Duly Noted: The Germans Pay, The Others Receive

1. Comrade Lumengo is, as one would expect, ready to help the troubled. In this case, not the victims of capitalism received assistance but individuals that thought that they do not know how to mark their ballots. (Voting by mail, therefore not in a controlled booth, is the rule in Switzerland.) Lumengo claims he was not aware of doing something wrong by being as helpful as a candidate can be. This is surprising. The man holds a law degree. In the past Lumengo has already fought a similar charge. Then the case was dismissed. Now Lumengo will have to face a judge. If everything would be “as usual”, the consequences would be the obvious. However, there is a complication. His own party will hardly insist on effective sanctions. Under the circumstances, other parties will also feel inhibited. Lumengo is from Angola. Regardless of the case, that exposes those that demand more than a symbolic reprimand to the charge of racism.