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Sunday, 21 March 2010
Hey Harold,
The hits keep coming, so I guess we're doing something
right! To get you caught up on things here are the links
to the news briefs and interviews we did this past week
to keep you up to speed on the real news...
The new segment with Patrick Wood gives a good intro
into the Trilateral Commission and the Katherine Albrecht
interview provides priceless new info on RFID and a new
"Google" alternative that protects privacy. All the videos
are under 10 min so they won't take up your whole day
but give you the info you need.
Please share these links... that's how we spread the word!
REALITY REPORT #36 - Obama Wants your DNA!
Here's the link:
Youtube alternative:
REALITY REPORT - RFID and Spychips Update with Katherine Albrecht
Here's the link:
Youtube alternative:
REALITY REPORT - Patrick Wood exposing the Trilateral Commission
Here's the link:
Youtube alternative:
NEWS ALERT - Heidi Beirich Spreads Hate, Caught on Tape
Here's the link:
Youtube alternative:
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Remember, Harold, we're not funded by big pharma
nor do we get our talking points from the major parties...
we get it from you!
In Freedom,
PS. If you missed the Health Freedom Conference you can
still catch the online archives at:
P.S.S. We're opening the buying window soon on the new 2010
line up of silver rounds at the Freedom Mint... look for the
email when we do!
Restore The Republic!, 3149 Dundee Rd #176, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, USA
Posted by
Britannia Radio