Saturday, 9 January 2010

European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.

UK public procurement law digest: new threshold values for 2010
Lexology (registration)
1177/2009 of 30 November 2009 (the “Regulation”) amends the existing European directives that set out the EU public procurement rules and will come into ...
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No escape: an arbitration clause cannot be used to escape mandatory EU law
Lexology (registration)
If the parties choose arbitration in a place and subject to a law that will not give effect to the Regulations (in this case, Canada), that too will fail. ...
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Government publishes new regulations to bring into force Audiovisual Media ...
Lexology (registration)
The Government has published the Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2009 to bring into force the EU's Audiovisual Media Services Directive. ...
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The battle for a unified media market
Lexology (registration)
Despite the Commission's efforts at harmonization, national interpretations of the EU regulation differ. Take for example the notion of private copying. ...
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Interview: Ken Loach
Tribune (blog)
“As I understand it, there are EU directives that insist that public services have to be open to private tender and that major industry cannot be supported ...
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SunMizer(TM) Solar DC Power Optimizer Receives UL and GS S1 Safety Certifications (press release)
SunMizer is immediately available in the US and will be available Q2 2010 in the EU through leading US and European solar equipment distributors. ...
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Changing the culture of competitive banking
New Statesman
We are broadly in agreement that we need more competition and regularly meet with people such as Tesco and Metro Bank, and banks from elsewhere in the EU ...
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The problem with Dave Cameron (No.203) (blog)
If he was going to confront the EU, he wanted it to be over economic and working directives, rather than over fish. I suppose the Kool-Aid drinkers will see ...
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Writers' Guild remains cautious about benefits of product placement
... Andy Burnham in 2008, when the government first consulted on whether product placement should be allowed in television as part of an EU directive. ...
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Britannia Radio
By Britannia Radio
Directive 2003/33/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the ... a Europe free from tobacco smoke: policy options at EU levelAll available translations. ... on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative . ...
Britannia Radio -
Government bill for a national referendum on Icesave legislation ...
By Olafur Olafsson
That directive is oft quoted and equally oft misunderstood. What I've found over the past year or so is that when not even lawyers can agree whether the state guarantee is required, laypeople quoting from laws is futile. ... At the end of the day, the guy that wrote the book on EU law (Really. I checked, it was on Amazon :) ) thinks that Iceland is required to support the state guarantee. Equally, there are lawyers with contrary opinions (of course, they all get paid ...
IceNews - Daily News -
Realstreet » Another home-schooled child kidnapped by the state
By Stewart Cowan
This must have been a very unpleasant experience for the child they claim to care about. In December a Swedish court decided that the Government's actions were within the law. Yes, they're own stinking anti-family laws probably. ... I don't know about the 'mixing', as if this is a government matter anyway (can we expect an EU directive stating the number of friends we must have?), but I believe that academically, home-schooled children are brighter than their peers in ...
Realstreet -
Security Architecture - Blog
By Security Architecture
This conflict between U.S. national security intentions and international privacy laws is not new; a similar program initiated in 2004 for sharing passenger name records between European Union countries and the U.S. required extensive ... personal data protection laws vary greatly among different countries, but in the case of those in the European Union, under OECD privacy guidelines for transborder flows of personal data and the 1995 Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC), ...
Security Architecture -
Sovereignty – who actually owns this nation? « nourishing obscurity
By James Higham
It is possible to withdraw from the EU and this forms part of the next post. Enough on the EU for now. Suffice to say that it is also beholden to the supranationals in exacty the same way as the UK. Where do the people come in? ... International statements of sovereignty, especially in the U.S.A., make that clear and in any court of law, the consensus and precedent support the legitimacy of the people in running the nation through their elected representatives. ...
nourishing obscurity -

Legislative (& other) Priorities for 2009 & 2010
Proposal for Directive on legal certainty in securities law ... regulations, the backbone of EU Competition law, will be included in this year's INI report. ...


EU Commission nominees face scrutiny by parliament
Reuters UK
... Jose Manuel Barroso, confirmed for a second five-year term by parliament in September, waited for ratification of the EU's Lisbon reform treaty. ...
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EU leaders urge members to work to boost growth
... presidency of the bloc, and tried to allay concern that the EU leadership may lack cohesion as it implements changes under its new Lisbon reform treaty. ...
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The Baltic Course
EU Budget 2010: new directions for investments
The Baltic Course
In doing this, the DG plays a decisive role in the administrative reform process designed to give the institution a high-quality public administration with ...
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Lewandowski pleads for cohesion and dynamics
He says that changes to the budget procedure under the Lisbon Treaty and the increased role of the Parliament in this regard will motivate him to seek ...
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The problem with Dave Cameron (No.203) (blog)
He lost it for me with his capitulation on the Lisbon Treaty and his ever increasing lovefest on the Green front – am I the only one who finds that green ...
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E.U. Leaders Call for Sanctions Against Reform Busters | Quillee
By Radens
The E.U.'s six-month rotating presidency was supposed to be scaled back by the recently enacted Lisbon Treaty, which created Mr. Van Rompuy's job. But on Thursday Mr. Zapatero set the political agenda by calling for a new European ...
Quillee -
The EU harbored lofty ambitions to give Europe a bigger voice on the world stage in forcing Europe to embrace a reform treaty that gives it a full-fledged president — despite repeated no votes in member state referendums. ...
Spain calls for a binding EU economic strategy | Hopenhagen2009
By admin
Reform of European policymaking on economic issues vital • Special summit to be held in Brussels on 11 February. Spain delivered a divisive call today for more common economic policy-making across Europe, demanding a “qualitative leap” in the common ... José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Spain's socialist prime minister, made clear that he would seek to exploit the instruments of the EU's new Lisbon Treaty to join President Nicolas Sarkozy of France in pushing for contentious ...
Hopenhagen2009 -
Spain calls for a binding EU economic strategy | Green Shoot News
By Ian Traynor
Reform of European policymaking on economic issues vital • Special summit to be held in Brussels on 11 February Spain delivered a divisive call today for more common economic policy-making across Europe, demanding a qualitative leap in ... The Lisbon Treaty allows more coordination. We should make sure to give the Commission new powers, Zapatero said.Salgado indicated that the eurogroup of the 16 EU members using the single currency could act as pioneer in forging ahead ...
Green Shoot News -
Russia announces expansion of nuclear capabilities, sanctions pre ...
By Europe
Medvedev's statement came in the midst of ongoing and thus far unsuccessful negotiations with the US over the signing of a new treaty that would replace the recently expired START-I agreement on nuclear weapons. ... Over the course of the past year, Russia has been involved in a reform of its military, which has been in a state of general decline on all fronts since the collapse of the USSR. The overhaul is aimed at modernizing the armed forces .... Translate EU Times ...
The European Union Times - Breaking... -
Britannia Radio
Great Britain, for one, has made heavy use of this structural weakness during practically every round of treaty reform. If the EU is weak, ...
How many presidents does it take the to run EU? -
The EU harbored lofty ambitions to give Europe a bigger voice on the world stage in forcing Europe to embrace a reform treaty that gives it a full-fledged ...
SSRN-The EU Constitutional Treaty and International Trade by ...
Will EU Member States Play Any Role at the WTO After the EU Reform Treaty? By Rafael Leal-Arcas 2. Interpreting European Law - Judicial Adjudication in a ...