This morning, I was intrigued by a new posting on the BBC website which said that "endemic" seals are leaving the Galapagos islands for a new island 1,500 kms away where temperatures are said to have risen as a result of climate change by a whopping 6 degrees Centigrade in 10 years. Such a rise could, of course, could be the result of localised warming due to volcanic activity, but the report is very definite in asserting that it's because of climate change. On my calculations (the current temperature has reached 23 degrees), that means that we are heading for 100 degrees seas by 2110 or so. Boiling seas? That's beyond even the wildest claims of the IPCC. C.I.N.O. Tim Yeo was given an interruption free outing on Today this morning 7.12am as he was allowed to waffle on about the EU Carbon emission trading scam. Yeo reckons the price of carbon is just too low to make this scheme work effectively and he was given free rein to pontificate on this scam. No tough questions for Yeo! It would have been nice had the BBC chosen to ask Yeo about the corruption that distinguishes this Carbon Trading system but then again I suppose that would require balance, something which is forbidden by the BBC. Anyone catch Naughtie's swooning interview with former BP boss John Browne this morning? Browne is that rare beast - a corporatist that the BBC loves. Why do they love him? Because he came out and admitted he was gay. This simpering 6 minute interview was all about Browne's gayness and how tough it was for him in that macho Oil world. But cheer up, Browne has a new "partner" and all is now well. I wonder if lying heterosexual corporatists will get the same easy ride from the BBC? This is a guest post by Hippiepooter. Have you read Mark Mardell's latest love message to Obama - and just before Valentine's! Mardell opines on The One's most recent teleprompter recital which contains "solid economic measures" and in words which were "striking". Mardell goes on to allege that Obama was "daring the GOP to vote against potentially popular measures such as curbing lobbyists, promoting new jobs and toughening banking rules." Pity that under Obama lobbyists are even more to the fore and entrenched, jobs have hemorrhaged and $$$billions have been lavished on the banks. Still, never let the facts get in the way of a good story, right Mark? Just to make it absolutely clear: the Sunday Express page one story here about BBC pensions and climate change follows on from what B-BBC exclusively revealed on Monday. Better late than never, a new Open Thread comes along! So, what is bugging you about the BBC today? My, who would have guessed that striking parallels between the BBC’s coverage of the global warming debate and the activities of its pension fund are revealedtoday. EU referendum's Richard North leads the way yet again today in exposing that the IPCC 2007 report not only got it drastically wrong about melting Himalayan glaciers and disappearing Amazon rain forest, but also about serious food shortages in Africa. It's deja vu - all over again! - because the IPCC report depended on inflated claims from a pressure group rather than scientific fact. The BBC, of course, as Richard points out, swallowed the bogus claims hook, line and sinker and in a chart about the impact of climate change, has this about Africa:
>> MONDAY, FEBRUARY 08, 2010
So I started checking out the writer, Dan Collyns. It turns out that he works forGRNLive, a worldwide agency supplying reports from radio correspondents to broadcasters around the world, including the BBC World Service. GRN is run by a chap called Henry Peirse, and guess what? He's a climate change fanatic. Yet another. Mr Peirse says he is is proud to support, for example, the Earth Journalism Awards, which this year took place at the failed Copenhagen climate summit. I quote from their press release: Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri and Internews, the international media development organization, celebrated the best in climate change reporting at the Internews Earth Journalism Awards in Copenhagen.
Among the presenters were key figures on climate and environmental issues, including Mary Robinson, the former President of Ireland; Marina Silva, the former environment minister of Brazil; and award-winning Chinese movie star Li Bingbing, who is also the Global Ambassador for WWF's Earth Hour.
"If we are to have any hope of reversing the effects of climate change, then we have a monumental task of educating the six billion people on our planet about how climate change works and what they can do to help," Dr. Pachauri said. "The media is critical in this effort, since just one reporter has the ability to reach thousands, even millions, of people. These awards help to expand and honour these vitally important efforts."
So, wherever you look, have no fear. There's a Pachauri connection and a climate change activist supplying the BBC with a constant diet of the propagand it craves, no matter how nonsensical. Even from the Galapagos Islands, making predictions of boiling seas. And he's supported in his efforts by none other than Li Bingbing. I kid you not.YEO KNOW WHEN YOU'RE BEING CONNED!
One cannot be without sympathy for the upset Alastair Campbell suffered in his interview with Andrew Marr today, both on a human level and as a staunch supporter of the Iraq war myself, but as a committed democrat one does feel the need to state that he and Tony Blair dragged British politics through the mud in coopting the already biased BBC as a propaganda weapon and are now victims of the monster they created.
As a youthful Tribunite member of the Labour Party in the late 70's it was clear to me that the only real bias at the BBC was towards the Left, and I was against it as it was bad for democracy. When Tony Blair assumed leadership of the Labour Party, this bias went into overdrive. It was patently evident to anyone semi-politically literate that pre '97 Tony Blair's office was running an anti-Tory smear campaign in concert with the BBC to get elected, and once elected proceeded to govern with the same appalling contempt for democracy. Mr Campbell certainly wasn't complaining when Mr Marr in both his Observer and BBC incarnations was doing New Labour's dirty work traducing the integrity of the Conservative Party in the same manner that he has traduced his own and Mr Blair's over Iraq.
What our former Prime Minister Mr Blair showed, to me at least, over the Iraq War, is that his heart was in the right place all along. He is, despite all his manifest shortcomings in attaining and retaining power, a personal hero. The Iraq War was just that critical. But if one's ego is large enough to believe that the means he used via Mr Campbell to attain power were justified, sympathy for their vilification over Iraq has to be qualified. As it is, many of the moral bankrupts who he'd previously exploited to his advantage and who are now vilifying him would be calling for Mr Blair to be strung up for not going to war if we had to suffer the consequences of that today. Saddam could restart his WMD programme at any moment of his choosing. He had given Al Qa'eda leader Al Zarqawi refuge after fleeing Afghanistan. Had we stood down from the threat of war to enforce compliance of UN arms inspection, the marriage between WMD's and terrorists that Blair feared would have become a reality, with all the apocalyptic consequences that carries.
We dont need another Iraq inquiry into Tony Blair's decision making. What we need is an Iraq Inquiry into how the BBC acts as a propaganda weapon for the enemy at time of war.STILL SEARCHING FOR HOPE AND CHANGE...
>> SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2010
What's fascinating about how fast the warnming bubble is now bursting (in some quarters - not the BBC!) is that the MSM are now falling over themselves to follow up blogs like this - three months ago they didn't give a hoot. But of course, in the world of the MSM, credit where credit is due is not a term they recognise.OPEN THREAD...
The corporation is under investigation after being inundated with complaints that its editorial coverage of climate change is biased in favour of those who say it is a man-made phenomenon. The £8billion pension fund is likely to come under close scrutiny over its commitment to promote a low-carbon economy while struggling to reverse an estimated £2billion deficit.
Concerns are growing that BBC journalists and their bosses regard disputed scientific theory that climate change is caused by mankind as “mainstream” while huge sums of employees’ money is invested in companies whose success depends on the theory being widely accepted. The fund, which has 58,744 members, accounts for about £8 of the £142.50 licence fee and the proportion looks likely to rise while programme budgets may have to be cut to help reduce the deficit. The BBC is the only media organisation in Britain whose pension fund is a member of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, which has more than 50 members across Europe. Its chairman is Peter Dunscombe, also the BBC’s Head of Pensions Investment.
Projected reductions in the area suitable for growing crops, and in the length of the growing season, are likely to produce an increased risk of hunger. In some countries, yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 50% by 2020.
But the BBC's involvement in spreading these untruths about climate change in Africa goes much deeper and is much more sinister. As I pointed out last week, the World Service Trust, funded predominantly by grants from our taxes by the UK government and the EU, runs a scheme to 'educate' African journalists about the dangers of global warming, and to train them how to spread propaganda based on the premise that the West - as the main originator of CO2 emissions - is responsible for virtually all Africa's woes. The Trust is deadly earnest in its mission, and recently published a lengthy and lavishly producedpolicy briefing on the topic. This, in the light of Richard North's revelations, is a tissue of political proopaganda and misinformation. You need to read it it to realise the sheer scale of this lunacy. It beggars belief. Masquerading as 'research', it is actually a vitriolic polemic against the West. This is a taster:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) places Africa at special risk from climate change, in part because of its lack of capacity to adapt to changing environmental realities. Sufficient support to enable African governments and citizens to adapt to climate change will be a key ingredient of any successful international treaty. A major policy conclusion of this report is that meeting the
information and communication needs of African citizens should be considered as a critical component of adaptation strategies around climate change. Providing African citizens with the information they need to respond and adapt to climate change is just one component of probable forthcoming debates around climate change in Africa. A central issue is one of environmental justice. African citizens will be among the most affected by climate change but are least responsible for the greenhouse gases that have caused it. They cannot make just demands on the rest of the world, or determine properly their own political and other responses to this emerging crisis, without being informed about its causes and its consequences. African citizens need better information on climate change, but they also need far better ways of communicating their reality and perceptions on the issue to those principally responsible for causing it.
Thus, the BBC is hard at work with your cash, hell bent on a political mission to persuade millions of Africans that a series of cobbled together lies are the truth. Its co-conspirators are the EU and the government.
Monday, 8 February 2010
I think B-BBC has done a cracking job in recent months nailing BBC bias in this regard and I wanted to thank all those fellow writers and contributors who collectively have done such a great job in this regard!
Did you see that the BBC's head of religion has accused the Church of England of "living in the past" and said that the corporation should not give Christianity preferential treatment? Well, he IS a Muslim and he is acting to form in that regards. What a scandal that Christianity is so abused by the BBC head of religion and what an even bigger disgrace that we are asked to fund this.
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