Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Do You Hear The People Sing?

This Is Your Chance To Make A Difference

The imminent General Election in the UK offers a fantastic opportunity to put the plight of Hollie Greig and all children abused by the establishment paedophile and Satanic rings in the public spotlight and expose how these sick and depraved people are running our world.
The Prime Minister, government ministers, leaders of the opposition parties, Members of Parliament and would-be members will all be out on the streets and in public places and meetings throughout the election campaign and we need as many people as possible to question them about the Hollie Greig cover-up and demand action.
We need people to use video cameras to film these people being questioned and put on the spot throughout the UK and the result posted on YouTube where it can be accessed and posted by websites all over the world.

We especially need to target  the leader of the Scottish Parliament, Alex Salmond, whenever he appears in public and the Scottish 'Justice' Secretary Kenny McAskill, both of whom have disgracefully ignored the Hollie Greig case and refused to even speak about it.

 They won't speak to the public about such an appalling case as a Down's Syndrome girl being systematically abused and raped for more than a decade by Scottish establishment figures??

 Okay, the public will go to them - and the UK government, opposition parties and Members of Parliament who have refused to even respond to demands that they pursue the case

Disgraceful - Enough


Do You Hear The People Sing ...?

Well, Do We?  

Let's Go ...


BBC Denies Holly Greig Cover-up

'"Our Investigations unit has an excellent reputation for fearless journalism and will continue to investigate without constraint to bring to light examples of wrongdoing for the wider public benefit. Therefore to suggest the BBC has been complicit in a cover up of important, impartial and independent journalism is both deeply insulting and without any foundation whatsoever.Whilst clearly Mr Green is entitled to his own views on this matter, BBC reporter Mark Daly has attempted to explain to him the BBC's position as set out above on more than one occasion. I trust this clarifies the misunderstandings on this issue and makes the BBC's position absolutely clear." '

Lovelock, Attenborough, Porritt ... or ...

Eh, Jonathon?


Pupils Fingerprinted Without Parental Consent, ATL Conference Hears

'Pupils are having their fingerprints taken without their parents’ consent, teachers have warned. The Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) voted for urgent policy on the use of biometric data in schools at their annual conference yesterday.

Schools use fingerprints in place of swipe cards to save time identifying pupils when they are buying their lunch or during registration. But some are taking data without parents or pupils’ permission, teachers said.

“Parental consent should be compulsory, it’s outrageous that pupils' fingerprints can be taken without the parents' consent,” Hank Roberts, executive member for ATL, said.'

Read more: Pupils Fingerprinted Without Parental Consent, ATL Conference Hears

'Super-Taser' Shotgun Bullet That Can Knock Down Criminals From 100ft Assessed by Home Office

'A new 'super-Taser' stun gun that fires a 500-volt wireless 'bullet' up to 100ft is being considered for use by UK police forces, the Home Office said today.
The extended Range Electronic Projectile (XREP), already used by police in the U.S., fires a barbed electrode from a modified 12-bore shotgun.
It hooks into the target's skin before administering a 20-second shock which renders the subject totally incapacitated.'

Read more: 'Super-Taser' Shotgun Bullet That Can Knock Down Criminals From 100ft Assessed by Home Office

Western Civilization and the Economic Crisis: The Impoverishment of the Middle Class

'In the past few decades, the middle class has been forced to survive on debt. In order to maintain the image of middle class, and to maintain the functions of the middle class (i.e., to consume), the middle class needed access to credit and had to descend into a class of debt. Now, as the world is undergoing a rapid social, political, and economic transformation, the middle class has been marked for death. As a debt crisis takes the nations of the world into debt servitude, the middle classes of the western world will lose their access to credit, and will be forced into repaying their debts. As nations fall under a debt crisis, the middle class will collapse with it. A class built and sustained on debt is not sustainable. We are entering into a period of rapid class transformation on a global scale.

The mirage of the middle class is steadily vanishing as our eyes adjust to the reality of our environment. The Empire we turned a blind eye to abroad, is about to hit home; what we do abroad, comes home to roost. The middle class is about to realize the true cost of empire.'

Read more: Western Civilization and the Economic Crisis: The Impoverishment of the Middle Class