Teaching Children To Use Drugs, Part 4 Are we Weakening our Position as Conservatives? Is America too Young to Die? Spreading AIDS to Uganda There is a huge Brown out coming to DC
Children have been frequent victims because sociologists and WORLD PLAN teachers have intentionally set them up to crave and seek such artificial experiences. The children have been denied the knowledge, strength and love that come from Christianity. Then they have been burdened with problems beyond their understanding and ability to solve. Also, their minds have been violated by premature and clumsy disclosure of secrets they are not intellectually or emotionally prepared to handle. They are easy prey for the........
by Erica Carle
Our country is in such a tumultuous time in history. Here we are, faced with economic perplexities of colossal proportions, a government that is aggressively invading every area of the American lifestyle, and with citizens who have been deceived into believing that change is on the horizon. Be this as it may, healthcare and the economy are not the only areas in which the progressive and liberal agenda seeks to undermine the conservative movement and its leaders. They are bent on destroying the movement.......
by Selena Owens
On January 17, 2010 in our local Statesman Journal newspaper the headline read, Measures 66 and 67 pits business against labor. On January 26 Oregonians will vote on a referendum to overturn huge tax increases implemented by the Democrat-controlled Oregon legislature in 2009 and which the Democrat Governor was more than happy to sign. The article was illustrating how the respective groups were raising money. But the headline was deceiving because.....
by Betty Freauf
While President Obama has lifted restrictions on AIDS-infected foreigners entering the United States, the “gay rights” lobby is demanding more. Led by lesbian Rep. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, 90 mostly Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives are demanding that President Obama denounce the Christians of Uganda for considering new legislation opposing homosexual practices that threaten public health in that East African country......
by Cliff Kincaid
What caused the 30 point lead of Martha Coakley to vaporize and the truck driving, virtually unknown Senator to score such an upset? Endless analysts are saying that this was really a vote against the national health care machine and Obama’s policies. As people have read chunks of this health care bill and it’s relatives, formerly devout democrats and of course Republicans have coiled at Obama and this congress’s......
by Laurie Roth
Saturday, 23 January 2010
January 23, 2010
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Britannia Radio