Thursday, 18 February 2010

WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY February 16, 2010 Please disseminate & re-post. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear in;; Outgoing mail is virus-checked.
by Emanuel A. Winston,
Freeman Center Middle East Analyst & Commentator
President Barack Hussein Obama appoints a Muslim White House lawyer to be his personal representative to the Muslim World at the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference)...WHY?
Something very strange is going on in the White House...or is that an Oxymoron to begin with.

On February 16th, I listened to an interview by Megyn Kelly (a news anchor on Fox News) of Monica Crowley (a Fox News analyst). They seriously discussed Obama appointing Rashad Hussain, Deputy Associate Counsel to the President, as his representative to the OIC.

That Hussain is a Muslim should not matter - except for the fact that Sharia Law mandates Muslims to kill any Muslim who abandons their faith and thereby becomes an apostate. Obama does claim to be a Christian, having left the Islamic faith of his father. According to hostile Muslim clerics and the Koran this rejection of Islam could warrant a "fatwa" (Muslim religious order to kill).

Wasn’t Rashad Hussain vetted by the FBI before he was allowed into a position of personal trust inside the White House - let alone getting physically close to the President?

I wonder why Obama, knowing this, would take such a chance - unless the work he is doing makes his being a Christian or not a Christian acceptable to Islamic "Jihadists". If I didn’t know that Obama was a loyal patriotic American, it would appear that someone close to the President is planting moles at the highest levels of Government.

During the interview by Megyn Kelly, Monica Crowley spoke about the fact that Rashad Hussain had spoken out in defense of Professor Sami al-Arian who was convicted of funneling money to Terrorist Muslim Arab Palestinians.
Rashad Hussain was quoted in the "Washington Report on Middle East Affairs" of November 2004 as calling Sami al-Arian the victim of "politically motivated persecutions" and that "al-Arian was used politically to quash dissent". (2)

These remarks by Hussain were later deleted by the editor, Delinda Hanley of the Washington Report, although the author Shereen Kandil affirmed she quoted Hussain accurately. (3)

Prof. Sami al-Arian, a former professor at South Florida U., was charged in 2003 with heading U.S. operations of the Palestinian Islamic "Jihad" (war for Islam).
We just had a big visible blunder when two people crashed a White House Dinner and had their picture taken with the President. The Secret Service was lambasted for this blunder.

Why does there seem to be a dangerous stream of Obama appointees who have been able to by-pass vetting by the FBI and Congress?
Is Obama ruling America by fiat and proclamation?
How much more serious is it to have a Muslim in the White House who, in his early years, defended al-Arian, a confessed and convicted go-between for transferring money to Terrorists?

Did Obama personally invite Rashad aboard as he has so many Czars and Czarinas, many of whom have rap sheets as anarchists, Socialists, Fascists, even Communists - many with an historical agenda hostile to American values and who seem to have been positioned to replace Congress in any upcoming National Emergency?

I wonder why Congress has chosen to accept irrelevancy when the world of Islam has ramped up its Global "Jihad" (war for Islamic Global Caliphate) - especially threatening America.
Hopefully, someone in Washington can dig up the particulars on this appointee. What are his marching orders as Obama’s personal messenger to the Muslim world?

Here again we observe the President lurching toward appeasement and outreach to Islam, in effect, closing the circle he began as a Muslim child, learning the basic tenets of Koranic Sharia laws in a Madrassa.
Questions keep swirling around without anyone seeking real answers:
Who hired Rashad?

Was Rashad connected to anyone in the President’s circle of friends prior to election or after elections?
Who were Rashad’s circle of friends at Yale?
Who sponsored and funded Rashad at Yale - which is very expensive and hard to get into?

Did the FBI vet him prior to his employment at the White House or was he given a ‘pass’?
Who does he report to officially? Unofficially?
What are his duties as a legal advisor to Obama?
Are his Emails and advisory memos to the President considered privileged and secret?

Was he also a resource to advise Obama on Islamic affairs?
Was Rashad privy to vital intelligence with respect to U.S. planning to thwart Islamic Terror in America - or confidential planning to assist Israel in defending herself?
Did he attend a local Mosque and, if so, have any of its members raised a security flag? What was this Mosque’s reputation?

Are their other Muslims inside the White House and who appointed them?
Are there legislative assistants to Congress who are either Muslim or Anglos who favor Islamic States. There are 56 Islamic States in the world of which 22 are Arab. This is a job of vetting for the FBI but, under Obama: Is vetting no longer standing policy orders to the FBI and/or CIA, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to share some related thoughts to the preceding:
I have been concerned for some time that Islamists, such as the Saudis, have used their enormous wealth to advance Islam on a global scale never before imagined. Those who study Arab and Muslim history know that such countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Egypt and others have this remarkable ability to retain hostility toward the "infidel" (non-Muslim) - even over a thousand years.

They also have unswerving devotion to Koranic Sharia law and the "Hadith" (Oral Teachings) of Mohammed which guide their actions against the "infidel". Using their accidental oil wealth, they have expanded their goals of elevating the Ummah (the People), into a conquest of the Planet Earth to create one Global Caliphate under "Sharia" (strict Islamic) law.

In recent times, I have watched the emplacement in all the countries of the West,including America, of "Madrassas" - Muslim schools that teach "Wahhabi" Islam (strictest Islam), which is against all other religions and nations that have a Judeo-Christian base.

Given their patience and ability for long-long term planning, I have been very concerned about how and why Muslim-radical Islamist countries have been selecting especially bright students at an early age to fund their education. Later, using the power of their oil purse, the radical Muslim Jihadis influence the students acceptance into the West’s most prestigious Universities - like Yale, Harvard, Oxford, etc. There they learn to speak un-accented English,French and other tongues so that one day, with those skills, they can seamlessly enter the heart of political life of their host nations. They also specialize in Engineering,Nuclear Physics,Biology and Chemistry.

Such well-trained Muslims could have tremendous influence on policy, in addition to facilitating communication of their views of the strengths and weaknesses of their host countries - showing vulnerable points of attack. Such "moles" could reveal what the adversary Western nations are doing to protect themselves against Islamic expansion.

Having been educated with the best money can buy, they can infiltrate a targeted nation at every level, namely, government (big and small), business, banking, military, scientific research, especially in WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) in NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) Weapons. Someone like Rashad Hussain, with a Harvard or Yale degree is simply not questioned as to their agenda nor their loyalty to the host nation.

I notice that journalists and Media, in general, artfully avoid deep research and, even when something does appear on their radar, they simply turn their radar off. How can the people know if the Watch Dogs of the Media are either sleeping or simply choose not to speak about what they know.

We have already seen the journalists of Europe along with their governments cave into the demands of Muslim immigrants who have achieved "critical mass" (the number at which their influence for ill can burst out). Then by such blackmail, they can pressure for obedience to Islam. (Islam translates to "Submission".)

We see this expanding exponentially in America, in Government, businesses, factories, universities and on the streets, as increased numbers of Muslims demand new laws to accommodate them...or else! Even the prisons feed the growing radical Muslim population with easy converts to Islam.

The American Congress is failing the American people as they accept cash donations from Islamic sources for their elections, filtered via hidden methods including NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations - not for profit and, therefore, tax deductible).

I wonder if Congress and America’s 16 Intel Agencies will ever wake up to this national threat. If they don’t, they are literally forcing America to commit national suicide. That is true of our allies as well.
Something big is very, very strange!
1. "Obama’s Islamic Envoy Quoted Defending Man Charged with Aiding Terrorists" Interview by Megyn Kelly of Monica Crowley February 16, 2010
2. Shereen Kandil Washington Report on Middle East Affairs November 2004