Abortion Harms Women Pope Continues Global "Green" Crusade for World Government Reid's Racism: Typical Trashing of White America Muslims in America: Nature's way of saying multiculturalism is a bad idea
It is an unspeakable horror. How do you tell someone that you killed your baby? How do you reach out to those who will understand? How can you justify to anyone the killing of your precious, defenseless off-spring snuggling safely in the warmth of the womb? What kind of mother could do that? So they bury what they have done, as they cry out........
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
The Pope went on to embrace other aspects of the global “progressive” agenda, endorsing the holding of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in New York in May, so that “concrete decisions will be made towards progressive disarmament, with a view to freeing our planet from nuclear arms.” This is Obama’s goal as well........
by Cliff Kincaid
During the presidential campaign, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Barack Obama would be a good candidate because he was "light skinned" and "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one". Since the exposure of his racist comment, Reid has been running around apologizing to every black in America. The elephant in the living room of the controversy that everyone seems to be ignoring is Reid's.....
by Lloyd Marcus
Whether it is Islamic or Mexican culture transforming America out of itself and into other cultural paradigms, a staggering price will be paid, especially for women. If you look at the American Indians, they lost their land, their cultures, their languages, their religions and their freedoms. I see their fate becoming our fate if we continue mass......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Thursday, 14 January 2010
January 14, 2010
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Britannia Radio