By Douglas Murray UK Last updated: March 18th, 2010 This is obviously the first in a series of articles in which the answer to the headline will be “Yes”. I was abroad last week and so missed the Independent. Actually, I would have missed it even if I had been here. But the point is that I have just got around to reading Alibhai-Bonkers’ latest offering. It is a column of such reckless stupidity and flame-fanning appallingness that I cannot quite believe it was published. In it she tries to claim that Muslims in Britain live in the following situation: At weddings and birthday parties, in quiet, tranquil mosques, at dinner tables across the land, including those of millionaire Muslims, I am hearing murmurs of trepidation and disquiet – voices kept low, sometimes vanishing into whispers, just in case; you never know if they will break down the door. I guess Yasmin and I have different Muslim friends. My suspicion is that she doesn’t actually get out much. But as she cranks out her increasingly fantasy-ridden ravings she makes some extraordinary claims. At the outset of her article and amid much other self-important, self-inflating drivel she says the following: This week even I, even I, can see that for the British establishment Muslims are contemptible creatures, devalued humans. The examples she give to justify this statement include the following: At Isleworth Crown Court, Judge John Denniss is industriously sentencing demonstrators who gathered near the Israeli embassy to rail against that state’s attack on Gaza… Protesters came from all backgrounds but the vast majority of those arrested were young Muslim men. Dozens are being sent down for insignificant acts of bravado. Some were about to go to university, to train as dentists and the like. The people who were convicted at Isleworth were not guilty of “insignificant acts of bravado”. They were convicted of rioting, smashing up shops and harming policemen. Smashing up shops and harming policemen is illegal. It does not become legal because you say you did it for Gaza. Or because you did whilst being Muslim. It all goes to remind us that Alibhai-Brown is truly sectarian. She regards it as par for the course to lump everybody into identifiable groupings. Thus she describes our Armed Forces in Iraq as having “bombed indiscriminately in civilian areas’. Our Armed Forces “bombed indiscriminately”? Really? As opposed to using the most high-tech weaponry available precisely to minimise civilian casualties? They actually wanted to kill as many Iraqis as possible? Clearly doubting that she had reached low enough for her own standards, Alibhai-Brown continues: Are they not children, Mr Brown? You still cry for your own baby, who died so young. Nice touch. If in doubt, taunt someone with the death of their own child. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is a disgrace to the journalistic trade. She combines two devastating characteristics, sanctimony and stupidity. Individually they would be dangerous. Together they are fatal. The sooner Rod Liddle becomes her newspaper’s editor, the better. Yes but does sane person set store in her inane drivel? The woman is deluded (dangerously so)………. and this country gives her a living, how funny is that? Great stuff Douglas – we are lucky to have someone who calls a spade a spade in this PC age. I clicked through and read her piece. It is even more bonkers than you suggest, Douglas. But the offensive passages are outweighed by the glorious unintentional comedy: “As I prayed before starting this column I felt tears stinging my eyes and my face was burning as if I had been slapped many times over.” It must be something to do with the name Brown… When I readthe title of this blog, my first thought was “No, nobody can be more stupid than Harriet Harman”. Then I read the article. Holy Jesus, in a battle of intellect even the late Anna Nicole Smith would have given this ridiculous woman a run for her money. It is possible that your description of “a column of such reckless stupidity and flame-fanning appallingness” is actually understating the case! I’m afraid I can’t agree, george204. A strong contender for Britain’s Stupidest Woman she may be, but in a country that contains Harriet Harman she will never quite carry off the title. Say what you like about Idi Amin but… There’s plenty of competition for the crown, mind you. Perhaps you could institute a “Murray prize”? I notice you’ve set up a tag in readiness. “…my face was burning as if I had been slapped many times over.” That would make a good start Damian. Yes. By saying ‘Even I’ twice, she’s letting us know just how much she loves her stupid self, and how highly she thinks of her own pathetic opinions. You can almost see her muslim finger wagging in your face. Not wishing to plug a certain satellite channel but they have a press preview which Yasmin and her conscience frequently attend at about 11.30pm. The ones which pair her with Kelvin McKenzie can be quite a treat. She is marvellously bonkers. I’ve given up caring about whether people like her run the country as I have given up on all politcal parties and most of their supporters. The final nail in the coffin came when some bod wrote into the Telegraph (I think) saying how wonderful Vince Cable was and why doesn’t he join the Tory party – a more perfect misunderstanding of democracy it is hard to imagine; even by Profssor Yasmin. Even here father hated her guts. Even her father hated her guts. Douglas Murray’s “Centre for Social Cohesion” think tank is interesting; who finances such a fringe outfit ? Would be of interest to all Telegraph readers if Mr. Murray could share with us how his think tank is financed; who is paying for all these interesting views on Muslims ? The attached is a link to a debate between Douglas Murray and Yasmin Alabhai Brown in which Douglas comprehensively demolishes Alabhai Brown’s arguments. Alabhai Brown does not like it one little bit and becomes evermore hysterical in her rantings! Congratulations on a job well done in offending her Douglas. We’re proud of you. A few choice quotes from Yasmin A. Brown: ” Once,I’d have applauded anybody who publicly humiliated the English. Now I feel more disquiet than wicked delight.” Oh disquiet is it. Well–maybe its pay-back time for all the wicked delight. Quote: “I want (white men) to be a lost species in a hundred years ” If this womans British citizenship is not revoked by the end of the next two election cycles–and her arse booted out of the country—we would be wise to take it as an omen that white men WILL be a lost species in a hundred years. “The sooner Rod Liddle becomes her newspapers editor, the better.” Would that be the notorious “Terminator Liddle”. Douglas Murray’s think tank website is ranked # 224653 in the UK (1/4 million websites receive more visits than his website in the UK…) My question again: how does one finance such a fringe outfit with all these interesting views on Muslims ? Who pays for the staff on the books ? ============================== Douglas Murray- website ranking “Centre for Social Cohesion” The woman is a vile, anti-English racist who should never have been given citizenshio. She should be stripped of it and deported back to Uganda. The woman is a vile, anti-English racist who should never have been given citizenship. She should be stripped of it and deported back to Uganda. The woman is a vile, anti-English racist who should never have been given citizenship. She should be stripped of it and deported back to Uganda. Watch the silly trout occasionally on BBC News 24, reading the Papers. She should be locked up in a padded cell, but is she the stupidest? That crackpot anti-semitic moron ‘Baroness’ Jenny Tonge would be my choice, with the drooling ancient pantomine ‘Dame’ Shirley Williams running a close second. “The son of a preacher man, John Ebenezer Brown, Gordon has the manse gene.” Unfortunately, she is the sort of immigrant who drives low-watt bulb white people of this parish into the BNP, thus demonstrating that stupidity and prejudice are both colour-blind and universal. She and Nick Griffin deserve one another. More interesting and enlightening videos of Douglas Murray in debates can be found on the following You Tube link The videos are well worth watching. Great work Douglas, keep it up against Islamic extremism…… ….with a special mention to the marvellously lunatic Vanessa Redgrave. There is a certain persecution complex that a subset of (not all) Muslims indulge in. It allows them to say obvious falsehoods (the allegation of British indiscriminant bombing) and truly believe them to be facts. It is bizarre to behold, and dangerous when concentrated in large numbers. It allows, for instance, the Arab world to claim they are under siege even when Muslim Arabs killed hundreds of thousands of non-Arabs (Muslim and non-Muslim) in Sudan. There is zero guilt or even acknowledgement of those atrocities in this persecution-complex community; either the atrocities are denied or we are told victims deserved it (attacked first, were on “our land,” whatever), and oh did you hear what America and Israel are doing to the poor Muslims now? Excellent stuff Douglas. You must become our Geert Wilders. S.O.D Quite right Dan O Connor, when the deportations begin, she should be deportee number 1, with an almighty kick up the arse and onto the gang plank on the way out. I give…. you Mrs Overall! The Brown says it all. This looney tune is living proof that there are more out than in. “Not wishing to plug a certain satellite channel but they have a press preview which Yasmin and her conscience frequently attend at about 11.30pm” …She couldn’t pronounce Mary Jo Kopechne’s name properly Her trouble is that she always thinks that she is the only one who is right, throws a hissie if someone else dares to have an opinion which is different from hers. Yes….but….. What are the indigenous population going to do about this. The Government has an open door immigration policy because our birth rates collapsed. If this is not the case then somebody tell me why they have this open door policy. So…when are we going to see our women having more babies then..???? The nation can’t survive at the birth rates we have right now. It is as simple as that. I mean….more Sex…..whats wrong with that…!!! S.O.D – such a rich vein to excavate! The Williams horror is well spotted, and no, Elizabeth, you were not alone byany means in your jaundiced view of the raving old hag. Another candidate – the fence-post mounted cabbage who married Ed Bollox. I’ve followed her on the Indy for the last 18 months, and I’ve got no idea how she’s still got a job given the level of out-and-out racism that spouts from between her forked tounge. Every week Indy readers post in utter amazement and growing anger at the woman as she manages to reach new depths of finger-pointing and blame-shifting. She built a whole career out of this garbage back in the day when it was fashionable to play pin the tail on the honkey, but despite the odd (and appreciated) article critisizing somtimes backward European Muslim attitudes, continues to issue the kind of statements that she’d have lapped up as meat and gravy if the targets were reversed. I understand that it’s profitable for the media to publish controversial views, even acerbic views, but it’s something else to repeatedly scorn White men (specifically, mind) while wrapping yourself in the cloak of victimhood when old pasty-face pops his head above the newspeak parapet to question the 1990s orthodoxy. After serious consideration and an awful lot of information to the contrary, I’m actually rather proud of what my ‘identity group’ has done for not only this country, but civilisation as a whole. I don’t expect everbody on this earth to agree with me, but I do expect these people to understand that if they don’t happen to like White Men, then this isn’t the island for them. Liddle would be a boon for the Indy just as a taxi Heathrow would be a boon for Yabber Brown. ho She is. She consistently fails to engage what passes for her brain before opening her mouth. Jamie, I seem to remember an article in the Evening Standard very soon after 7/7 wherein this idiot admitted to hoping that the atrocities had been perpetrated by the IRA rather than Islamists! A good friend, who happens to be Irish but no supporter of the violence there, was furious. “..I do expect these people to understand that if they don’t happen to like White Men, then this isn’t the island for them…” Couldn’t agree more. If she is so unhappy here why does she not leave? I think the main problem with that religion is that they can’t kick back and have a drink. They spend their entire day getting worked up about this and that and the only outlet they have is to beat their women. … and rail against non-muslims, of course. Elizabeth said: “His hot young blood ? Sounds like the menopause playing havoc with the poor deranged Brown woman. Although, if it is, it’s been a bloody long menopause – how long has she been spouting this nonsense on Sky TV newspapers review? But Damian said: “It is even more bonkers than you suggest,” Well what can I say? Damian – have you read any of your own blogs recently?? @ alhamilton18 – Because it’s £150 every time she sits on the sofa at BSkyB and the BBC. Don’t they realise that most normal people reach for the remote control as soon as the batty woman appears? She should and could join Salty as a bloggiste in these hallowed blog pages: after all, signing the trout would be on a par with those stallar recruits Salty, Collard and dear, dear David. She also might counter the rampant Catholicism here, and give us a break from young Will’s meanderings. Plus, there would be much venting of spleen and creative invective for our amusement. The answer is obviously yes but I never miss Kelvin and Yasmin on Sky News at 2330. It’s a hoot, Kelvin always makes her look like a real drongo doodle dickhead. She deploys the classic Muslim tactic: the alienation card – insisting that we don’t talk about the awful things Muslims do in case that alienates them even more and causes them to do even more awful things in future. It’s a threat dressed up as a kindness. Take a look around the world, Yasmin. Look at almost every conflict zone on earth. What do you see there? Muslims. So it’s not just us who don’t like you. It’s everyone else on the planet. There are only two possible interpretations of this state of affairs: either there’s something wrong with Muslims, or there’s something wrong with everyone else. Crouchback on Mar 18th, 2010 at 10:51 pm Hear Here! Social comments and analytics for this post… This post was mentioned on Twitter by TelegraphBlogs: Is Yasmin Alibhai-Brown the stupidest woman in Britain?… She talks about British Muslims as if they are about to be dragged out of their homes by the Nazis. This is belittling the real suffering experienced by millions of Jews, and I would suggest, an act of anti-semiticism, because the reality is that in our society our government bends over backwards to accomodate Islam while Muslims go out of their way to alienate themselves from the indigenous population. Yes, and I will use that word in retaliation to Marxist revisionism. In fact, if the truth be known, what Alibhai-Brown might be detecting is not the sinister eventuality of the imagined Islamophobia, but the awakening of the population of these islands to her bull shit and to the bull shit of the rest of the Liberal Marxist elite. Their days are numbered, and of course it is natural that she would become shrill. Amazing. As if we didn’t have enough morons in this country already, we have to import Uganda’s finest. The great Michael Wharton — sadly missed by Telegraph readers — saw through her. One gem of a quotation, found in Wikipedia and his Times obituary, talks about the prejudometer, which could calculate degrees of racial prejudice — “prejudons”, the “internationally recognised scientific unit of racial prejudice”: At 3.6 degrees on the Alibhai-Brown scale, it sets off a shrill scream that will not stop until you’ve pulled yourself together with a well-chosen anti-racist slogan. Someone called Douglas Murray is also cited as a much-needed AB-basher. Her vile words do not stem from stupidity. They stem from a refusal to take responsibility. An inability to see things objectively. A presumption of different standards for those who follow Mohammed – or rather, no standards at all. It is the same howling, incomprehending outrage that we see when Hamas fires a missile into Israel and is scandalised, SCANDALISED to discover that it might be fired back upon. In the old bible, there is much talk of how God co-opts enemies of the peoples of the book to become vehicles by which he may implement his firey critique. If one is to assume that Islamic militancy is one said vehicle, then evidently such people and their apologists labour under the illusion that there is, or should be, some semblance of contract between themselves and God wherein their Manchurian outpouring of hatred upon all within range ought to be accompanied by a properly devout sense of respect and admiration by all bystanders. What Alibhai-Brown is experiencing is nothing more than shock at the reality that Islamic thugs are not in actual fact acting as uncritiquable licensed agents of the Almighty meriting freedom from the judgment to which they overeagerly subject all who cross their path, but rather as violent tools whom God has imbued others with eminent freedom to judge according to their deeds. One day these people and their supporters will figure out that they are but tools. I suspect maybe they already know, and that their conduct reflects an egoistic existential unhappiness at this being the case: by their antagonistic behaviour they are testing the hypothesis. By so doing confirming to themselves that there is no child that can be murdered, no posture of irrational sanctimony that can be adopted, that does not take place under the watchful eye of a big guy. It’s one way to achieve a connection with God, I suppose. And it’s the Manchurian job of everyone else to help recalibrate them back down to earth by holding them to account for the temporal disorder of their actions. THIS is what she objects to: The fundamental unfairness of enrapturement by a divine mandate to wield cultural belligerence, alongside the discovery of the absence of a temporal blank cheque to do so. Is it stupidity? Is it unreasonableness? Well, in the end, I suppose it is God working in his mysterious ways. Not fun for them, not fun for us, and let’s hope the wash that it comes out in is a good one. This Ugandan discussion is fascinating. Whatever: Heath’s gifts are harder to extirpate than herpes, as we know. Douglas Murray – Good article and thank you for your work. It was Yasmin Alibhai-Brown who converted me from an Independent reader to a Telegraph reader. There came a point about 10 years ago when I had finally had enough of her bizarre double-think: the constant praise of Britain’s freedoms and laws combined with utter contempt for its people and history. On a few occasions I actually found her columns rather upsetting, and it takes a lot to disturb my Zen-like calm! The last straw was an article about her childhood in Uganda and her family’s attitude towards black Ugandans — which had the effect of making me feel sympathy for Idi Amin. I don’t want to get into name calling, but people reading this comment thread may enjoy this clip of YAB on Youtube watch it and weep just a wicked note, as today is our wedding anniversary, if she had said I want men to be a lost species in a hundred years and mentioned freezing technology for humanity to survive and pets for love……… P.S. Happy Anniversary David, you have been a great puppy. “I don’t want to get into name calling…” Allow me Cristina – the Brown woman is an ignorant, racist, hectoring harridan whose unfortunate manner is only outdone by her unfortunate looks. She makes Potty Toyperson look good, and we are all the fools for giving this imported fishwife any credence whatsoever. Awful, awful woman! Words fail one really… Some mistake surely ….the stupidest woman in Britain is Janet Daley. While most of what she says is utter pap, this comment apparently from a school boy is of interest: “I will never live in this country after finishing my education. They hate us. They’ll put us all in prison. Nothing we do is OK.” And he’s got a point. Even after he is educated, if he goes to a good university and is eligible for a good job then a sizeable portion of society will still see him as a Muslim potential terrorist immigrant waster before they see him as a citizen. Why should he waste his time in the UK when there are other countries he can go to and make large amounts of money out of his education? Well said Douglas Yasmin Alibi Brown emoted “This week even I, even I, can see that for the British establishment, Muslims are contemptible creatures, devalued humans.” I am in Delhi. Would those supposedly contemptible devalued creatures be as contemptible and devalued as the ones who were murdered in the hotel bombings in Mumbai recently? This woman needs to have her loudspeaker taken away before she starts something she can’t finish. In the article linked by Douglas, Yasmin, having excoriated the showing of Geert Wilders’ Fitna in the House of Lords, ‘dares’ peers to ‘get Omar Bakri over from the Lebanon with films of himself making fiery speeches on what to do with infidels’. Bring Omar to London, Yasmin, to drive home to the British what Islam really thinks about them. For the first time in your life, you’d be doing us a favour. If Omar should run out of ideas, the Qur’an has oodles of suggestions for dealing with the kuffar: 2:191 Kill them [the unbelievers] wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage. 5:33 Those that make war against Allah and His apostle and spread disorders in the land shall be put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides. 8:12 Allah revealed His will to the angels, saying: ‘I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, maim them in every limb!’ Damocles, I agree with you. Most of my best friends during my postgrad years were Muslims and highly qualified scientists. One of them, with his highly polished Oxbridge accent, phoned around for a room to rent. Very keen landlords until he turned up and the doors were shut on his face. Now he lives in Oz. But on the funny side of life: 2 years ago jobs made us move to a Northern English town, a move I consider great, not so my husband with his London accent. On both sides our neighbours are committed BNP voters, one even run for local elections. So, this non-elected, non-educated walking piece of trash goes around complaining about Londoners moving in and he is from Wales. Go figure.Douglas Murray
Douglas Murray is a bestselling author and award-winning journalist based in London. He has written for numerous publications including the Telegraph, Spectator, Wall Street Journal and Sunday Times. He is a columnist for Standpoint magazine and the Director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, a Westminster think-tank which studies radicalisation and extremism in Britain.
Is Yasmin Alibhai-Brown the stupidest woman in Britain?
She lives in the Bubble where most of the socialist elite are to be found.
In her world it goes like this;
“Islam is a lovely religion, how could anyone think different (to her)?
Everything is rosy in the garden and when the caliphate starts running Britain, you Christians (dhimmis) will know justice and true peace (in death).”
Thank you for all your efforts to counter the conspiracy of silence over the islamification of Britain.
You and your ilk made your bed–Yasmin Brown–now you can rot in it. I couldn’t help noticing you said ” English ” but not Scottish or Welsh. A little divide and conquer to wet the appetite perhaps ?
When the Liberation Day festivities are over, I will consider it my personal duty to organise the petition for her expulsion.
Roll on.
Ahhh – the bag with a brick (and no alcohol)- now I understand
Followed by
“At one gathering a frightfully posh, Muslim public school boy (aged 14), an excellent cricketer, said in his jagged, breaking voice: “I will never live in this country after finishing my education. They hate us. They’ll put us all in prison. Nothing we do is OK. Do you think I am wrong Mrs Yasmin?” No I don’t, though his hot young blood makes him intemperate.”
No, no – Jilly Cooper wrote this surely. His hot young blood ? The woman has to be deranged – and possibly watched.
I thought I was alone in my view of Dame Shirley Williams – apparently regarded as a “national treasure”. Admittedly, mainly by the BBC.
Must confess when she appears on the tele I switch off,newspaper articles I just do not read.
People like her forget we all have opinions and none are of anymore value than another, hers included, they are just opinions,thats all
Was the estimable lady a gift from Tedward Heath, as was our EU predicament?
Or is she of the Ugandan tribal persuasion?
I wonder if the Independent’s editorial board has ever considered how many of their readers she has turned away?
Friday, 19 March 2010
Is Yasmin Alibhai-Brown the stupidest woman in Britain?
Recent PostsMarch 18th, 2010 21:1869 CommentsMarch 17th, 2010 7:14March 10th, 2010 7:02March 5th, 2010 13:35March 4th, 2010 7:12
Posted by Britannia Radio at 11:33