited along with President and Mrs. Lyndon Johnson to be dinner guests at the home of Sen. Fulbright. And that same year, Sen. Fulbright authored OLD MYTHS AND NEW REALITIES, announcing that "the concept of national sovereignty has become in our time a principle of international anarchy....The sovereign nation can no longer serve as the ultimate unit of personal loyalty and responsibility." As an example of how the Dialectic works, while Rhodes scholar Sen. Fulbright was a "dove" on the Vietnam War, Rhodes scholar Secretary of State Dean Rusk was a "hawk." Cecil Rhodes' plan for world government was always the goal, though, and in March 1994, a World Affairs Council chapter awarded Dean Rusk its "World Citizen Award."
After receiving the Ph.D. from the University of Virginia in 1968, and then teaching there as an assistant professor until 1971, Solana returned to Madrid to teach and become active again in Spanish politics in the early 1970s. In a phone interview July 14, 2006, Richard Cummings told me that Lowenstein and Solana probably did know each other.
During this time, Rhodes scholar Richard Gardner in the April 1974 edition of the Council on Foreign Relation's (CFR's) FOREIGN AFFAIRS wrote that "an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault." Gardner in the article went on to explain how GATT (including the World Trade Organization) would be part of this process.
The next year (1975), Spanish ruler Francisco Franco died, and in 1977 Solana was elected to the Spanish parliament and opposed U.S. military bases in Spain. In 1982, just before the PSOE came to power, Spain joined NATO with Solana in opposition to that decision. However, later that same year, after the PSOE came to power, Solana was appointed Minister for Culture and reversed his position. According to ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, "in 1986 he was pivotal in organizing a referendum to endorse Spain's membership in NATO." At this point, it is worth remembering that under the Dialectic, the CIA befriended (funded) Socialists in Spain to control them or at least make them less radical.
Solana in 1988 was appointed Minister for Education and Science, and became Minister for Foreign Affairs in 1992. This was the same year Bill Clinton ran for the presidency, and his adviser on U.N. matters was fellow Rhodes scholar Richard Gardner.
After Clinton's election, he would appoint his Rhodes scholar roommate, Strobe Talbott, to the State Department where he eventually became the number 2 person. During the presidential campaign, Talbott had written in TIME magazine (July 20, 1992) that "perhaps national sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all....But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government."
The number 1 man in the State Department, CFR member Warren Christopher, during his January 13, 1993, Senate confirmation hearing, discussed with Sen. Joseph Biden the possibility of NATO becoming a peacekeeping surrogate for the U.N. "to foster the creation of a new world order." Thus, the people in charge of NATO politically and militarily would be of critical importance.
It was no surprise, therefore, that President Clinton appointed fellow Rhodes scholar Gen. Wesley Clark to be military head of NATO. However, after Javier Solana became political head of NATO on December 5, 1995, ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA stated, "He was somewhat unexpectedly chosen." After all, Solana only occupied a ministerial position in Spain. How was he selected over all other candidates?
The key lies in President Clinton's appointment of Richard Gardner as U.S. Ambassador to Spain. Gardner and his fellow Rhodes scholars Clinton and Talbott sealed the "cooperative" Solana's appointment as political head of NATO. I use the word "cooperative" because while Solana only approved of Spain's membership in NATO in the 1980s provided Spain's armed forces didn't participate in military operations, in the late 1990s as NATO Secretary-General he sent 60,000 troops from 30 countries into Bosnia and Herzegovina (just as Clinton, Talbott and Gardner desired).
Solana would go on to become on June 29, 2004, the European Union's first Minister for Foreign Affairs, and he is currently Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union. He is one of the most powerful men in the world, and strategically placed by the Dialectic to facilitate the New World Order, Cecil Rhodes' plan "to take the government of the whole world."
Not only are people like Solana useful to the power elite in this regard, but so are U.S. Presidents like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush (Skull and Bones member, as were his father and grandfather). The Dialectic uses left and right, liberal and conservative. In this regard, if you look at the White House website, you will see in the Oval Office a carpet with the Great Seal of the United States (just like on the one dollar bill), and the eagle is looking left. However, if you look at the emblem on the front of the President's desk, the eagle is looking right ! Is this Dialectical symbolism?
As I have explained before, the power elite's plan is to link regional economic arrangements to form a World Socialist Government. Some of the world's people are getting wise to this, and when U.S. trade negotiators arrived in Seoul, South Korea, on July 9, 2006, to discuss a "free-trade agreement," they had to have government bodyguards because of the protesters there.
The power elite wants Korea (South and North) to become part of a larger Asian-Pacific regional economic arrangement, which can then be linked to NAFTA, the European Economic Community (European Union), Africa, etc. The Dialectic uses a certain amount of chaos (e.g., uncontrolled borders, violent confrontations, etc.) to cause the people to accept transnational "agreements" (not treaties, which would have to be ratified by the U.S. Senate). The South Koreans probably will be "persuaded" that part of their security against the current aggressive gestures (missile launches) by North Korea will depend upon their willingness to accept a "free-trade agreement," which might then be offered to North Korea as well.
In the Middle East, there is chaos between Israelis and Palestinians. The power elite hopes to weary these people, and then offer the "carrot" of the Middle East FreeTrade Area (MEFTA), which then can be linked with other regions. President George W. Bush has already indicated that he wants all nations of the Middle East under one regional economic authority by 2013. There is already a lobbying group (including Exxon, Mobil, Bechtel and Halliburton) called the U.S.-MEFTA Coalition promoting an economic arrangement between the two regions. Roxane Premont in her NewsWithViews article, "Sacrificing America for Global Trade" (July 8, 2006), has concluded that if this arrangement comes about, "it would be entirely plausible for a company like Dubai Ports to sue the United States government and win in court," because local businesses cannot be favored over foreign companies.
How does Solana and Spain fit in all this? Javier Solana arranged a treaty of association (including security, trade, etc.) between the European Union and Israel, which was signed November 20, 1995, and officially ratified June 1, 2000. According to Herb Keinon's June 6, 2006, article in THE JERUSALEM POST, on June 5, 2006, Javier Solana met in Israel with officials there, telling them he "remained firm on the need for the Hamas-PA (Palestinian Authority) government to meet these criteria before gaining international legitimacy: recognizing Israel, renouncing terrorism and accepting previous agreements."
Relevant to Spain, there is a plan to build a massive TransAmerica highway splitting the U.S. in half and running from Mexico to Canada, facilitating a North American region with the "Amero" as a new currency. The first stage is the TransTexas Corridor, which will be built by Zachry Construction Company of Texas (George Bush's home state) and managed by CINTRA, a Madrid, Spain, company which already manages toll highways around the world, including some in the U.S. Is it possible that Javier Solana of Madrid, Spain, had a hand in this? For part 1 click below.
© 2006 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved
Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education.
Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch.
LOOKING BACKWARDS By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. It is the year 2100 C.E. (Common Era, as A.D. is no longer used), and The Order of the New World or New Civilization has decreed that a history of its rise to power be written by its Ministry of Peace. That is what this paper relates, as we are now living in the most wonderful of times under the guidance of the benevolent Order. First, it would probably be helpful to describe the model strategy used by The Order to obtain power over the people of the world. Because it was believed that the most difficult people (beside those fervently religious) to bring under The Order's control would be those having a republican form of government, the model strategy used came from Philip Freneau's "Rules for Changing a Limited Republican Government into an Unlimited Hereditary One" (American Museum, July 1792), which was an unheeded warning to Americans who supported a republican form of government. This was written shortly after the United States began as a republic, and in this work, Freneau said the limitations of the Republic's (e.g., the U.S.) Constitution should be emphasized with "precedents and phrases" (e.g., due process) "shuffled in." He next said that civil turbulence in the Republic should be contrasted with the stability existing under a hereditary elite. The "grand nostrum" of Freneau's outline was the creation of debt "made as big as possible, as perpetual as possible, in as few hands as possible," and as complicated as possible. He then said, "A great debt will require great taxes…. Money will be put under the direction of the government, and government under the direction of money" (e.g., banking elite). The next step would be to create "artificial divisions" within society (e.g., "divide and conquer" strategy) which would "smother the true natural divisions between the few" (elite) "and the general mass of people, attached to their republican government and republican interests." Freneau then indicated that the elite would give a popular name, such as "the general welfare," to the usurped power so that those opposing the elite could be negatively labeled as "opposing the general welfare" of the people. He described how a military defeat (e.g., the Vietnam War) would "be turned into a political victory for the elite." And lastly, he noted that those warning about the elite's attempt to seize power would themselves be labeled as "enemies to the established government." Freneau declared that this charge would "be reiterated and reverberated till at last such confusion and uncertainty be produced that the people, being not able to find out where the truth lies, withdraw their attention from the contest." This last element of the model strategy was particularly useful to The Order in "turning off" people's support for patriotic militia. Relevant to this and to the rise of The Order in the 20th century were the following statements published by the National Education Association's Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development in To Nurture Humaneness (1970). Robert Ayres stated that "words like 'patriot' may in time become obsolescent." Dan Dodson noted that "The old order is passing…. Social controls cannot be left to blind chance and unplanned change-usually attributed to God. Man must be the builder of new forms of social organization which will be more fulfilling to more people." John Loughary indicated that "Many daily decisions and value judgments now made by the individual will soon be made for him." And Raymond Houghton revealed that "while absolute behavior control is imminent, the crucial question concerns itself with identifying the practical critical factor as to when sufficient behavior control is accomplished to make the question of absolute behavior control only academic…. The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will not ever know that it is about to happen. He will never self-consciously know that it has happened." As early as May 1966 (in Esquire magazine), Dr. John McConnell, professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan, had been quoted as saying: "I teach a course called The Psychology of Influence, and I begin it by stating categorically that the time has come when, if you give me any normal human being and a couple of weeks… I can change his behavior from what it is not to whatever you want it to be, if it's physically possible…. I can turn him from a Christian to a communist…. Look, we can do these things. We can control behavior. Now, who's going to decide what's to be done?..." Then 5 years later (September 1971), Milton Rokeach wrote in "Persuasion That Persists" (Psychology Today): "Suppose you could take a group of people, give them a twenty-minute pencil-and-paper task, talk to them for ten to twenty minutes afterward, and thereby produce long-range changes in core values and personal behavior in a significant portion of this group. For openers, it would of course have major implications for education, government, propaganda, and therapy…. My colleagues and I have in the last five years achieved the kinds of results suggested in the first paragraph of this article…. It now seems to be within man's power to alter experientially another person's basic values, and to control the direction of the change." Today, freedom exists under The Order, but it is "managed" for the good of the people. For example, people have a choice in foods to eat, but it is from a selection The Order has determined is healthful for them. Initially, the people had been allowed the illusion of freedom by telling them they could eat whatever they wished. However, if they did not choose from The Order's selection, their insurance premiums were made so prohibitively high that most "volunteered" to choose as The Order desired. It was not difficult ot know what each person was eating, as every individual's Omnicard (Smart Card) recorded what he or she purchased at grocery stores, restaurants, etc. The Order had been able to take control of the world's food supply many decades ago as megafarms bought up nearly all of the small (family) farms, and the megafarms came under the control of giant food processors (e.g., Archer-Daniels-Midland) which in turn were given production quotas by national governments and then by The Order. In addition to the establishment of criteria for healthful foods, the people happily reported to assigned exercise groups where their physical fitness could be monitored and tracked. Transportation to and from these groups and everywhere else has been accelerated by the development of photon energy, which also powers households and industries. Even space travel is now commonplace because of the development of electromagnetic (EM) power, as EM force fields are emitted by space crafts in front of themselves, accelerating the crafts forward at ever increasing speeds. The Order was able to begin its movement toward world control over a century ago, before 2000 C.E., by gaining control of the existing "processes." For example, the people were allowed the illusion that they had real political choices during elections, but "big money" from big corporations primarily to Republicans and from big Labor primarily to Democrats allowed for the screening of political candidates as they rose on the political ladder to determine if they would be acceptable to The Order. Once computerized voting was introduced, it was also very easy for The Order to program the computers to "rig" election results and to know how everyone voted and whether they voted in a "politically correct" manner. Video cameras showed each person placing his or her ballot in a computer, which clearly displayed the number for each voter (e.g., voter number 49 or 273, etc.) and it was a simple matter for a representative of The Order to retrieve those ballots (e.g., ballot 49 or 273, etc.), from the machine to see how those individuals voted. Even in the area of education, the credentialing "process" for superintendents, principals and others became so regulated that even if some disgruntled citizens successfully removed an education official objectionable to them, the official's replacement would have to come from the same pool of "credentialed" educators. Once the people had come to see that it was useless to challenge The Order (which was, after all, providing for their health, safety, security and all of their other needs), they came to be dependent upon and to love The Order of the New World. The people's consciousness had been changed so that they have come to accept the New Civilization of the World in which we now live happily. In 1973, feminist leader Gloria Steinem said, "By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God." This, of course, was accomplished via the establishment of a humanistic code of values to which all could agree, called our common faith. Pope John Paul II's statement supporting the theory of evolution over a hundred years ago helped tremendously in this regard, as it provided much needed support for our undermining of the belief many had in the inerrancy of the Bible. The first head of the World Health Organization, Brock Chisholm, had earlier announced that the concepts of right and wrong taught to children by their parents and religious leaders had to be done away with. And those (e.g., fundamentalists) who objected to this new way of thinking were described as having "mental health" problems which need to be treated by The Order's approved psychiatrists, psychologists and social service workers. Once Bible reading and prayer had been removed from public schools, and the public's belief in moral absolutes had been eroded via a steady diet of values clarification lessons in those schools leading to the acceptance of situation ethics, it was not too difficult to gain public acceptance of abortions and other anti-life activities. There was even the election of a president whom the people knew to have committed clearly immoral acts, and to whom a majority of the people gave high approval ratings even though he supported the grotesque infanticide of partial-birth abortions. The people still longed, though, for some type of spirituality, so unlike the failed Communists and Nazis of the previous century, The Order did not try to eliminate the concept of God, but rather redefined God as being the cosmic force of love. This concept of a non-judgmental God who would never send anyone to something called hell allowed the development of The Order's One-World Religion based upon our common faith in the goodness of men and women. Once again, this concept was greatly assisted by Pope John Paul II and other religious leaders who pronounced that Buddhists and those of other religions could also enter into heaven. The Order's New World Religion of common faith based on common values includes a synthesis of Western Scientism and Eastern mysticism along with some New Age elements. Such efforts at syncretism had been tried earlier in the first part of the 20th century, but had been thwarted by individuals such as G.K. Chesterton who, in The Everlasting Man (1925), had written: "They call a Parliament of Religions (1893) as a reunion of all the peoples; but it is only a reunion of all the prigs. Yet exactly such a pantheon had been set up two thousand years before by the shores of the Mediterranean; and Christians were invited to set up the image of Jesus side by side with the image of Jupiter, of Mithras, of Osiris, of Atys, or of Ammon. It was the refusal of the Christians that was the turning-point of history. If the Christians had accepted, they and the whole world would have certainly, in a grotesque but exact metaphor, gone to pot. They would all have been boiled down to one lukewarm liquid in that great pot of cosmopolitan corruption in which all the other myths and mysteries were already melting. It was an awful and an appalling escape. Nobody understands the nature of the Church, or the ringing note of the creed descending from antiquity, who does not realize that the world once very nearly died of broad-mindedness and the brotherhood of all religions." In the latter half of the 20th century, however, the people were successfully conditioned to compromise their faiths to accept the syncretism of the world's religions. Because one's religion seemed to matter less and less, people stopped going to churches, which were turned by The Order Talk show hosts approved by The Order were continuously programmed on radio and television both to allow the venting of frustrations and to mollify fears, reassuring the people that they were still free and had real political choices, naturally within the limits established by The Order for the people's own good. The viewing of sports events continued to be a favorite pastime for the masses, and so that no one team gained superiority in any sport for any length of time, the outcomes of competition were carefully managed by The Order without the public's knowledge. This did not even require the knowledge of individual players as to what the outcome of any game was to be, as simple signals by representatives of The Order on either side of a court or playing field could alert the opposition as to the appropriate defense to call. It was actually amusing to see how ignorant people had become, as they didn't realize how easy it was to "rig" an athletic event. All it took was one player deliberately missing one shot or kick or catch at a key point in the game! © 2009 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved
[Note: This series of articles is written from the perspective The Order, which by 2100 has come to control the world.]into houses of entertainment, as people increasingly seemed to "worship" having fun. Perhaps the first example relevant to this was the conversion of St. John the Baptist Church in the Pittsburth, PA area to a Brew-pub in the mid-1990s (see photo). The people didn't protest when the music and lyrics from many traditional religious songs (e.g., from Handel's Messiah, "The Hallelujah Chorus," and from "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen") were used in commercial jingles. The masses of people were kept happy, and formerly illegal drugs were more freely distributed by The Order toward that end. Television, with its quickly changing hyper-reality images (in ads and other programming), and other forms of entertainment became useful in psychologically conditioning the people to accept new lifestyles desired by The Order (centuries ago, yogis had devised candles with a fast flicker effect that could change states of consciousness). Rhythm in music was used to soothe or to stimulate people's emotions, which were now emphasized over the intellect.
Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch.
By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
[Note: Bill Clinton was from Hope, Arkansas, and his mentor, Professor Carroll Quigley, wrote Tragedy and Hope wherein he described the "hope" of the world as the Power Elite (PE) who run things behind the scenes. Barack Obama's campaign theme was "hope" via "change." Is this all just coincidental?]
Responding to the charge that President Obama's national health care proposals would include "death panels," John Meachem ofNewsweek wrote, "I Was A Teenage Death Panelist" (Sept. 12, 2009) in which he remarked that "the origins of what became the dreaded death panels show the idea to be sensible and humane…. We have to think about death differently…. Without a shift from late-in-life overtreatment to a wider use of the hospice model, costs will continue to grow to a likely unsustainable level." In the same edition of Newsweek, Evan Thomas (who said Obama is "sort of God") wrote "The Case for Killing Granny," in which he commented: "Until Americans learn to contemplate death as more than a scientific challenge to be overcome, our health-care system will remain unfixable…. A significant portion of the savings will have to come from the money we spend on seniors at the end of life."
The global PE for well over 100 years has been promoting euthanasia. In an earlier NewsWithViews column, I quoted H.G. Wells in Anticipations (1901) describing the coming "world state" where there would be "the merciful obliteration of weak and silly and pointless" people. And in Robert Hugh Benson's Lord of the World (1907), he said there would be Ministers of Euthanasia (like Jack Kevorkian) in 1998 under American Socialism.
That the PE had the beginning of the 21st century as the time Socialism would be adopted in the U.S. fits with what John Loeffler, host of Steel-on-Steel, referred to as an 80-year period for cultural change. For example, German culture began to change in the mid-1800s, so that by the 1930s, Germans were willing to accept National Socialism (Nazis). Therefore, with the change in American culture beginning in the late 1920s with Socialists like John Dewey, Norman Thomas, etc. the 80-year movement toward Socialism here would be complete about now.
Regarding euthanasia, in Germany in 1920, Dr. Alfred Hoche and Karl Binding authored "The Permission to Destroy Life Unworthy of Life" urging a national policy of assisted suicide for those terminally ill, mentally retarded, or with brain damage or psychiatric conditions. This was similar to the views of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger regarding those at the beginning of life, when she wrote in The Pivot of Civilization (1922): "There is but one practical and feasible program in handling the great problem of the feeble-minded. That is, as the best authorities are agreed, to prevent the birth of those who would transmit imbecility to their descendents." A little over 80 years later, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a July 12, 2009 New York Times Magazine interview would say: "I had thought that at the time Roe v. Wade was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of."
Concepts such as Social Darwinism in the late 1800s gave rise to the racial hygiene movement long before the Nazis ascended to power. In 1923, the University of Munich appointed Fritz Lenz to the first German chair in racial hygiene, and in 1931 Lenz commented: "Hitler is the first politician with truly wide influence who has recognized that the central mission of all politics is race hygiene and who will actively support this mission."
In March 1933, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, and on October 7, 1933 the Ministry of Justice in Berlin proposed that "it shall be made possible for physicians to end the tortures of incurable patients, upon request, in the interests of true humanity." In October 1939 (but backdated to September 1, 1939 when WWII began), Hitler authorized Aktion 4 or T4, a program which "granted mercy deaths" to those who physicians determined to be incurables.
Under the Nazis, euthanasia was first practice on the handicapped as they were considered "life unworthy of life." This was followed by euthanasia against those (e.g., Jews, Gypsies, etc.) whom the Nazis considered "inferior" to their Aryan race. In the 1940s, Josef Mengele became a leader in the Nazi's euthanasia movement and was known as "the Angel of Death" (see reference to Mengele in my 4-part series "The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan"). It is important here to remember that the Nazi movement was only a subpart of the PE's larger plan.
During WWII, Jerome Bruner was chief of psychological warfare for General Eisenhower. In the late 1950s, Bruner authored "The Process of Education," a report of the Woods Hole Conference which would become a guide for educational reformers in the 1960s. Bruner was also director of the Educational Development Center in Cambridge, MA, when in 1964 it produced Man: A Course of Study (MACOS), which was given $6.5 million by the National Science Foundation for its development. Congressman John Conlan criticized federal support for MACOS, which included a positive image of euthanasia such as infanticide and senilicide (e.g., old Eskimos left on ice to die).
In the December 31, 1969 edition of The Christian Century, Sam Keen wrote "The 'Soft' Revolution Explored" about an "alteration of consciousness" occurring, saying: "Western civilization has become disillusioned about its ancient romance with the religious and moral ideals of the Judeo-Christian tradition." He said there was "a change in value orientation" and an "emerging secular religion." About 25 years later, Keen at the first State of the World Forum in 1995 would evoke loud applause as he declared, "If we cut the world's population by 90%, there won't be enough people left to do ecological damage." Think about what would be required to reduce the earth's population by 90%!
At the same time Keen wrote his The Christian Century column, New Age spiritualist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross authored On Death and Dying (later testifying to the U.S. Senate in 1972 on death and dying), and The Hastings Center was founded in New York by Willard Gaylin and Daniel Callahan, who would later worry that America is waging a "war against death" (Callahan believed we must accept death). The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation would pay for a special supplement to The Hastings Center Report "Dying Well in the Hospital: the lessons of SUPPORT."
The year after On Death and Dying was published, in February 1970 Dr. Daniel Leviton (teacher of death education at the University of Maryland) delivered an address titled "The Role of the Schools in Providing Death Education," in which he asserted: "…We are very much interested in educating parents in order to reduce the spread of that dread disease, 'hangupitis.' Public schools would do well to develop related parent education programs in such myth-shrouded areas as human sexuality and death education." That someone supports death education does not mean necessarily that they support euthanasia. However, getting students "comfortable" with death can lead to suicides, which for many can be a kind of self-imposed euthanasia of depressed people. In September 1972, Dr. Leviton delivered an address titled "Education for Death, or Death Becomes Less A Stranger" at the American Psychological Association convention, in which he cautioned: "I can say that no one enrolled in the Course has suicided to date but it remains a possibility. The instructor in Death Education needs to be prepared for the eventuality of a student's suicide."
If students in "Death and Dying" classes go to morgues, feel corpses, view an embalming, rub caskets, sit in coffins, write suicide notes, and are asked to write their own epitaphs or obituaries, is it any wonder they may start to contemplate suicide as a way to get out of their problems? One girl at Columbine High School (where the two student killers wore black garments with swastikas) in Littleton, Colorado said she contemplated suicide after taking a death education course. Even before the Littleton massacre, Tara Becker Merrill of Colorado attempted suicide after a high school class about death, saying she was taught that "death is exciting, appealing, something to look forward to." Many other students have committed suicide after taking death education or seeing films about suicide. One textbook, Coping With Death and Dying by Robert Russell, contained a section on euthanasia that stated: "Committing suicide may represent a last attempt to make an independent, personal decision."
At the same time Dr. Leviton was delivering his address in 1970, the movie M.A.S.H. was released with a theme song titled "Suicide is Painless," and in 1972 a popular TV show titled M.A.S.H. began with the same theme song. That same year (1972), the Center for Teaching International Relations (CTIR) was co-founded at the University of Denver by Josef Korbel (Secretary of State Madeline Albright's father) and it would produce Death: A Part of Life (by George Otero and Zoanne Harris), which on page 117 included Kamikazee Letters from WWII.
© 2009 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved
MINISTERS OF EUTHANASIA By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. [NOTE: Recently there has been a great deal of news regarding an all-day attack by the Taliban against U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. The Taliban were in the mountains firing down into a valley in which American soldiers were located, and 8 of our soldiers were killed because they were located in an outpost that made them all "sitting ducks." It was just like the end of the movieFort Apache in 1948 where John Wayne pleads with Henry Fonda not to send the cavalry in columns of 4 into a valley with the Apaches firing down from the mountains on either side. Wayne says, "That's suicide" to do that. When I was about 4 years old, I had a neighbor who was 6, and he had a large battlefield set on a table. It had soldiers, hills and valleys, etc., and even then we had enough sense not to place our soldiers in valleys where the enemy could fire down upon them. Therefore, there seems to be only one of two possible conclusions regarding the recent attack in Afghanistan. Either our military leaders are extremely incompetent, or our soldiers were deliberately placed there to be "sitting ducks" for some larger purpose. Either way, we as a people and our soldiers are in serious trouble! We also in serious trouble because of the fact that on June 5, 2009 President Obama's Communications Director Anita Dunn revealed that one of her favorite philosophers was Chairman Mao of Communist China! What does that say about Obama's judgment?] In the May 1973 issue of Prism (published by the American Medical Association) in an article titled "Children from the Laboratory," Dr. James D. Watson (who would later work on the Human Genome Project) stated: "I think we must re-evaluate our basic assumptions about the meaning of life. Perhaps… no one should be thought of as alive until about 3 days after birth…. If a child were not declared alive until 3 days after birth, then… the doctor could allow the child to die if the parents so chose." If this sounds shocking to you, it shouldn't. Isn't this what we as a nation accept just 3 days earlier? We just call it partial-birth abortion! Does this make you see just how sick and degenerate we have become as a people? On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized aborting (euthanizing) "unwanted" preborn children. This was the culmination of Planned Parenthood (PP) founder Margaret Sanger's desire to limit, via birth control, forced sterilization and abortion, what she called "dysgenic stock." Relevant to this, Sanger had a "Negro Project" to limit the number of blacks born, and although most PP financial supporters aren't racists, PP president Faye Wattleton (black) on CNN's "Crossfire" (January 1, 1987) said: "We have received contributions from people who want to support us because they want… all black women to stop having children." About this same time, Bishop Peter Proeku Dery of Ghana revealed that "there was pressure [by the World Bank] to legalize abortion, although the Church and the people have so far been able to prevent this. For how long, I don't know." The year after the Supreme Court's ruling legalizing the euthanizing of unwanted preborn children, a secret 42-page report was prepared in February 1974 by a euthanasia Task Force on Death and Dying. It became commonly known as the Alethea Report (seedennis28) and detailed a 10-year plan to achieve their goals, including changing the "values of self and the values of society," death and dying education programs, living wills, etc. On August 16. 1977, NC governor James B. Hunt, Jr. wrote that he supported tax-funding of abortion (euthanizing "unwanted" preborn children) because, he said, "We must concentrate on raising new generations of children who aren't stunted or handicapped in some way." This was the same time (August 1977) an HEW medical consultant (Dr. Ursula Anderson), approached the NC Division of Health Services to prepare a plan to "regionalize child health care" as part of a national strategy. The plan called for "health care homes" established in each county, and "responsibilities belonging to child and family are required" as follows: "child and family will accept one principal source of primary care; will make contact; will arrange for examination, education, counseling, etc.; records will be transferred…." Do not be surprised if this plan is resurrected under Obamacare. In July 1980, New Ager Barbara Marx Hubbard received a nomination at the Democratic National Convention to be the vice-presidential candidate. This was the same year she authored The Book of Co-Creation saying that one-fourth of the earth's population were "defective seeds" who "must be eliminated from the social body." She then wrote that she and her compatriots "are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death." Ronald Reagan won the presidential election of 1980, and from March 13-March 27, 1984 the U.S. Department of Education held hearings regarding, among other things, "survival games" (e.g., lifeboat game, air raid shelter game, spaceship game) in which children were asked whom they would be willing to kill. A Mrs. Dellinger testified: "A survival game in which my seventh grade son participated in required him to eliminate five out of ten whom they did not have room for on a spaceship. This is a subtle way to accept genocide, to become desensitized to euthanasia and infanticide, and to destroy religious beliefs (for the clergy man is always the oldest, or nearly the oldest, and he is certainly to be eliminated)." This was the same year Governor Richard Lamb of Colorado said old people have "a duty to die." For part one click below. © 2009 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved
Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education.
Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch.
MINISTERS OF EUTHANASIA By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. In addition, consider the following: (1) Davis was born in Kansas and Ann Dunham's parents knew him there; (2) the Dunham's moved to Seattle in 1955, and in Davis' Sex Rebel: Black (1968 under the pseudonym Bob Greene) he refers to "swinging" with a couple from Seattle and how he met numerous times with an underage girl named "Anne"; (3) Davis moved to Hawaii in 1948, and the Dunham's moved there in 1960 and were in contact with Davis again; (4) Although University of Hawaii student Barack Obama, Sr. married Ann Dunham in February 1961, they never lived together after their marriage; (5) In Barack Obama's book,Dreams From My Father, he describes Davis as a "father figure" and he wrote a poem about Davis called "Pop." Just like Bill Clinton probably had CIA connections when as a Rhodes Scholar he took a trip to the U.S.S.R., Obama in 1981 traveled to Karachi, Pakistan where his host was Muhammadian Soomro, who was linked to the CIA-connected, infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). In 1983, Barack Obama graduated from Columbia University in political science (pre-law), but his classmates don't remember him. Yet, while then in New York, he met and was mentored by Zbigniew Brzezinski. After 1983 and before he arrived in Chicago, Barack Obama worked for Business International Corporation (linked to American intelligence), which would be acquired by The Economist Group (London) and merge with The Economist Intelligence Unit.] Through this series on euthanasia, one can see a change in consciousness on the part of people is being brought about by the Power Elite (PE). In that regard, remember what George Orwell wrote in his book 1984: "Has it ever occurred to you that by the year 2050 at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now? …The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking – not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness." In 1985, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) called a meeting to discuss dying in America, which led to recommendations from Dr. Joanne Lynn, a proponent of withdrawal of nutrition and hydration who would receive at least $6 million from RWJF. In Dr. Lynn's Handbook for Mortals, she wrote: "…The courts have ruled, over and over, that using artificial nutrition or hydration is a treatment decision just like chemotherapy or surgery, and that families and doctors can choose to use or to forego this kind of treatment." A great deal of media attention was paid to Terri Schiavo, who had nutrition and hydration withheld from her and died March 31, 2005. However, she was by no means the first to which this happened. In 1987, 32-year old Nancy Ellen Jobes died of dehydration of her parents' request, even though two neurologists agreed she was aware, responsive and purposeful. This is because the New Jersey Supreme Court upheld lower court decisions that family members could refuse medical care even without clear evidence of a patient's wish. Three years after Nancy Jobes' death, the Association for Death Education and Counseling in its May/June 1990 edition of The Forum wrote that "old and new issues are demanding our attention and action: euthanasia, abortion,… rationing of health care and more." The Forum article appeared the year after Prince Philip of Great Britain said (according to Trashing the Planet) "were he to be reincarnated he would wish to return as a killer virus to lower human population levels." This is similar to Bertrand Russell's comment in The Impact of Science on Society (1953) that "population can be kept from increasing…. Perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full." The year after The Forum article appeared, the UNESCO Courier (November 1991) published an interview with Jacques Cousteau (who had been awarded a Medal of Freedom by President Reagan), in which he declared: "It's terrible to have to say this. World population must be stabilized and to do that, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. But the general situation in which are involved is lamentable." This is similar to the statement made by Ted Turner in the Audubon magazine in 1996 when he indicated a 95% reduction in the human population would be ideal. This was not long after the production of "Faces of Death" in 1993. This documentary film showed beheadings and other frightful scenes that gave 7th grade Alabama students nightmares, and the cover of the film boasted it had been "banned in 46 countries." Between 1990 and 1998, Dr. Jack Kevorkian "assisted" in the suicides of nearly 100 terminally ill people. His "assistance" took the form of attaching a euthanasia device he had made to those people. The next year, on September 1, 1999, the Texas Advance Directives Act was passed with Governor George Bush's signature allowing health care facilities to pull the plug on critically ill patients even over the objections of family members. Five years after this and six years after Kevorkian's last "assisted" suicide, on August 26, 2004, the Kentucky Supreme Court granted legal authority to the State of Kentucky to end the life of a citizen of the State even though it was contrary to the wishes of the person's guardian ad litem. Two years later, according to a WorldNetDaily article, "Scientists cheer holocaust wish," University of Texas professor Eric Pianka told an audience of over 400 Texas Academy of Science (TAS) members that the human population on Earth should be reduced by 90%. The audience of TAS scientists and students then burst into sustained applause, and TAS presented Pianka with a plaque in recognition of his being named 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist! The next year (2007), Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich delivered an address at UC-Berkeley in which he described "what a candidate for president would say" if the candidate said "what the truth is." According to Reich, the candidate would say: "We're going to have to, if you're very old, we're not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months. It's too expensive… so we're going to let you die." In January 2009, Barack Obama became President of the U.S., and by September 23, 2009 Rush Limbaugh claimed Obama had turned the U.S. over to "global powers." In an earlier NewsWithViews column, I quoted from Lee Siegel's August 11, 2009 article, "Obama's Euthanasia Mistake." Obama has not advocated euthanasia per se, but as an agent of the PE, his proposals will create situations where people will die because, for example, Medicare dollars will not pay for a particular medical procedure. In Betsy McCaughey's New York Post article "The 'kill granny' bill" (October 5, 2009), she explained: "As the health-reform bills move through Congress, the prognosis for Medicare patients gets worse and worse. Sen. Max Baucus' bill robs the elderly to cover the uninsured…. The House bills already cut future funding for Medicare by $500 billion over the next decade…. This is the most extreme change to Medicare ever. Dr. David McKalip, a Florida neurosurgeon and a board member of the Florida Medical Association, predicts: "The only doctors left in Medicare will be those willing to ration care and practice cookbook medicine…. The health-reformers' plan to cut spending on patients 65 and older won't simply reduce end-of-life care, it will also eliminate care for patients who are perfectly capable of surviving their illness and going on with life." In early September 2009, the U.S. Senate confirmed Cass Sunstein to be President Obama's regulatory czar, and relevant to euthanasia, Sunstein in 2008 co-authored Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health wherein he referred to the possibility of "routine removal" of body parts because the state would "own the rights to body parts of people who are dead or in certain hopeless conditions, and [the state] can remove their organs without asking anyone's permission… Though it may sound grotesque, routine removal is not impossible to defend. In theory it would save lives, and it would do so without intruding on anyone who has any prospect for life." In his 1993 book, The Partial Constitution, Sunstein had written: "Restrictions on abortion, surrogacy and free availability of pornography are troublesome." Unrelated to euthanasia, in mid-September, President Obama nominated Chai Feldblum (former clerk to Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun who wrote the Roe v. Wade abortion ruling) to head the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Feldblum has signed an online petition, "Beyond Same-Sex Marriage," which would allow homosexual and polygamous partnerships. Regrettably, with medical care to be increasingly rationed, there will be those who choose to self-euthanize. Is that one reason ABC's "Nightline" on September 29, 2009 aired a segment on "Dr. Death" Philip Nitschke (an Australian) who instructs the elderly on how to commit suicide? © 2009 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved
[Note: Decoys are often used by the intelligence community to lead people astray, and this may be the case with questioning Barack Obama's place of birth. President Obama may have been born in Hawaii to Ann Dunham in 1961, but his real father may have been Communist Party U.S.A. member (and also FBI informer) Frank Marshall Davis instead of Barack Obama, Sr. (BOS). How can one say this? First, an Internet Google search for "Frank Marshall Davis" will produce an image of him and Dunham on either side of Barack Obama together with an image of BOS and Dunham on either side of Barack Obama. Notice that the President's nose looks like nothing like the noses of BOS or Dunham (for a side view of her nose, an Internet Google search for "Ann Dunham" will produce an image of her holding a young Barack). Secondly, does the shape of the top half of Barack's head look like his parents BOS-Dunham or Davis-Dunham? Next, look at other facial features such as the middle of the President's upper lip, and ask yourself if it looks like the shape of the upper lip of BOS-Dunham or Davis-Dunham.
Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education.
Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch.