Tuesday, 2 February 2010

EXCLUSIVE: US intelligence finds 5,000 Hizballah training to seize Galilee towns 
DEBKAfile Special Expose February 1, 2010, 9:19 AM (GMT+02:00) 
Tags:  Hamas   Hizballah   Iran   Israel   Syria   US intelligence  
Click on the picture to get enlarged map

When US NSA James Jones warned Iran may lash out at Israel via its surrogates Hizballah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza in response to increasing international pressure over its nuclear program, he spoke on the strength of a detailed war plan first published by DEBKA-Net-Weekly on Jan 22 and summarized here with attached map.

Hizballah would sweep across the border to captureGalilee towns backed by missile barrages and likely Syrian support.  

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Explosives-packed containers drift onto S. Israeli beaches
DEBKAfile Special Report
February 1, 2010, 9:36 PM (GMT+02:00) 

Tags:  Ashdod   Ashkelon   Explosives  Hamas   Iran   Israel 

Israeli robot defuses explosives container

The beaches of Ashkelon and Ashdown, twin Israeli ports up to 25 km north of Gaza, were evacuated Monday, Feb. 1 for fear that two large containers packed with explosives which drifted ashore were floating bombs with more on the way.  Israeli intelligence is investigating the incident to find out if the explosives were supposed to blow up against Israeli targets or Iranian deliveries to Hamas terrorists in Gaza which ...

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US speeds up its own and Gulf allies' preparations for clash with Iran
DEBKAfile Special Report
January 31, 2010, 12:27 AM (GMT+02:00) 

Tags:  Gulf Emirates   military deployment  Saudi Arabia   US-Iran 

Aegis, US anti-missile missile

The Obama administration took the unusual step Saturday night, Jan. 30, of leaking word to major US media that the United States, Saudi Arabia and Gulf allies - the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain - have accelerated the deployment of new defenses - naval and anti-missile - against possible Iranian missile attacks or Hizballah sabotage.

The 10,000-strong US contingent posted in Saudi Arabia will be ...

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Italian-Iranian trade thrives, supports Tehran's nuclear program
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
January 31, 2010, 9:03 PM (GMT+02:00) 

Tags:  Iran   Israel   Italy   nuclear program   Silvio Berlusconi 

Iran's Shehab 3 ballistic missile

 "Israel has no bigger friend," said prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu of Silvio Berlusconi, who begins an official visit to Israel with half a dozen ministers Monday, Feb. 1. According to the fat trade contracts current with Tehran,Italy would be better described as "Iran's biggest friend" - at least, inEurope, and supplier of key components for its nuclear and space programs, as well tunneling equipment and army trucks.

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