Freedom on fire Freedom is no more than a piece of combustible paper: a forbidden book, a speech draft in longhand, a film no longer printed on combustible stock but still setting minds aglow. All tyrannies in recorded history have sought to burn, confiscate and banish that paper or other media that carried the ideas of liberty, and to burn or banish the authors. Nowadays, such tyrannies exist primarily in Dar al Islam and in its lesser franchises of elective dhimmi socialism (abbrev. dhimmisocialism) in Western Europe and Canada and in nascent forms in the United States and Australia. Paper, of course, has less wholesome uses, such as receptacle for sanctimonious twaddle, self-congratulatory schadenfreude, ignorant grandstanding, and solipsistic verbal onanism. What used to be called the “great” newspapers (and magazines) of the world all too often misapply precious wood pulp to such ends. From Meccania to Atlantis - Part 14 (²): Freiheit 451
Saturday, 30 January 2010
From the desk of Takuan Seiyo on Fri, 2010-01-29 16:46
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Britannia Radio