>> FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 2010
It's endlessly fascinating to watch how the BBC wriggles and turns to ensure that it keeps churning out 'climate change' lies. One technique used with obdurate single-mindedness is to report only the views of those who agree that there is 'consensus'. Thus when the government's chief scientist, Sir John Beddington, says that's the case, that's what the BBC reports. Never mind the latest revelations about the IPCC lies about the Himalayan glaciers melting by 2035; never mind that Bin Laden is now using 'climate change' as a basis for the need to wreck the Western economy (I wait with bated breath to see how the politicians who support climate lies spin that one); and let's also ignore that it was propaganda from Greenpeace (and WWF), rather than scientific research, that underpinned the IPCC latest report.
Let's get on instead with wasting vast amounts of BBC licence fee payers' money - £1.74m of it - on sending 177 BBC boys and girls to Glastonbury. That's what our public service remit is all about!