The Nett result is that the Police Constable is interviewing the Birth Certificate which represents the Straw Man / Legal Fiction. In other words he has to ask the questions of the Piece of Paper as the Human Being cannot speak for the piece of Paper.
The outcome of this was the Director of Public Prosecutions decided that it wasn't "in the public interest" to prosecute in this matter.
I think in reality it was more likely that they looked at the statement from the piece of paper and realised that there was no way they would ever get the Human Being into a court.
Please note that this video is NOT a reflection on the Police Constable in the video - he acquitted himself and is a credit to himself. If only all Police Officers were more like him.
I haven't paid taxes for 10 years, i told of the Danish taxcollectionagency SKAT in the exact same way, i had to write a coppel of letters until it reached a high enough level to be understood, and i haven't heard from them in a long time, and i don't expect so either, why should i?
I must say that when i found out that i had always been free, and that i had been searching my hole life for something i haven't even lost, it took a while to sink in.
And then i realised that this is something everybody must find for them selves, and they will, we did, and thousands and thousands of other Free men and women all around the globe, and all because of the internet which gave each of us individually the possibility to get wiser, this is why knowledge is power, and you can't stuff knowledge down the throat of anybody, everybody must learn for them selves, Freedom and Sovereignty is a matter of mindset.
Dispite the fact that i know the outcome, i do look forward to the second part anyways!
Thank you for this video, it is Beautiful!
Freeman on the Land
Julius Gravenhorst