EU Delegation Urges Trial of Israeli War Criminals
'A high ranking European parliamentary delegation in the Gaza Strip has called for the prosecution of Israeli officials over war crimes in the territory. The high ranking delegation which includes 60 parliament members of 12 European countries, crossed into the strip on Friday afternoon through Rafah border crossing, Xinhua reported.
Speaking at a press conference at the crossing, British Labor Party legislator, Sir Gerald Kauffim who is also the head of the delegation described the visit as "a message of solidarity with Gaza to end the Israeli siege".'
Iran-Saudi Arabia Come to Blows Over Yemen
'Saudi Arabia has denied being involved in a military offensive against Houthi fighters in Northern Yemen after Iran's president slammed the country over the issue. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lashed out at Saudi Arabia for its violent military offensive against the civilians in northern Yemen. Saudi Arabia was expected to mediate in Yemen's internal conflict as an older brother and restore peace to the Muslim states, rather than launching military strike[s] and pounding bombs on Muslim civilians in the north of Yemen," said Ahmadinejad while addressing the people of Ahvaz on Wednesday.
The Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal, however, denied any Saudi involvement whatsoever in military attacks against the Yemeni Shia fighters, known as the Houthis. "I don't know where he (Ahmadinejad) got this accusation ... that the kingdom is waging war on the Houthis," al-Faisal said in Riyadh.'
Channel 4: 'Defamation'
'Yoav Shamir's personal exploration of a sensitive contemporary issue asks "What is anti-Semitism today?" Is it a real danger that requires eternal vigilance or a tactic used by Zionists to discredit their critics?'
The American People's Gold - It's All Gone 'Remember a few years ago when the Rothschilds suddenly and inexplicably walked away from their 200 year seat on the London Fix? Here is an article, written by an American, that is so damning that nowhere in the media could it get published but in Pakistan. When this story broke, it was played as though there were just a few fake gold bars floating around out there. Not so, it seems.' Faked Alien Invasion May Save U.S. Porkbellies 'As of the beginning of this year 2010, the United States of America (USA) and its dwindling forebear, progenitor and mentor, the United Kingdom (UK), are not exactly bedded on roses. Internally, both countries have increasing population dishomogenisation problems, with the US gaining an influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico and other South American lands to support the forced reduction of wages payable to homeland-bred labour, backed by the so-called 'Department of Homeland Security' as enforcers to quell internal dissent as basic rights are lost, public amenities turned over to corporate privatisation, and savings, pensions and medical insurances handed over to the extremely wealthy. In the UK, great influx and boom of non-indigenous Muslim populations is slowly but inevitably eroding the self-styled 'Christianity' common to both countries that its bigoted hubris arrogated unto itself the right to conquer by force and pillage all weaker nations.' Horowitz - Doctors Poisoned By Medical-Media Monopoly ' "Pharmaganda: A Study of Conflicting Interests," by Editor-in-Chief Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and investigative journalist Sherri Kane, evidences a virtual monopoly by Reed-Elsevier over scientific publications empowered by ChoicePoint, a leading intelligence organization and census data company serving organized crime.
Vast corruption of medicine is administered by persuasion through health science publications according to the authors who indict The Lancet--an esteemed medical journal--and other Reed-Elsevier periodicals for gross conflicting interests.'