Friday, 8 January 2010

Item #1

Are The Elite Inviting a Terror Attack in America in Order to Have A Crisis to Exploit?
Brannon says the answer is yes based on several recent events. 1. Obama is diverting intelligence assets to climate research. 2. MI5 told us about Detroit bomber's terror links a year ago and yet he was not on the no fly list. 3. State Department using "Diversity Visa" to encourage immigrants from terror-ridden Yemen to come to America. 4. DHS plans to only catch 1 out of every 4 travelers that commit "major" criminal violations while entering U.S. on international flights in 2010. 5. Obama is going to release suspected terrorists so they can return to Yemen. 6. Homeland Secretary is incompetent and only got the job as a political payback for supporting Obama when he was running for the White House. If our government was really interested in preventing terror attacks we would place the best and brightest in this position. 7. Rocket launcher found in apartment in Houston along with Jihadist writings and no charges were filed. We open of the phones for your thoughts on this subject.

Obama Isn't the Antichrist. He's Just Acting Like It!
By Eric Barger
Revelation 13 succinctly spells out that someday in the future a person will head a system that will control the world politically, economically and religiously. At the beginning of his seven year reign, the Antichrist will first endear himself to the unsuspecting and gullible masses who are more than ready to crown him king of the world. Then, through a series of circumstances and controls "for the good of the earth," the Man of Sin and his lieutenants will begin to systematically eliminate anyone who resists his "benevolent" rule. Eventually, claiming that he is indeed "god," he will ruthlessly command the complete devotion of the peoples of the world. Before those dark days can unfold however, there will be an extended period of conditioning and preparation. Prophetically speaking, this is surely where we are in time.

Brit Hume to Tiger Woods: Turn to Christianity to Find Recovery and Be a Great Example to the World
Praise For Lee And Jackson
By Chuck Baldwin
January is often referred to as "Generals Month" since no less than four famous Confederate Generals claimed January as their birth month: James Longstreet (Jan. 8, 1821), Robert E. Lee (Jan. 19, 1807), Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson (Jan. 21, 1824), and George Pickett (Jan. 28, 1825). Two of these men, Lee and Jackson, are particularly noteworthy.

Anita Dittman was a child when Hitler took over Germany. Her life and family were torn apart as she found her mother taken away to a concentration camp and Anita herself faced starvation, illness, assault and a labor camp. Anita was hours from being exterminated when she escaped from her labor camp and set out on a journey to find her mother. This is the remarkable testimony of how Anita came to surrender her life to Jesus Christ as a youth and survived the Nazi Holocaust through a series of miracles and divine protection. Anita believes that America is going down a dangerous road that looks all too familiar to what she witnessed in Germany. This DVD is must viewing for every student and adult. Your faith will be strengthened and you will clearly see that ideas have consequences, your worldview matters and that God will sustain us through His grace and for His honor and glory even in perilous times and even in the face of death. Anita's story reveals that even when the Church appears to lose, Christ wins.
Anita Dittman

Item #5

Understanding The Times with Jan Markell
A Church in Search of Truth Pastor Gary Gilley returns to discuss the movements that are destroying the church as we know it: The seeker movement; the Emergent movement, the invasion of paganism, the mainstreaming of the prosperity movement, the new atheism, and more. We carry Gary's new book, "This Little Church Had None: A Church in Search of the Truth."

Obama Program Diverts Intelligence Assets to Climate Research
New York, NY: As terrorists continue to infiltrate America, the Obama Administration is tasking some of our nation's most elite intelligence-gathering agencies to divert their resources to environmental scientists researching global warming.

By Dennis Laurence Cuddy
Richard Cummings in THE PIED PIPER described the activities of Allard Lowenstein (who worked with the CIA) in Africa, Spain and Portugal. One of the important points he made was that while outwardly the U.S. government was opposing Marxists in Africa, behind the scenes the CIA actually was befriending (funding) them in order "gradually" to control them or at least cause them not to be so radical. What this actually revealed was the dialectic at work, and South Africa has played an important part in this.

TSA and Obama/securityfailures
By Laurie Roth
The legacy continues. TSA and Obama are competing now. Isn't it splendid? I feel like we are watching "American Idol for security failures" staring TSA and Obama. Let's look at their song selections so far:TSA.This Christmas a plane nearly explodes in mid air with a Nigerian, Muslim radical trying to blow himself up: According to Doug Hagmann of Northeast Intelligence Network, who talked with various passengers on other flights, there have been similar behavior and obvious dry runs happening with Muslim passengers on other flights.

Black Tea Partiers Rip Chris Matthews for "Monochromatic" Remark
On the January 5 edition of his MSNBC program "Hardball," Chris Matthews claimed that everyone participating in tea party rallies such as the one held in Washington, D.C. on September 12, 2009 were white.In a discussion with Mark McKinnon of the Daily Beast and Susan Page of USA Today, Matthews said: "And they're monochromatic, right?... Meaning they're all white. All of them -- every single one of them -- is white."
Wallbuilders Live
Live from WallBuilders' ProFamily Legislators Conference - Part 4 Guest: Rabbi Daniel Lapin