David Icke Says the Moon is Artificial and Now ...
The Multiplying Mystery of Moonwater

'That's because we thought, until recently, that the Moon was just about the driest place in the solar system. Then reports of moonwater started "pouring" in – starting with estimates of scant amounts on the lunar surface, then gallons in a single crater, and now 600 million metric tons distributed among 40 craters near the lunar north pole.
"We thought we understood the Moon, but we don't," says Paul Spudis of the Lunar and Planetary Institute. "It's clear now that water exists up there in a variety of concentrations and geologic settings. And who'd have thought that today we'd be pondering the Moon's hydrosphere?"'
"It's a different world up there," says Spudis, "and we've barely scratched the surface. Who knows what discoveries lie ahead?"'
How about that it's a construct?
Friday, 19 March 2010 10:27
Wednesday 24th March 2010 at 7pm
Reporter Robert Green was arrested in Aberdeen for the crime of seeking justice and an investigation into the case of Down's Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who says she was serially-raped over a decade by an establishment paedophile ring operating in Scotland.
Robert is now out on bail and with a gagging order against him in an effort to stop him naming the people that Hollie says were involved.
Come and here Robert speak out against the injustices heaped out upon Hollie and her mum Anne at the hands of the Scottish establishment and the complicity of the mainstream media and especially the BBC in conspiring to cover up these atrocious crimes.
Friday, 19 March 2010 10:15
'Hollie and Anne would like to thank their many supporters for their continuing hard work and support. Towards that end, they have decided to host an informal function near Berwick-upon-Tweed at the Marshall Meadows Hotel on Sunday the 21st of March from 2 until 5pm. The Marshall Meadows Hotel is situated north of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and just a quarter of a mile south of the Scottish border.
They look forward to meeting as many of their supporters possible. The room they have booked has a lectern and microphone, in case anyone would like to say a few words. Hollie and Anne regret that they are unable to supply refreshments.
Directions to the Marshall Meadows Hotel and other information may be found on their website:
Look forward to seeing you there!
Friday, 19 March 2010 10:04
'Campaigners say the EU Commission’s plans will hit hundreds of their best-selling supplements, including vitamins A, C, and D, folic acid, calcium and iron. Many of these products could fall foul of changes to EU laws because their vitamin or mineral content would be illegally high, according to the Consumers For Health Choice campaign. It warns that the loss of these key products would force up to 700 health food stores to close.
Roger Craddock, legal director of health food chain Holland & Barrett, which supports the campaign, said: “We do not believe this legislation is necessary in the UK, as our food supplements market is radically different from other EU member states.” The EU is expected to make an announcement within weeks detailing its new permitted levels for vitamins and minerals in food supplements. Other products affected will be vitamins E, K, and B, magnesium and zinc.'
Read more: EU Meddling With Health Food Stores Puts 4,000 Jobs at Risk
Friday, 19 March 2010 09:50
'More than nine out of 10 scientists who backed a drug at the centre of a safety scare had financial links to the pharmaceutical industry, a study has found. The disclosure will renew concern about the influence of the multinational companies on patient safety, where a warning about a drug can wipe billions from their balance sheets.
The pharmaceutical industry has become adept at manipulating results and selectively withholding unfavourable data that could expose patients to harm. Now it is accused of skewing the debate over one drug, Avandia, prescribed to millions of people around the world with Type 2 diabetes. Avandia, made by the British multinational GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which helps diabetics control their blood sugar levels, was linked with an increased risk of heart attacks in research published in 2007.'
Friday, 19 March 2010 09:42
David Icke explanation how wars are created. It explains the concept of Problem reaction solution also known as Thesis, synthesis, antithesis developed by philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. This concept has been used in many wars including WWII. Hitler also used this phenomenon to control the minds of the Germans.
Friday, 19 March 2010 09:30
'Wiretaps of Silvio Berlusconi haranguing a broadcasting official over what he saw as politically hostile programming have prompted new criticism of the Italian premier for attempting to stifle the media.
The new transcripts, published in Italy for the first time yesterday, suggest that Mr Berlusconi telephoned a commissioner on the country's independent broadcast regulator, Agcom, after he learned that a show examining corruption cases against him was due to go out on state broadcaster Rai.
"What the fuck are you doing with all this?" the irate Prime Minister shouted at the commissioner, Giancarlo Innocenzi. In another call Mr Berlusconi demands that a show looking at his alleged mafia links be muzzled.'
Friday, 19 March 2010 09:18
'The blogosphere and meeting places have been alight with anger, outrage, frustration. And questions about how to defeat our tyrannical 'masters' that make our lives a living hell. Gandhi found non-compliance to be an effective tool to defeat his masters. And he was just one man.
Imagine what we could achieve, if we made a concerted effort, for a given number of days.
The fact is, the corporations want our money. The government needs our money. The 'mainstream' media are the mouthpieces of these monsters. And all of them are the cause of our misery. If we starve them of it for a spell, how would that affect them?
We've lost the ability to think for ourselves because we've been programmed not to. If we cease to tune into their propaganda and instead, explore the alternative media, we see a different picture from the one they want us to see. We think for ourselves and join up the dots.'
Read more: Call for Civil Disobedience - A Worldwide Strike by the Oppressed