Wednesday, March 31, 2010
china confidential
Liberal Media Launch Anti-Russian, Pro-Islamist Propaganda Offensive to 'Understand' Bombers
Active measures alert. In the wake of the Moscow Metro bombings, the liberal media in the United States, led by The New York Times (naturally), is mobilizing ... against Russia.
Click here, here, here--and here--for the subtle, opening salvos of a propaganda campaign aimed at "understanding" the so-called root causes of Islamist terrorism and separatism in Russia and, more specifically, the so-called legitimate grievances of Islamist separatist terrorists in Chechnya, a republic that belongs to the Russian Federation.
The anti-Russian propaganda will include selective, biased reporting and commentary (MSNBC will serve as a key cable TV news outlet for the offensive), a downplaying of Al Qaeda connections and the role of religion (orthodox Islam), and outright disinformation. In the coming weeks, we can even expect to read and hear hints and suggestions that elements of the Russian government may have conspired with or been complicit in the attacks on their own citizens in order to provide a pretext for a crackdown on dissent, tighter controls, etc. Certainly, the Russian government will be accused of exploiting the bombings, just as the Bush administration was accused and is still accused by Islamist supporters, sympathizers, and dupes of exploiting 9/11.
Some perspective on the terrorists' targeting of Russia's transportation system. So far, 112 commuters have been killed in seven separate bombings in the Moscow Metro in the past 14 years--most of them by Muslim Chechen suicide bombers. Chechen Islamist terrorist leader Doku Umarov vowed last month to take the war to Russian cities.
Last November, Islamist Chechen terrorists bombed the Nevsky Express luxury passenger train, killing 27 people.
Islamist Chechen terrorists were responsible for the destruction of two Russian airliners in 2004. The attacks claimed more than 70 lives.
In addition to the conflict in Chechnya, in which an estimated 100,000 people have died, lower-level but worsening Islamist insurgencies are also underway in the neighbouring republics of Ingushetia and Dagestan. Click here for today's deadly bombing news from the region.
Back to the media. It is one thing to criticize Russia's leaders for failing to connect the dots between domestic terror and aiding and accommodating Iran's atomic advance, or failing to protect and warn Russian citizens against a new wave of terrorism, and another thing, entirely, to sympathize and side with the terrorists. The distance between "understanding" and justifying terrorism is actually quite short.
Put differently, liberal media essentially excuse terrorist acts by implying that they arise out of intolerable social conditions or intolerable oppression. This is known as the theory of legitimate grievances. Never mind that the resistance movements in Nazi occupied Europe never deliberately attacked civilians, or that terrorists disproportionately come from the middle classes and not the poor. Today's terrorists, who present themselves as rebels and resistance movements, have been licensed by liberal apologists to murder, maim, and menace innocents. Ironically, many liberals buy the Al Qaeda/Islamist Big Lie that especially in a representative democracy nobody can be considered innocent and immune from attack because the very act of voting for leaders in a democracy makes an ordinary citizen an accomplice to a government's oppressive policies.
Understand, as President Obama likes to say, that behind the theory of grievances is a hidden moral agenda. It is to persuade people that terrorism is really a social disease--a manmade disaster in the jargon of the Obama administration. Acceptance of this twisted idea frees a society that is confronted with terrorism from having to assume the burden of moral, political, and military action.
Cowardice and confusion--the liberal answer to terrorism.Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Yes He Can Allow Iran to Produce Atomic Arms
Yes, he could and did.
U.S. President Barack Obama has done it, alright--allowed Islamist Iran to become a country capable of producing nuclear weapons, as China Confidential predicted, and theCIA confirmed this week.
Read the IDB editorial here.Why Anti-Israel, Islamist Iran is Building an Arsenal of Missiles Capable of Striking Moscow and Europe
American Spectator Story Confirms Confidential Reporting and Analysis of Obama's Loony Linkage of Iranian Nuclear and Israeli-Palestinian Peace Issues
The real story is that the Obama Administration is proceeding on the basis that evolving a Palestine/Israel accord will be an important element in negotiations with Iran to cease nuclear weapon development.
This fantastical idea has evolved out of the strong White House belief that Iran can be cajoled into an agreement on nuclear weapon development if only the Palestine "problem" was solved. Any action appearing to inhibit the current campaign to bring Israel and Palestine closer is perceived by President Barack Obama as contrary to his plan to prevent Iran from "going nuclear." Contrary to the oft-stated theme of keeping the military option on the table, the Obama Administration is committed to avoiding a preemptive strike on Iranian nuclear development targets.
Go here to read Whittman's article.
On Saturday, Confidential Reporter observed: "U.S. President Barack Obama is right to link the Iranian and Israeli-Palestinian/Arab problems. But he has drawn the wrong conclusions. Iran must be dealt with--militarily--ahead of and in order to make possible an Israeli-Palestinian/Arab peace pact, not after or parallel to an all-out push for an agreement.
"In other words, the road to peace in the Middle East does not run through Jerusalem, Israel's capital city--and the capital of the Jewish people for millennia. The road to Middle East peace runs through the fountainhead of fascistic political Islam--Tehran. But the road is blocked. Remove the blockage--the monstrous Iranian regime and its menacing nuclear program--and Israel's most radical and dangerous foes are suddenly exposed and vulnerable. They either collapse without Iranian backing or come to their senses and change their policies."Monday, March 29, 2010
Russian Leaders Talk Like Leaders, Not Appeasers
Russia's leaders vow the terrorist "beasts" will be "destroyed," as reported here.
No mincing words. No politically correct praise for an inherently intolerant and violent faith that has never reformed itself, never moved beyond the Middle Ages....
Now, if only the Russians would stop playing games with nuclear-arming, terrorist-sponsoring, Islamist Iran as a way of countering U.S. influence ... with Washington reciprocating with a firm promise (a) to stop criticizing Russia for alleged human rights abuses in its war against Al Qaeda-connected, Islamist separatists, and (b) to forever abandon the Cold War notion of using right-wing political Islam as a sword against Russia .... if only the two superpowers who have so much in common in today's world would come to their senses and stop dancing with the devil ... and stay the course ... some good could come from today's horrific terrorist attack.
The leaders of both countries owe it to their citizens to unite and cooperate to the maximum possible extent in order to defeat a common enemy--fascistic political Islam.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
As if to confirm a China Confidential analytical report on the same subject--click here to read it--the American Spectator has a first-rate, insider story on the Obama-Netanyahu meeting. East Jerusalem is a sideshow; President Obama has linked the Iranian and Palestinian issues in exactly the wrong way. George H. Whittman reports:
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Britannia Radio