Legend tells that after the Holocaust, R. Yosef Kahaneman zt'l began looking for Jewish children who had survived the war. It was known that some of the children had ended up in churches and were being raised as Christians. He encountered one church that denied the existence and presence of Jewish children within their midst.... He was granted permission to enter the children's quarters to inspect for himself -- when he entered he began calling out "Shema Yisroel" and instinctively many of the children raised their hands to cover their eyes and started calling out "mama! mama!" ----------------------------------------------- On a different note, and a totally different song (which I just love), is Sarit Hadad's Shema Yisrael with a very uplifting slide show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyXM5QMWnFo (the translation goes most of the way thru the song, but after that, it is repetition of the chorus and is not translated)
Turn on speakers, Click on Site and you will be engulfed!
Sh'ma Israel - English - Hebrew
Sunday, 21 March 2010
A very beautiful and moving video
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Britannia Radio