7 February 2010
UK Govt Admits Employing Islamic Extremists
The Home Secretary, Alan Johnson, has admitted his department employs Islamic extremists.
His reply to my Freedom of Information request before Christmas, following reports in the national media about the appointment and duties of Asim Hafeez, confirms the appointment last September.
As part of the Home Office’s “Prevent Interventions Unit” (sic) within the Home Office’s Security and Counter-Terrorism Unit, Hafeez is said to be assisting with the government’s efforts to identify radical Islamists and divert them from their radical ideology.
According to the Home Office reply, Hafeez was cleared by their own security vetting procedures, despite his being a known covert exponent of the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. His past public statements strongly suggest that he regards the British government as illegitimate and wants to replace it by the true ‘Constitution’—the Koran. In short, as I said in my previous posting, the British government has picked a jihadist to divert jihadists from jihadism.
Meanwhile, as The Daily Telegraph reported last week, another Islamic activist Azad Ali now works at the Treasury. He is president of the Civil Service Islamic Society, an active member of the Muslim Council of Great Britain and of the civil rights group Liberty .
Yet on his blog not long ago he wrote in favour of a Muslim who argued it was a duty under jihad to kill British and American troops in Iraq .
No wonder Charles Moore referred in his article last week to “a weird alliance with some of the least libertarian people imaginable”.
As Dominic Sandbrook observed in the same issue, “we seem to have turned into [a country] run by refugees from Lilliput”.